The Psychology of Identity (Page 3/4)
maryjane JUL 15, 09:25 AM

Originally posted by 2.5:

"Dismantle - to destroy the integrity or functioning of, to disconnect the pieces of
Synonyms - break down, demount, disassemble, dismember, dismount, knock down, strike, take down"

Here is another confusing way to say it, see what you think:
Freedom loving, willing to work for it, defend it, fight for it, and understand what it took for it to exist.
Vs those anti that. (for lack of better terms

And you believe that 'they' take part in, pride in, participate in, or understand none of those things?
'Your' definition is sounding an awful like any given dictionary definition.
Have you no thoughts of your own in regards to how to describe 'dismantle' in the context being discussed?

Its almost like you all of a sudden noticed I'm posting?
Take a look at all my past threads, it will give you an idea. I would think if something was offensive you would have brought it up then. You could also post a reply in them. If you are looking for me to clarify for you and others thanks. I consider my previous posts clarification though, unless in instances of a newbie. If you have a specific question please just ask.

How many ways/things can you come up with that are going on that arent good for the USA? Those things. People that do and encourage those things.
The post above where I said WELL SAID, could be a hint as well.
Bill of rights violations? The disintegration of families? Racism? Censorship? Post modernism? Enabling mental illness? Gun control? Uh, abuse of tax funds? I mean the list is quite long.

Ah.. "those" things. More early 21st century buzz wording.
A pity the "well said' post had to be stated by someone else and not by you in your own words.
I think most of your posts are not your original thoughts. They are the thoughts and words of other people and you simply post up a video of them*, or at best, parrot what the flavor of the month youtube influencer said.
* (not to be confused with that "them'.)

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-15-2021).]

2.5 JUL 15, 11:31 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

And you believe that 'they' take part in, pride in, participate in, or understand none of those things?
'Your' definition is sounding an awful like any given dictionary definition.
Have you no thoughts of your own in regards to how to describe 'dismantle' in the context being discussed?

The ones that don't understand don't. The ones that do, do. You may be looking for more than I am saying.
I did describe 'dismantle' in the context being discussed farther down in the post, just for you. i also added that many ...many things qualify.
Many of my posts encourage people to think for themselves, or speak about it.

How is this not clear?:

Originally posted by 2.5:
How many ways/things can you come up with that are going on that arent good for the USA? Those things. People that do and encourage those things.
The post above where I said WELL SAID, could be a hint as well.
Bill of rights violations? The disintegration of families? Racism? Censorship? Post modernism? Enabling mental illness? Gun control? Uh, abuse of tax funds? I mean the list is quite long.


Originally posted by maryjane:

Ah.. "those" things. More early 21st century buzz wording.
A pity the "well said' post had to be stated by someone else and not by you in your own words.
I think most of your posts are not your original thoughts. They are the thoughts and words of other people and you simply post up a video of them*, or at best, parrot what the flavor of the month youtube influencer said.
* (not to be confused with that "them'.)

Like I said it would be best if you stopped looking for trigger words, look at the content.
I dont think its a pity when someone sees my post, and replies with something relevant to the subject, even showing that they understood, its actually what I prefer. It also lets me know i wasnt completely confusing or misunderstood (which is a plus).
They are my original thoughts, better examplined by speakers or folks more well spoken, or even just better examples. Found through research, (I mentioned before that while at my job I can listen to things. ) I'm not into writing books worth, if an image is worth a thousand words, a video easily encapsulates millions.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 07-15-2021).]

TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 15, 03:29 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

All these groups today identifying differences and separating themselves and eachother weakens us all.
Isn't it interesting that apparently they think they are doing the opposite of dismantling freedom and bringing down society when they try to force society to "embrace diversity" as they are doing.

I was THIS many years old when I heard that there is a unique designation for those who "aren't aroused unless they love a person".

Low sexual intensity

and then... "Demiromanticism is related to but different from demisexuality."

lol I just can't take this stuff seriously anymore. 27+ Genders? Identifying as (non-human) animals? MArrying a pillow? As long as theire's no children or victim involved, go at it - go "do YOU", baby...


Our ancestorshad legitimate concerns... used to have to worry about being eaten by furry clawed critters and having to grow/hunt enough food to live. Now, we have a little buffering on a Netflix stream and we call 911.

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 07-15-2021).]

williegoat JUL 15, 03:55 PM doesn't mean you are attracted to Demi Moore?

Damn, now I have to go change my facebook status.
2.5 JUL 16, 11:20 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Our ancestors had legitimate concerns... used to have to worry about being eaten by furry clawed critters and having to grow/hunt enough food to live. Now, we have a little buffering on a Netflix stream and we call 911.

Some of it I do think is this. We have comfortable easy lives, and need to create drama, boogeymen and enemies.
Side note: Powers that be know this, and use it.
Hudini JUL 16, 11:22 AM
Seems the viscous circle discussed earlier maybe true. Bad times create strong people who create good times which create weak people who create bad times and round and round we go. Did anyone mention a timeline on how long that cycle takes?
2.5 JUL 16, 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Seems the viscous circle discussed earlier maybe true. Bad times create strong people who create good times which create weak people who create bad times and round and round we go. Did anyone mention a timeline on how long that cycle takes?

Thanks for that.
Glad someone remembers that post, and sees the correlation

How long could depend on what happens, I.E. how easy it gets, also would need benchmarks /measurements for how bad times are. Right now I feel like we are propping up BS which is keeping the effects on hold even though they grow. Kind of like printing money.
I think when it gets bad it will also depend on the foundations the people have, principles and understandings they fall back on. Since those seem to erode each year it may have an effect.

Thats my typical overthinking though.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 07-16-2021).]

randye JUL 16, 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Hudini:

Seems the viscous circle discussed earlier maybe true. Bad times create strong people who create good times which create weak people who create bad times and round and round we go. Did anyone mention a timeline on how long that cycle takes?

A "timeline" is probably highly variable but a corollary to the "bad times -good times" axiom is that;

Bad times also tend to eliminate weak people.

The rate at which strong people evolve and weak people are eliminated from bad times probably depends largely on the severity and duration of those bad times.

Among wealth advisors, there is also a saying: "The first generation creates it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation destroys it."

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 07-16-2021).]

rinselberg AUG 19, 10:34 PM
After looking for a Pennock's "home" for this article, I settled here.

WWMAD? What Would Marcus Aurelius Do?

"5 Tips from a Roman Emperor on Living a Good Life"
Jeffrey S. Nevid for Psychology Today; August 18, 2021.

These are the top level "bullets" . . .
  • Don't get too attached to things
  • Recognize that everything changes, even us
  • It’s all in how you think about things
  • Live life in the present
  • Find your place in the world

Anything that "resonates" with Jordan Peterson fans?

The Equestrian Statue. Marcus Aurelius held ancient Rome's top job from 161 to 180 CE.
MidEngineManiac AUG 20, 09:17 AM

Originally posted by williegoat:

We are all part of the Fiero Tribe.

Woudnt that be the Junkyard tribe ?