Russia: the USA preparing false flag chemical attack in Ukraine. (Page 3/5)
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 22, 01:07 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Ha! Good one "82", you really had me going there for a moment.

Rinse, it's funny how two people can look at the same thing and come away with a different opinion. I would use your same picture as evidence of what I'm talking about. The Democrats got their best, and spent nearly the whole 4 years investigating him, starting so far as to do it even before he got into office and was still campaigning. We know this because NSA director Admiral Rogers reported it officially that the FBI was violating the FISA 702 warrants.

...and after all of this, what we learned was that in fact the only Russian associations were those of Hillary Clinton, who paid to have a the Russian Dossier concocted. Nothing, and I mean nothing that was alleged came to fruition.

But I still have Democrat friends that are convinced that Trump is a Russian asset, despite no proof... they only want it to be so because they were led to believe it so strongly by the media narrative.

Originally posted by sourmash:

As a business owner baking cakes, try to refuse to decorate a cake in America based on your personal religious beliefs.
Try posting to social media as President Donald Trump.
Try posting to social media with facts about health risks of mRNA injections.
Try stating you pride in your White heritage.

In Russia... going against the Government will get you killed. So #2 and #3 are not entirely accurate. You're right about #1... but there are probably places where a cake owner would get into deep **** if they refused to bake a certain cake in other areas. Maybe near red square, if a cake owner refused to bake a cake that showed communism in a positive light. I dunno.

But the white pride thing doesn't jive with me. For all intents and purposes, I'm basically white. My mom is Hispanic (born in Argentina, and her mother, and her mother's parents, and their parents, were all Argentine). But my dad is Dutch, so all in all, I basically look white.

But I see being "white" no different than having a left arm, or having toenails. It's just a physiology. Not exactly a "heritage."

My heritage is varied, and I'm proud of all of it... I'm VERY lucky that all directions of my family's history go down a path of honor. But being "white" isn't a heritage. Being of European descent is... if that's what you mean. You can absolutely be proud of that. I mean... you can be proud of whatever you want really...

... and to be clear, I think I know exactly what you meant, but others may take it differently. There's no "black heritage" ... though some people would say so. To suggest that there is a black heritage kind of homologous and simplifies all the different cultures where people happen to be black. I just hate to see you be just like those idiots on the left that word something that same way.
sourmash DEC 22, 01:18 PM
You're wrong. Why did Seth Rich die? Why are so many other people Arkancided? Why did J Edgar collude with the mafia and why did he deny it existed? Why did Gary Webb get pushed into a lion's cage? Why are Snowden and Assange in peril? The list hasn't even gotten started.

My White heritage has plenty of value. It might be different than an Irish or Italian one by some variation. Definitely to yours.
2.5 DEC 22, 05:26 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

I won't forget how you refuaed to accept my statements over and over last time. I don't remember all of history, but that's an item I won't forget.

You kept needling about personal beliefs which I never altered time after time. But it was clear you were not going to stop until you got a response that fit your agenda. I can't be what you were looking for.

If youd like to link the thread you are talking about for others to witness that'd be fine too, I don't even remember the thread.
You either intentionally misunderstand or have the worlds largest chip on your shoulder because it serves a purpose for you.
I'll just continue to be my honest self. You can do the same, thats fine with me.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 22, 05:54 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Definitely to yours.

Lol, right there is the attempted insult.

sourmash DEC 22, 06:11 PM
No. Perhaps you're assuming you know mine? Perhaps you feel that your opinion on heritage is the only one that's valid?

Originally posted by 2.5:
If youd like to link the thread you are talking about for others to witness that'd be fine too, I don't even remember the thread.
You either intentionally misunderstand or have the worlds largest chip on your shoulder because it serves a purpose for you.
I'll just continue to be my honest self. You can do the same, thats fine with me.

You are being dishonest and you and I know it. You were dishonest then, too.

I retract giving you the benefit of a doubt. Your initial question was a rhetorical one.
cvxjet DEC 22, 07:38 PM
First off- I have a lot of conservative friends...I have always been conservative- but Teddy Roosevelt conservative. Most of those friends over the last 15 years have started saying stupid crap like "Russia is a GREAT country!" and "Putin is a good Christian and a great leader!" I started wondering what the hell glue they were sniffing....Common thread turned out to be Fox I started doing some digging; Fox is owned and run by Rupert Murdock- who is an AUSTRALIAN....And his best friend and biz partner is Vladimir Putin.

Anyone should know about Vlady; He is ex-KGB, and has stated on numerous occasions that he would stop at nothing to reassemble the USSR- the main obstacles are NATO and the US- he actually stated that he would destroy the US if he ever got the chance. Vlady GAMED the russian election system to make himself dictator-for-life. He has people assassinated all over the world.

Anyone stating what a "great guy" he is, is being brain-washed. Russia controls programming on Fox and OANN- they also control content on CNN, BSing them in the opposite direction...getting people on both sides of the isle to "Hate the other side"...brilliant way to wreck the US.

As far as the "White pride" stuff; Good Christian white folk- a guy named Kelsey (W/ friend Stone) enslaved some Indians- keeping them locked up and starving them- and taking their little girls to the "Big house" for things better left unsaid. Finally the Indians were able to escape, and they killed Kelsey and Stone, then left. The local good Christian white folk told the US military and they went up to an island on the north shore of Clear lake and massacred a whole village- mainly women and children (They were very obviously NOT the same "injuns")

The town of Kelseyville is named after the great pedophile.

My personal opinion is that instead of a "Black history month" and "Asian-Pacific islander" week, etc......there are 365 days every year; How about a day for each nationality? I am Danish, so maybe a Scandinavian day where I could wear a little Danish flag on my chest...We are all (Basically) from other nations and we should be able to remember the >>GOOD<< things from our past...

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 12-22-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] DEC 22, 08:31 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

First off- I have a lot of conservative friends...I have always been conservative- but Teddy Roosevelt conservative. Most of those friends over the last 15 years have started saying stupid crap like "Russia is a GREAT country!" and "Putin is a good Christian and a great leader!" I started wondering what the hell glue they were sniffing....Common thread turned out to be Fox I started doing some digging; Fox is owned and run by Rupert Murdock- who is an AUSTRALIAN....And his best friend and biz partner is Vladimir Putin.

Anyone should know about Vlady; He is ex-KGB, and has stated on numerous occasions that he would stop at nothing to reassemble the USSR- the main obstacles are NATO and the US- he actually stated that he would destroy the US if he ever got the chance. Vlady GAMED the russian election system to make himself dictator-for-life. He has people assassinated all over the world.

Anyone stating what a "great guy" he is, is being brain-washed. Russia controls programming on Fox and OANN- they also control content on CNN, BSing them in the opposite direction...getting people on both sides of the isle to "Hate the other side"...brilliant way to wreck the US.

As far as the "White pride" stuff; Good Christian white folk- a guy named Kelsey (W/ friend Stone) enslaved some Indians- keeping them locked up and starving them- and taking their little girls to the "Big house" for things better left unsaid. Finally the Indians were able to escape, and they killed Kelsey and Stone, then left. The local good Christian white folk told the US military and they went up to an island on the north shore of Clear lake and massacred a whole village- mainly women and children (They were very obviously NOT the same "injuns")

The town of Kelseyville is named after the great pedophile.

My personal opinion is that instead of a "Black history month" and "Asian-Pacific islander" week, etc......there are 365 days every year; How about a day for each nationality? I am Danish, so maybe a Scandinavian day where I could wear a little Danish flag on my chest...We are all (Basically) from other nations and we should be able to remember the >>GOOD<< things from our past...

Well, all I can say about this is I'm sorry you have friends like that. None of my friends think Russia or Putin are good or positive. We all don't dislike Russians, per-se... as a people, but we dislike their government, and I don't know anyone that likes Borscht either. I for one cannot stand Putin and / or the USSR.

I agree with your idea on the "history month." I don't know what "black history" looks like, any more than I think "white history" looks like. I mean... if I'm to take it at face value, white or black history would be absurdly broad. If I bothered to look it up, I'd have to guess that all of these "history months" were created by white people. It's the concept that a group of "other people" need a special month to make them feel good about themselves because "they're not like us," (what I envision goes through the minds of a leftist). To me, that's incredibly... what's the word, pretentious.

I really do like OAN, and I really do like Epoch Times. I know what you've probably read and heard about either... OAN is definitely pro-Trump / pro-right... but what I like about it is that it focuses on information that I want, and it is neither inciting or enraging ... alternately, it's insightful. The normal news is very calm, stated matter of fact... and done in a way that's more similar to how Walter Cronkite used to do the news (at least videos I remember of him). Epoch Times also works really hard to emphasize truth from both sides... though of course it does focus on articles and news that would be of interest to people who are right leaning, such as myself.

I do not watch Fox News... I can't stand it, I really can't. I don't need "friends" on TV, nor do I want to watch 5 people having a conversation with each other. I also don't want to be yelled at, and I don't think everything is "BREAKING NEWS ALERT!!!" with flashing red everywhere.
sourmash DEC 23, 09:07 AM
Um, you do know nothing he says is truthful, right? None of his presented philosophy is legitimate. None of his friends do what he says they did or do.

Indian-Americans displaced, often murdered, often enslaved, or raped and occassionally ATE other Indian-Americans. That is the nature of man at his base.

Advanced, modern Western civilization is something the White man developed. Along with it's negative aspects, the globe strives for a piece of it.

2.5 DEC 23, 10:49 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

I retract giving you the benefit of a doubt. Your initial question was a rhetorical one.

As it helps you avoid any response of substance I'm not surprised you would decide to tell me what questions of mine were retorical or not, or when I am being honest. But I do of course recognize its always ones choice how to respond.


By the way since you seem to be bringing race/heritage up in this thread. I couldn't care less about where my ancestors came from, or the color of my skin. It has nothing to do with who I am, or what is important.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 12-23-2021).]

sourmash DEC 24, 12:56 PM
You actually think you asked a legitimate question? Do I have proof? Yes.

Originally posted by 2.5:

As it helps you avoid any response of substance I'm not surprised you would decide to tell me what questions of mine were retorical or not, or when I am being honest. But I do of course recognize its always ones choice how to respond.

You poor victim. Does that work in your real world?
Answer the question. Did you do a search? I learned from experience with you specifically that you have an agenda which doesn't respect what someone has told you. That's how I have experienced your dishonesty. After answering you several times you kept saying I wasn't answering. It was then that you revealed what you were really wanting to hear. You're not an honest person. You just have a softer delivery than other triggered people.

By the way since you seem to be bringing race/heritage up in this thread. I couldn't care less about where my ancestors came from, or the color of my skin. It has nothing to do with who I am, or what is important.

Did you believe I give an eff what you think about heritage? But you're wrong again. It has most of everything to do with who you are, like it or not.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 12-24-2021).]