Sourmash banned? What happened? (Page 3/3)
maryjane APR 02, 12:33 AM

Sure, some of what he typed was for shock value, not wrong tho.

He was quite often wrong.
Valkrie9 APR 02, 05:41 AM
Retrospective analysis of truth and reasoning, more right than wrong.
Repetitive cliche parroting has little effect on those able to discern reality.
In a war that will escalate quickly because the enemy has plans for world domination, the internal domestic sympathizers will be rounded up under martial law, a matter of precedence, Dec 1941.
Compiled lists of domestic terror accomplices and co-conspirators shipped to camps for the safety of the Nation, the internal threat of sabotage handled, into collectives located in southeast Texas, miles across, disarmed for the safety of the State.
There, inside the double wire fences topped with razor, the rabid bolsheviks will take to their boxes and stools to be heard above the gathered desperate crowds, extolling the virtues of marxism as a means to take power by gun barrel, power forever, the Constitution be damned.
So, yeah, sourmash is the telltale, the canary in the coal mine, that dissent is not to be tolerated in the conversation about the future of America.
' You better shut up kid '
maryjane APR 02, 11:20 AM

Compiled lists of domestic terror accomplices and co-conspirators shipped to camps for the safety of the Nation, the internal threat of sabotage handled, into collectives located in southeast Texas, miles across

Oh, do tell, where (exactly) these Texas 'collectives miles across' are located. I'll take a drive down and check them out.

Those who do nothing, do nothing wrong.
Those who say nothing, (other than unsubstantiated rhetoric and hyperbole) say nothing wrong.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-02-2022).]

Valkrie9 APR 02, 12:51 PM
The history of the planet,
all of it, has made clear that the instant weakness is discernible by the barbarians, they begin their plans for attack.
Why Putin invaded Ukraine, the provocation planned long ago, Biden_Joe weakly responding, intent on retreat, in the South China Sea, moments from now.
Incapable of defending his own southern border, Biden_Joe's strategy is capitulation on behalf of Americans, to avoid nuclear attack, that which Putin has promised.
Massive communist armies approach unimpeded, from Mexico, from Canada, sea, air, and by space, 400 million conventional mobilized, under an umbrella of nuke missiles.
The attack on the Constitution, that which confirms, and acknowledges freedom.
Camps, to separate the the factions in hope of domestic peace, as has been practiced for more than a century, conveniently located behind the southern front, Texas.
Perhaps some of you are under the illusion that the Ukraine attack is the war, when it is the first pawn's move by white, to draw the machines of black out.
The most effective first strike by Putin, would then have to be the most significant and symbolic military target on the continental US.
The spring offensive is about to begin.
You're gonna have to fight, to exist, to be.
Or be blown away by the winds of time, a memory soon forgotten, a mere blip in the global political arena.

williegoat APR 02, 01:04 PM
When did Stan move north?
maryjane APR 02, 01:31 PM
Oh good grief charlie brown...

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-02-2022).]

IMSA GT APR 02, 02:21 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

When did Stan move north?

Exactly and he has the same mental health coverage as Stan.
theBDub APR 03, 01:13 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

When did Stan move north?

I knew it sounded familiar.
blackrams APR 13, 06:51 PM
As I was traveling today, listening to some talk show on the radio, they began to talk about Frank James and his racist posts. Obviously, I don't know Frank James but, what they said and how they described Frank James internet postings reminded me of someone from this forum. Although he's no longer here, that's who I thought of first.

It wasn't until I saw the evening news did I get the rest of the story.

williegoat APR 13, 07:30 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

As I was traveling today, listening to some talk show on the radio, they began to talk about Frank James and his racist posts. Obviously, I don't know Frank James but, what they said and how they described Frank James internet postings reminded me of someone from this forum. Although he's no longer here, that's who I thought of first.

It wasn't until I saw the evening news did I get the rest of the story.


I thought the same thing.

On a side note: The following image is from the video embedded in your linked article. It speaks for itself.