What are you all doing to prepare for a possible recession? (Page 3/3)
maryjane APR 01, 11:42 PM

By the way, I went to a cattle show (my first one) up here in Tampa... or, not really sure where I was... Lakeland I think? But it was during the Strawberry Festival. Lots of stuff I'd not heard before. They had kids walking around and presenting cows before a judge. One girl was like 7 years old, and she was walking a nearly-full sized cow into the center of the stadium. The judge was going on about "clean around the corners, nice wide shoulders, good looking heifer, nice confident walk in the rear..." hahah... I kept thinking to myself... Geico should do a commercial where one of these judges does a beauty pageant!

Sounds like an auction after a cattle show or youth fair show.
Auctioneer at a beef or dairy weekly livestock sale wouldn't spend much time on remarks.

I hear things like:
"She's got a little gimp in her gitalong but she'll heal up and still raise you a couple of calves" (an older cow that has a little limp)

"Boys, she stood next to the best cow in the barn." (he just couldn't find anything positive to say about her)

A group of yearlings comes into the ring, the bidding starts and the high bid takes 10 out of the 13 total. Auctioneer says "Look at that boys, the best 3 are still in the ring"

"You gotta buy something or your wife won't believe you were here all day. I won't vouch for ya"
“We got a black haired, blue eye beauty right here in front of ya” (black angus that is blind)

"You talk about a good momma cow..she gave everything she had to that calf" (broke tooth older, skin and bones momma cow with a sagging udder)
"She's broke to the lead rope boys"! (as she's trying to kill everybody that gets near her)

I was bidding for a nice heifer one time and the bidding was gettin up near my limit and there were just 2 of us still bidding. I couldn't see who was raising my bid & yelled out "Whose still bidding and auctioneer said "Just you and me Don and you just bought her"

OldsFiero APR 02, 08:38 AM
There was a farmer here that talked like Elmer Fudd. One time at a livestock auction, there was a horse being sold and Don said let me see that horse twot. The auctioneer had someone raise it's tail. The place roared. Don said "no, no, I want to see it wun."

Valkrie9 APR 02, 09:25 AM
rofl !

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-02-2022).]

82-T/A [At Work] APR 02, 11:01 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Sounds like an auction after a cattle show or youth fair show.
Auctioneer at a beef or dairy weekly livestock sale wouldn't spend much time on remarks.

I hear things like:
"She's got a little gimp in her gitalong but she'll heal up and still raise you a couple of calves" (an older cow that has a little limp)

"Boys, she stood next to the best cow in the barn." (he just couldn't find anything positive to say about her)

A group of yearlings comes into the ring, the bidding starts and the high bid takes 10 out of the 13 total. Auctioneer says "Look at that boys, the best 3 are still in the ring"

"You gotta buy something or your wife won't believe you were here all day. I won't vouch for ya"
“We got a black haired, blue eye beauty right here in front of ya” (black angus that is blind)

"You talk about a good momma cow..she gave everything she had to that calf" (broke tooth older, skin and bones momma cow with a sagging udder)
"She's broke to the lead rope boys"! (as she's trying to kill everybody that gets near her)

I was bidding for a nice heifer one time and the bidding was gettin up near my limit and there were just 2 of us still bidding. I couldn't see who was raising my bid & yelled out "Whose still bidding and auctioneer said "Just you and me Don and you just bought her"

Hahah... that's pretty funny.

Yeah, I'm not really sure. This town about 40 minutes north of me has a Strawberry Festival every year. I don't know if it was an auction (maybe?), but it was more of a beauty pageant for cows. Everyone who was displaying a cow was a child of one age or another. They looked like older elementary school (5th grade?) through high school. And there were multiple groups, though I couldn't tell you what the difference was because they were all pretty much the same kind of cow. There was one cow that was totally gray, which was kind of cool.

But yeah, it was anywhere from 3 to 8 at a time, and then they'd hand out ribbons and stuff. We hung around for a while and watched a few of them because I'd never seen something like that before. I have to assume that the kids were responsible for taking care of and raising (and cleaning) the cow they were presenting... so they were really proud.

But yeah, I think you're right... I think there was an auction.

Let me see if I can look it up...

Yeah, this is it... https://flstrawberryfestiva...uth-livestock-shows/

I think I went on Saturday or Sunday... not sure which one though.
maryjane APR 03, 02:34 PM
completely different than a weekly livestock auction. It's a youth fair auction. I've been to quite a few of those and participated on both ends of it.

What you saw was the end of a youth livestock show. Mostly 4H and FFA kids. After the judging, usually a day or 2 after, the rules of the show state that all the kids' animals (there are a few exceptions) are to be auctioned off, but it's not an auction for beef or production. It's basically a charity auction.
Generally, all the animals (poultry, cattle, sheep included) will sell far far higher than what they would be worth at a weekly livestock auction. Same for flats of berries, fruit, pies etc. This is a way for the ag sector to support local younguns and contribute to their college funds etc..

An example-$1200 for a flat of Camino Real strawberries at a La youth fair.

How much did the grand champion steer sell for in San Antonio?
Lubbock Christian fifth grader wins Grand Champion steer at San Antonio Stock Show. LUBBOCK, Texas – Luke Altman, a fifth grader at Lubbock Christian School, won Grand Champion Market Steer at the San Antonio Stock Show. He ended up selling his steer, that he names Murphy, for $109,000

I've spent several thousands of $$ over the years at youth fair auctions, usually at the end of each thing sold, giving what is called 'added money or add-on money'.
I've also donated calves to ffa-4h kids to raise and show.

(some of the bigger non-youth shows are a friggin racket and a whole cattle cottage industry has sprung up over the last 10 years specifically catering to "fluffy calf' 4H club calves. Matt Lautner farms in Iowa is famous (or infamous depending on viewpoint) for raising and selling them.

The kind of auction I usually go to buying and selling:

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-03-2022).]

82-T/A [At Work] APR 05, 11:14 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

completely different than a weekly livestock auction. It's a youth fair auction. I've been to quite a few of those and participated on both ends of it.

It was kind of cool. It's not something that I've ever really experienced... so that was the best part about it.

I never got to see the cattle run, or whatever it's called in San Antonio. I did get to participate in Fiesta, but the last two years I was in San Antonio were COVID years, so everything I missed my first year there, I'd planned to do the next year... and just never got the opportunity.

2.5 APR 08, 01:25 PM
Fear mongering or no?

Lots if ideas


"Be the American worker that we used to be"
Valkrie9 APR 09, 07:08 PM

Doomsday Bunkers

Personal and Family Survival - 1963

1) Above the anticipated water level high mark.
2) Below enough earth, steel, concrete and limestone to shield from nuclear emissions.
3) Air, water and food for N people and livestock for A years, to be determined.
' We live underground.... ! '

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-09-2022).]

2.5 APR 12, 11:12 AM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Fear mongering or no?

Lots if ideas


"Be the American worker that we used to be"

Just fear mongering or realistic?