Media lies and the sheep who eat it up... (Page 3/4)
rinselberg MAR 10, 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Wichita:
The sad part is the total devastation of public trust in government, media, academia and institutions. Maybe it's always been like that whole time and we were all fooled and it's all indoctrination and propaganda and everyone gets hypnotized away from the truth.

If you are dumb enough like me to take red pill, its not a great feeling to know you are constantly lied too, gaslighted, punched down and constantly being berated by steamboats of agitations filled with Stasis who want nothing more to steal all of your earnings and to see you dead. It's freaking depressing.

Stay on the blue pill, I beg you. Believe everything they tell you. Follow everything they tell you. Be a good solider and follow orders. Keep being drunk and high on drugs and alcohol. Stay fat. Blame everyone else if it doesn't go right. Try to sue people into financial ruin. Put people you dislike in prison or at least ruin their reputations and financial well-being. Let the state raise your children. Again, keep drunk and high on alcohol and drugs everyday.

I "get" the third paragraph... the "blue pill". But I don't know how to parse the second paragraph or "red pill". Is that Wichita being "straight"..? Or is he being sarcastic? I don't know whether he is "giving no quarter" or being "too clever by half". Quarter... half... OMG! How do I come up with this stuff?

Did I say that Wichita's Red Pill vs Blue Pill remarks have prompted me to suggest this online essay? Why yes I did. Scroll back a small ways and you can see that. What I said about this essay. The essay, once again:

"How America Fractured Into Four Parts"
George Packer for The Atlantic; July/August 2021.

"Free America, Real America, Smart America and Just (as in justice) America"

"The Four Americas"

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-10-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] MAR 10, 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Was there something about Todd's new Fiero we haven't been told about? Could it possibly have been previously owned by a... communist?

You know... I really do like the curves of the aero-bodied Fieros... but honestly, my favorite style has ALWAYS been the "2m" body style. Same goes for the 2nd gen Pontiac TransAm, and the Porsche 944... I prefer the bumper-pads of the 79-81 TransAm, and the bumper pads of the original 944 (non-turbo) version. Just something about that style... purposeful, utilitarian, but still sleek and stylish.
MidEngineManiac MAR 10, 08:20 PM
I dunno, my "favorite" never rolled out of the factory. And I only ever did it once.

Bumper-pad fastback. Damn near make ya drool.
Raydar MAR 10, 08:50 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

As far as what I added at the end, about "rinselberg"... if that detracted (for Raydar) from what I had presented up to that point, that's misfortunate, but that last part wasn't meant as any kind of substance.

rinselberg MAR 10, 10:11 PM

George Packer is an award-winning author and staff writer at The Atlantic. His previous books include The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America (winner of the National Book Award), The Assassins’ Gate: America in Iraq, and Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century (winner of the Hitchens Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for biography). He is also the author of two novels and a play, and the editor of a two-volume edition of the essays of George Orwell.

2.5 MAR 10, 10:59 PM
What it is about is media, news, and reporting.
rinselberg MAR 11, 12:26 AM

Media lies and the sheep who eat it up...

That reads like an accusation.

I'm thinking that you want to (try to) build drama with suspense, drawing out the period of anticipation until the audience is literally squirming in their seats with tension.

When you've judged that the feverish drumbeat of emotion has risen up to its zenith—that's the moment when you pounce and take center stage (so to speak) and finally unveil the name(s) of the "sheep".

Will you be costumed?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-11-2023).]

Valkrie9 MAR 11, 01:50 AM
Repetition of the dempartie line of bs is the ' do ' of their mimicry.
Garbage in, garbage out, without a thought of their own.
Passing on into the canopy of the rain forest, what was heard.
Why ' parroting ' describes those humans on the ' less than ' part of the IQ scale, unable to process reality and calculate truth.
A fake message to the people, to gain power, forever, lies, and usually by sword.
Reality is truth, so then, truth will prevail inevitably, correcting the liars of the world in the harshest way of the world.
Happened before for all time, repeatedly correcting the liars, by multiple nuke attacks on American targets this time, I think .
It is still possible today to correct the liar Biden_Joe, before those doomsday events.
Nuking 500 targets in Red China, and 500 in Russia in retaliation, will make true the terrible prophecies of a millennia of seers.
To survive, we would have to live underground for many generations, like before, more than 12K years ago.
A safe space to live in, while the glaciers covered the northern hemisphere, truly an ice age.
Ancient Cities Of Cappadocia, in Turkey.
Tunnel Boring
How Long ?
The dempartie, not really thinking of the future, no, not so much.
The dempartie, not ' doing ' much planning for the future.
Biden_Joe, soon to be croaked, not many effs given, obviously.
Parrots bs mostly.
Patrick MAR 11, 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Biden_Joe, soon to be croaked, not many effs given, obviously.

No problem... the Mar-a-Lago People will save the day!

Valkrie9 MAR 11, 04:20 AM
The San Francisco branch of the De Triumph family.
Emigrated from the Reims region of Northern France in 1837, Frank DeTriumph traveled south from Canada, then, hit a rich bonanza vein in the Rush, north of Sutter's Mill, '49.

A grandson, Harold, hit another strike in the Klondike of '97, almost froze solid, his future wife Goldie, thawed him out in her bathtub.
Made millions decades later in the roaring 20's, selling squeaky rubber duck toys for children.

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 03-11-2023).]