Hockey player Adam Johnson. (Page 3/4)
Patrick NOV 15, 11:18 PM

Originally posted by OldGuyinaGT:

Hockey is a great game; like any activity, it isn't everyone's cup of tea. But if you' re going to voice an opinion, make it an educated one.

Pretty funny that a couple of the guys here who are trashing the world's fastest game, wouldn't know a puck if they stepped on one.
maryjane NOV 16, 12:40 AM
I don't think most hockey fans go just to watch the fights but a lot of them go hoping there will be one, just as a lot of race fans go to the track hoping they will get to see a wreck.
San Angelo, where i lived in the 90s and very early 20s had a hockey team called San Angelo Outlaws and played in a minor pro league called Western Professional which later became Central Hockey league. All I can say about the 2 games we went to and several that I watched on local tv there, , is every time there was a fight, the fans all cheered and hollered. I was not a big fan of the game itself, but it was a nice diversion from football.
82-T/A [At Work] NOV 16, 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

LOL... gawd you're pathetic. Do you just make up this bullsh!t off the top of your head or what?

As usual, you don't have a freakin' clue what you're talking about. Couldn't you find a brain-dead meme to post, as you do in P&R? Thanks for the laugh though!

For anyone who doesn't waste their time in P&R (good on ya), there are compelling reasons why Wichita has earned this well-deserved nickname there...

I disagree with him on hockey, I'm a huge fan of hockey (Caps fan)... but I think you owe him an apology for this...

"Have you ever even watched a hockey game in your whole miserable existence? Maybe stick to the BS you know best... brain-dead memes in P&R"

Now that we know he's being charged for manslaughter... at least offer him an apology if the guy is convicted. You seemed to lash out here to him unprovoked.
williegoat NOV 16, 09:20 AM
rinselberg NOV 16, 09:49 AM
Wichita has a condescending attitude in the way that he expresses his ideas and opinions. Sometimes he's not condescending, but those are the exceptions or outliers. He's 97 percent condescending. His remarks here about hockey—and about Canadians—"thugs"—were clearly condescending.

If Wichita had said something along the lines of "I'm not a hockey fan myself. I have these metrics about the athleticism of hockey players," and just kind of left it at that, he wouldn't have crossed over into condescending territory.

And that was only the second of his two condescending remarks.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-16-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] NOV 16, 02:46 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:
"I'm not a hockey fan myself. I have these metrics about the athleticism of hockey players,"

In the 1990s, we used to beat people up that talked like that!!! Hahah (joking...)
OldGuyinaGT NOV 16, 03:27 PM

If you did a comparison, hockey ranks the lowest in intensity, power, agility, coordination, reaction time, speed or strategy. This is ranked by College of Sports Medicine MET scores and by (CGI) complexity game index.

Well, I guess that depends on who you ask:
Top 20 Hardest Sports In The World Ranked By Difficulty

Having participated in organized high school baseball, football, and ice hockey, (and hockey beyond that) I tend to agree more with this ranking.

82-T/A [At Work] NOV 16, 05:14 PM

Originally posted by OldGuyinaGT:
Well, I guess that depends on who you ask:
Top 20 Hardest Sports In The World Ranked By Difficulty

Having participated in organized high school baseball, football, and ice hockey, (and hockey beyond that) I tend to agree more with this ranking.

Growing up, I did (competitively on a team) tennis, soccer, track, lacrosse, baseball, skiing (slalom / downhill), and hockey. I could not do hockey... I had a problem stopping, and could never brace myself enough to hit the puck without losing my balance. It was because I was so bad at hockey, that I ended up joining the ski team... hahah... so I guess I can agree with this list.
Patrick NOV 16, 05:33 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Now that we know he's being charged for manslaughter... at least offer him an apology if the guy is convicted. You seemed to lash out here to him unprovoked.

An apology for what? Take off the blinders, Todd. Wichita loves to get his little digs in, I responded appropriately. Cry me a river.

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Wichita has a condescending attitude in the way that he expresses his ideas and opinions.

No kidding!

Originally posted by OldGuyinaGT:

Having participated in organized high school baseball, football, and ice hockey, (and hockey beyond that) I tend to agree more with this ranking.

Yep, #2 behind only boxing seems spot on.

Wouldn't you love to see someone who dismisses hockey as the "least athletic of all the sports" try to play it?

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 11-16-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] NOV 16, 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

An apology for what? Take off the blinders, Todd. Wichita loves to get his little digs in, I responded appropriately. Cry me a river.

I'm politely stating that you allowed your emotions from P&R to carry over here. He made a simple statement that was non-political, and not a dig towards you. He said,

"That hockey player that kicked and killed him has a history of doing stuff like this to other players and officials."

and then you took it up a notch.

I'm simply saying, the dude has been charged, and if they can prove mens rea, then he'll be convicted. So maybe you prematurely jumped down Wichita's back.