Hockey player Adam Johnson. (Page 4/4)
Patrick NOV 16, 06:00 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I'm politely stating that you allowed your emotions from P&R to carry over here. He made a simple statement that was non-political, and not a dig towards you. He said,

"That hockey player that kicked and killed him has a history of doing stuff like this to other players and officials."

and then you took it up a notch.

My response to that post was...

Originally posted by Patrick Here:

I call bullsh!t. Got a link?

This player does not have "a history of doing stuff like this to other players and officials". There is no history of this player attacking anyone with his skates. I asked Wichita for a link to back up his bogus claim, which of course he couldn't supply. It was then that Wichita himself "took it up a notch".

Originally posted by Wichita Here:

I get he is a Canadian thug...

As I stated previously Todd, take off your blinders... and then actually read what has been presented in this thread. This defending of poor innocent little Wichita is rather nauseating.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 11-16-2023).]

82-T/A [At Work] NOV 16, 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

As I stated previously Todd, take off your blinders... and then actually read what has been presented in this thread.

Look Patrick, I don't hate you, even though you might think I do. But you find yourself in this situation more often than not. I know when we get older we lose patience and just start doing whatever the hell we want. When I was in the DC metro subway with my dad, he was walking between the trains using the emergency doors as if this was something that was totally ok to do. I couldn't believe it, and he just swore in Dutch to brush it off like it was nothing. I'm just saying... what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... don't bring your P&R-vibes into the T-O/T. Also, I'm not a horse... I don't wear blinders.

[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 11-16-2023).]

Patrick NOV 17, 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Nobody but nobody kicks their skates up high on purpose (except for figure skaters). It's drilled into every kid's head when they learn to skate that the blades are sharp and potentially dangerous. Although I play hockey just recreationally, I've watched thousands upon thousands of televised NHL games since about 1960... and it's very rare that skates ever get up around head level... and it's certainly never done purposely.

I was never a fan of retired NHL player Jeremy Roenick when he played for the Chicago Blackhawks, but I have to concur with what he states in this video. He echoed what I posted earlier about hockey players never intentionally raising their skates... and I sadly also agree with Roenick that it appears Matt Petgrave in this instance made a "very very bad decision"... which ultimately led to the tragic death of Adam Johnson. Hopefully the English courts will sort this all out.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 11-17-2023).]

maryjane NOV 17, 05:34 AM
Ultimately? He bled out in less than a minute.

A 'very bad decision' is still a decision . He could have decided 'not to' kick his skate up that high. Voluntary or involuntary, it's still manslaughter.
82-T/A [At Work] NOV 17, 10:04 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Ultimately? He bled out in less than a minute.

A 'very bad decision' is still a decision . He could have decided 'not to' kick his skate up that high. Voluntary or involuntary, it's still manslaughter.

Yes... and I don't know the legal specifics to where he's being charged, but under common law in the UK, like here... there is a difference between involuntary and voluntary manslaughter. It appears as though he is being charged with [voluntary] manslaughter, which means the prosecution believes it was intentional. Now, I haven't read the specifics, and maybe it says somewhere different... but that's a key point here. They clearly do not think it was gross negligence... which would make it involuntary.

I will take it all back if someone wants to quote me where it says it's involuntary.
Patrick NOV 17, 01:31 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Ultimately? He bled out in less than a minute.

Is there a minimum time frame for the use of that term that I'm not aware of?

Originally posted by maryjane:

A 'very bad decision' is still a decision . He could have decided 'not to' kick his skate up that high. Voluntary or involuntary, it's still manslaughter.

Who's saying otherwise?

Before I watched the video of the incident, I suspected it was "just" an accident. However, watching the game video clip put a lot of doubt in my mind... and then listening to several NHL veterans give their opinion, I now unfortunately agree that the charge of manslaughter is totally warranted.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 11-19-2023).]

Jake_Dragon NOV 17, 02:52 PM
At the very least you would expect the hockey league would keep him off the ice for a couple of games. Someone did die.
Its always been a blood sport. But they should at the least try and look like they give a **** .
Patrick NOV 17, 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

At the very least you would expect the hockey league would keep him off the ice for a couple of games.

What, you think he's played since then?

At hockey practice today, we discovered that a fella we know back east through hockey (in Toronto) has actually worked with Matt Petgrave in various off-ice children's charity functions. Apparently this is what Matt Petgrave is known for in the various cities where he's played. This in no way excuses what it appears he did on the ice, but it certainly demonstrates that people can act oh so differently in different situations.
Jake_Dragon NOV 18, 02:44 AM

Matt Petgrave gets standing ovation from fans in team’s first home game since fatal Adam Johnson hit

Saw this 4 days ago.
I have nothing against hockey, but it has always been a violent sport.
Patrick NOV 18, 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Saw this 4 days ago.

How thoroughly did you check that out?

As stated Here, they presented a photo of him on the center ice jumbotron. He probably wasn't even at the arena.

I have to admit that when I first read that article several days ago, I was a bit put off why he'd get a standing ovation from the home town fans. I still think it's a bit weird, but perhaps I can understand it a little more after hearing today that he's heavily involved in charity work off the ice.

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

I have nothing against hockey, but it has always been a violent sport.

It most certainly can be violent (along with other team sports such as football, lacrosse, rugby, hurling, etc), but using one's raised skate as a way to impede an opposing players's progress is just... just... unheard of in hockey. I still can't believe the guy actually did that. He's ended one life as well as ruining his own.