Russia: the USA preparing false flag chemical attack in Ukraine. (Page 5/5)
sourmash DEC 27, 04:35 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Do a search for what? "Will the war that the Dem puppets along with GOP puppets are told to promote will yield a loss for the USA and be the pretext for resetting the economy and vacating God given rights and in the wake of economic collapse will there be foreign billionaires buying up all assets and making us near slaves?"

If youd rather not have conversations about ideas you have why do you share them?

You are 1 person. What you want doesn't impact anybody else. Did you have a specific question, or was it a blanket everything one?
2.5 DEC 27, 05:14 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
................................................. ... ... .. .. . .

Did you have a specific question, or was it a blanket everything one?

I think if you back up to my post where I asked the question, I quoted what you said exactly and asked only and exactly this "Would you share a few of your sources that cause these speculations?"

For futher elaborations, yes these speculations:

*The war will yield a loss for the USA.
*That's the pretext for resetting the economy and vacating God given rights.
*In the wake of economic collapse there will be foreign billionaires buying up all assets and making us near slaves.
rinselberg DEC 27, 05:20 PM

That put me in mind of the U.S. Army recruiting ads. "The strength of the U.S. Army isn't in numbers. Be an Army of One." Or something very close to that. It ended with "an Army of One."

I thought that was a lot better than the "Army Strong" tag line that replaced it. I mean, talk about a cliche. A tired, worn-out, long past its shelf or service life cliche.

Originally posted by sourmash:
You are 1 person. What you want doesn't impact anybody else. Did you have a specific question, or was it a blanket everything one?

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-27-2021).]

sourmash DEC 27, 05:54 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
I think if you back up to my post where I asked the question, I quoted what you said exactly and asked only and exactly this "Would you share a few of your sources that cause these speculations?"

For futher elaborations, yes these speculations:

*The war will yield a loss for the USA.
*That's the pretext for resetting the economy and vacating God given rights.
*In the wake of economic collapse there will be foreign billionaires buying up all assets and making us near slaves.

"Never let a crisis go to waste." What do you think that means? What did the GOP do to our rights after 9-11-01? Was it a benefit or a tax on you freedoms?

In every collapse there are rich people and groups acting in opportunistically selfish ways. It's an investment strategy.
williegoat DEC 27, 06:46 PM
Russia wishes you a merry Christmas.