JFK Assassination - more than one shooter? (Page 6/7)
Patrick SEP 26, 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

What you believe is true is irrelevant, now, ' Swallow this spoonful of pure botulism jam ! ', How do you like that, hmmmn ?

Your links to JFK material are interesting. Your continual "fjb" crap... not so much.

Valkrie9 SEP 26, 10:16 PM
Lee Oswald's Phone Call

' There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast.
Most of them come down to this,
Deny your responsibility. '
~ Lyndon B. Johnson

maga ! lol !
Triggering a response from tds infected zombies. lol.
Perhaps you've partaken of the marxist pablum in your youth, and are still unable to solve questions for truth, reality.
Disparaging Biden_Joe as pretendadent, stumbling to global war which he intends to lose.
LBJ plotted the assassination, took power, then waged war.
Biden_Joe has been receiving bribes, and is now intent on failing in Ukraine, and Taiwan, the end of the world as we know it.
' I object ! ' ~ most everyone on the planet.

' Evil can be measured by the depth of the lie,
no one seems to see the self destructive nature of the lie.
To hide truth for the sake of a lack of understanding it,
is to never know anything but lies, and to die in ignorance. '

He's Pathetic.

Patrick SEP 27, 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Valkrie9:

Triggering a response from tds infected zombies. lol.

I know you're aware of the P&R section, because you post there. It's THE place for all Biden/Trump crap. And I know you're not as dumb as you're now pretending to be, so smarten up.

Valkrie9 SEP 27, 01:40 AM
' JFK Assassination - more than one shooter? by TheDigitalAlchemist '

Well, I supposed the title of the thread and it's location was, is, approved.
Political dialog on the killing of John Kennedy is... political, logically.
Selectively stripping out a single sentence when quoting, to emphasize the offending words,
weapons of war, striking down sworn enemies of reason, the marxist sycophants.
One hundred million casualties in a fast approaching global war, Two Hundred.
The bottom line was that the pathetic fool actually has a plan to fail.

' I think predicting a victory in Ukraine is utterly foolish. '
Unless, of course, Russian military commanders decapitate their leader.

Clint Hill on the scene.
Controversial, and counter Warren conspiracy.
Things that are true.
Cliff Pennock SEP 27, 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Mickey_Moose:

There is also this theory, 'A tragic accident in the heat of the moment': new docudrama claims JFK was shot accidentally by a 'hungover' secret service agent:

It's actually a very old theory (I think it was first suggested in the early 70s?). But it makes a lot of assumptions and it's really not all that plausible. First of all, none of his colleagues nor any of the many witnesses remember actually seeing the rifle being fired. Only a few witnesses thought the shots came from nearby, possibly even from within the motorcade. But at that specific spot it was very hard to determine where any sound came from (due to it being pretty much an acoustic echo box) and people placed the origin of the shots all over the place. Also, Donahue (the originator of this theory) makes a huge assumption about the bullet's trajectory. And lastly, the chance that the secret service agent's rifle was exactly aimed at JFK's head at the time his rifle supposedly fired accidentally, is abysmally small.

It would however, explain a few things. It has been proven that firing those three shots within such a small time was nearly impossible. In fact, Donahue was the only one able to pull it off. Several other marksmen who tried, were unable to do it. Also, it would explain LHO's conviction he was being framed. If he only fired one or two shots, of which at least one missed, he knew there must have been another shooter who fired the fatal head shot.
maryjane SEP 27, 11:00 AM

It would however, explain a few things. It has been proven that firing those three shots within such a small time was nearly impossible.

Depends on the shooter's ability and familiarity with the rifle used. AND, depends on the recoil of the rifle. Recoil is what (combined with bolt action) is what causes a shooter to lose target acqusition, which translates to un desirable bullet placement. I would call recoil in that particular rifle 'modest' at worst. But it does shoot a very flat trajectory, with little bullet drop, especially at the range JFK was shot (from Texas book depository building) .

I would have great difficulty making those shots that fast with my bolt action 270 Weatherby due to it's heavy recoil but not with 6.5 Cacano. I routinely shoot my 7.62x39 and so does my wife. True, it's semi auto, but still the recoil is barely noticeable.

Cliff Pennock SEP 27, 04:59 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

I would have great difficulty making those shots that fast with my bolt action 270 Weatherby due to it's heavy recoil but not with 6.5 Cacano. I routinely shoot my 7.62x39 and so does my wife. True, it's semi auto, but still the recoil is barely noticeable.

I remember reading somewhere several marksmen tried it and Donahue was the only one able to pull it off. Let me search the interwebs real quick. Because, as you know, if it's on the internet, it must be true. 😉
Cliff Pennock SEP 27, 05:03 PM
Found it on Wikipedia:

Quoted from Wikipedia:

Donahue first became interested in the story of the assassination of John F. Kennedy after participating in a re-creation of the shooting as one of eleven invited marksmen and sharpshooters.[2] He demonstrated that it would have been possible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired three shots in the time specified by the Warren Commission, and was the only one of the eleven to better the 5.6-second window. However, the experience highlighted to Donahue other concerns regarding the Warren report — in particular, the fact that the testimony of ballistics experts seemed to have been completely omitted from the Commission's evidence gathering.

Cliff Pennock SEP 27, 05:10 PM
Ok, it looks like that Wikipedia page left out a lot.

This is what the "John F. Kennedy assassination rifle" page on Wikipedia says:

Quoted from Wikipedia:

For the test, 11 marksmen from diverse backgrounds were invited to participate: 3 Maryland State Troopers, 1 weapons engineer, 1 sporting goods dealer, 1 sportsman, 1 ballistics technician, 1 ex-paratrooper, and 3 H. P. White employees. CBS provided several Carcano rifles for the test. Oswald's rifle was not used in this test. The targets were color-coded orange for head/shoulder silhouette and blue for a near miss. The results of the CBS test were as follows: 7 of 11 shooters were able to fire three rounds under 5.6 seconds (64%). Of those 7 shooters, 6 hit the orange target once (86%), and 5 hit the orange target twice (71%). Out of 60 rounds fired, 25 hit the orange (42%), 21 hit the blue portion of the target (35%), and there were 14 misses on the target (23%).

maryjane SEP 28, 09:36 AM
Thanks, I've read both Wiki entries several times previous.

I would be more interested in knowing the actual firearms/marksmanship experience level of each of the participants in the 'test'.
Of course, I suspect most (of those adults) are now dead, like just about everyone else from that era.

Shooting at a stationary head/shoulders silhouette target is much different from shooting at a target that is moving either directly toward you or moving directly away from you.
In many ways, easier to hit the moving to or away target than the stationary target.

A different re-creation:


[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 09-28-2023).]