She's available again! (part 2) (Page 7/7)
Raydar JUN 13, 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

She responded!

You linked back to this thread from the "time travel" thread.
So... other than "trippy", how did it go?
Patrick JUN 13, 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Raydar:

You linked back to this thread from the "time travel" thread.

Seemed appropriate.

Originally posted by Raydar:

So... other than "trippy", how did it go?

It was interesting. She's unattached, never been married... so there was no "significant other" that I might've annoyed by making this appearance from seemingly out of the blue.

Before we met up, she had made it quite clear (in FB messages) that this wasn't a date, that she was quite happy being single, and that she had no aspirations for this to change. She set the "ground rules" right off the bat. Fair enough.

So... we met at a coffee bar/cafe... and talked for four hours. There was lots to cover. Unfortunately, I'm much too sentimental for my own good... so the milestones in my life that I was bringing up were the deaths of my parents, my best friend dying, putting down my dog... you know, not exactly uplifting stuff. She wasn't complaining, but in retrospect it was rather hard on me. I felt kind of drained afterwards.

I also found out during the course of our conversation, that my total infatuation with her 42 years ago was not mutual. No, I wasn't crushed. Remember, I'm in my 60's now. Besides, I had always suspected this. She explained that she was only 18 years old at the time, just a kid, and that she wasn't seriously interested in anybody back then.

Anyway, we covered lots of ground. It was a pleasant enough conversation. It's funny how all these years later, her personality is still the same as I had remembered. She's a smart cookie and well-spoken. I was still attracted to her, but I didn't feel there was anything (from her) that might hint at a second rendezvous.

So when I got home, I sent her a short FB message thanking her for meeting up with me, and wishing her the best. I was basically saying thanks... and good-bye. I figured there was no point pursuing this. I was rather surprised therefore when she replied a short time later stating that she wanted to stay in touch... and we have been... basically every day with FB messages. Over the last two months, we've now gotten to know each other (through these messages) a whole lot better. We're supposed to get together again this week. It's only taken 42 years, but I think I might finally be growing on her. Maybe. We'll see.
Raydar JUN 15, 04:41 PM
Hah! And I missed your response.
I hope everything turns out how you want it to. (Or at least how it needs to.)

Jake_Dragon JUN 15, 07:53 PM
"What are the odds that both of us are axe murderers"
maryjane JUN 16, 06:50 AM
Hope springs eternal.....
it could and may happen Patrick

Patrick JUN 16, 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

"What are the odds that both of us are axe murderers"

Nah, only one of us is.

Originally posted by Raydar:

I hope everything turns out how you want it to. (Or at least how it needs to.)

Expectations are being kept in check... but thanks, Raydar.

Originally posted by maryjane:

Hope springs eternal..... it could and may happen Patrick


Ha ha, great shot Don. I'm not too sure that any "prince" will be making an appearance, but we'll just continue to take it slow and easy and see what happens.
Cheever3000 JUN 22, 03:45 PM
Jerry Hall