For A Better America (Page 1/10)
cliffw JUN 20, 11:04 AM
I saw in another thread how people identified themselves with a certain flavor of political parties. That saddens me. The old gang "click" mentality. Animal pack stuff. When George Washington helped win the American Revolution, he was offered kingship. That was the familiar political model. He recognized the perils of such rule and declined. When he did, opting for the choice of the people, he also warned us about political parties. He was a wise man.
I would like to talk about how to fix America, for a better America. Specifically, I am interested in the mechanics, not issues. I do though welcome your comments on if a cowboy can marry his horse, fluoride being an aphrodisiac, or other such nonsense that will do nothing to fix America. I am likely to do the same. Rebuttals to suggestions are also encouraged. We need a conversation.
America needs fixing. We are at a tipping point. "A house divided can not stand". Political polarization is at an all time high and is not going to get better. Citizens are again thinking and speaking of secession. Things could get ugly ... uglier. We here can come together, whether a D, an R, or an I. We give government power over us, yet we are supposed to tell it how to use it. We can see the failures into how government progressed. What do you see wrong, and how should we fix it ?
I will start with two hallmarks of our existence. Voting and taxation.

Voting and campaigning:
Senators are being bought off for votes on Riders. For this reason any representative's constituent should be able to vote forcing the representative to vote for his people. If he needs to be sold (or bought) the constituents need to be sold or bought. Especially if the bill does not affect us. Which further makes voter ID necessary.
Term limits are needed. America already realized this when they limited Presidential terms. It needs to extend to Congress also. Fifty years of political family dynasty is akin to kingship. It creates a power vacuum of new ideas.
A voter ID should be mandatory. Both sises of the isle have been harmed by elections being stolen. Dead people voting, multiple votes, fake citizens. All threaten our election process.
Equal representation also needs to be addressed. No more of the big cities dictating the wishes of a whole state. Perhaps the Electoral College set up needs to be revisited.
Political affiliations should be banned from the ballots. People should know who they are voting for, not a political ideological promise. Many good candidates which both sides can like have to pick a side to even get on the ballot. The Independents, the Libertarians, the Green Party, even the Socialist and Communist leaning people, all have to masquerade as a D or R which confuses those that don't want that.
Political parties should be abolished. There should not be war chests of money to help sway weak candidates into office, only to gain political party strength.
Which brings me to campaign financing. No one should be able to outspend another. Why does our President (who can't even be re-elected) keep using taxpayer money, Air Force One, and his bully pulpit to campaign ... for more money. If anything, the money a President can raise should go into the Treasury.
Related to campaigning, the raising of political ideologies in educational settings must be abolished. Shaping young minds with ideological dogma (thanks rayb) is accomplished with propaganda. In effect, it is brainwashing. Colleges, like was required by the media, should be required to provide equal representation of all ideas.

Taxation :
Sin taxes/social engineering
The IRS needs to go. It has become a joke. Not only has it been used, past and present, to target political enemies, it's morass is beyond comprehension. The Internal Revenue code is seven times the length of the Bible, twice the length of Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The federal tax code with its 44,000 pages, 5.5 million words, and 721 different forms is a patchwork maze of complexity and a testament to confusion over common sense. Even our Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy "Turbo Tax" Geither, who oversees the IRS, could not figure out how to do his taxes. Americans are forced to go to accountants to get their taxes done.
By the way, if you go to the US Government Printing Office ( ), you can order a complete set of Title 26 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (that's the part written by the IRS), all twenty volumes of it, at the bargain price of $974, shipping included. According to the US Government Printing Office, it's 13,458 pages in total. The full text of Title 26 of the United States Code (the part written by Congress--available for an additional $179) is a mere 3,387 printed pages, bringing the adjusted gross page count to 16,845. That $1,153.00 dollar tax code will only be good for one year as it grows in length every year. Lobbyists are always bribing our lawmakers for special loopholes. Politicians use it to to win votes.
The "customer service we get from the IRS is horrendous. It is an agency which strikes fear into citizens. It dictates deadlines and we have recently seen they can not meet those required of them. Any monies owed past due, interest is charged daily, something private entities are prohibited by law from doing. Houses and properties can be seized, bank accounts confiscated, and wages garnished. To defend one's self from the IRS can cost thousands.
Something different needs to be done. A flat tax or a fair tax I would have to think about.

Fiscal accountability.
I want to see a balanced budget amendment, and the auditing of the Federal Reserve.

Governing and serving :
Checks and balances. Since we are empowering political parties, no party should have a majority (Congress).
Working for the government is not a right. It is a privilege we the voters grant certain people (even if by proxy). Just as licensed driving is a right, requiring people to involuntarily give up their Fifth Amendment rights, government workers should be required to do the same. If they plead the Fifth they should relinquish their jobs and be prohibited from working for the government or in any position with a private company which deals with the government. It's about accountability.
End runs around Congress need to stop. A President using his departments to make rules at his whim is wrong. All rules should need Congressional approval. The existence of a Department should not be "forever". They should be subject to regular cost/benefit analysis. Our Dept. of Education has spent billions and test scores are down. I concede a President the power to nominate a department head, which has to be approved by Congress, but I think they are accountable to Congress. That Congress can fire them, via the same confirmation rules.
I want an end to "riders" on proposed legislation. A bill should be able to stand on it's own. I am tired of Congressional vote buying by promising pork to another's district/state. Our forefather's realization that a separation of powers is needed is as true today as then. That separation has become muddied.

Officials should be required to report to the people regularly and for a set amount of time. Be required to answer, at the very least, a specific amount of questions. No more bloviating to fulfill the appearance of answering to the people. Every press outlet should receive the same amount of time. No more picking "friendly audience" press outlets to carry their water. The so called "news conferences", where the press is granted the favor of asking questions, should be required to take regular "Joe the Plumber " questions. I know everybody in America can not ask at the same time but I believe a method could be worked out. We can even create a Dept. of Citizens, . It really is not a bad idea. Many police internal review boards have had to include regular citizens.
Speeches. I would ban them being done with the "backdrop pawns" which are used to bolster a politician's point. A speech should also stand on it's own. A speech should never be a lecture. It should require a follow up with it's merits being questioned, in just a public bully pulpit as of which the speech was given in. At a later date, as a speech is a prepared remark(s).

Unions in government
This is all kinds of wrong. A mini government within our government, ? Government exists to protect the rights of all people. Why do we need an entity to operate within our government which seeks to carve out it's own rights ?

Our Constitution granted us the right to redress(?) our government. By lobby is an effective method. Cash prostitutes that procedure. Redress should be done by person, not by hired gun. Granted, spokespersons are a natural and logically effective method to streamline a process but cash prostitute it. I say no ex government worker should lobby until after five years of employment.
I not a genius. I realize some of my thoughts would/may not be feasible, or have unintended consequences, or likely don't go far enough. I would like to hear your thoughts.

[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 07-02-2013).]

Boondawg JUN 20, 12:32 PM

Originally posted by cliffw:
. I realize some of my thoughts would/may not be feasible, or have unintended consequences, or likely don't go far enough. I would like to hear your thoughts.

The ideas seem logical (I could get behind all of them), but also very simplistic.
I think that in the working world, things are much more complicated.
Humans taint everything they touch.
Formula88 JUN 20, 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Boondawg:

Humans taint everything they touch.

They certainly do. We need a government that has some kind of checks and balances built in to help prevent any one person or group from having too much power.
Pyrthian JUN 20, 12:54 PM
the only thing I disagree with is term limits.

there is alot of good reasons for them - there are also bad reasons.
I am sure Gary Johnson is having his second thoughts on this.
great representative. term limits puts him out the door.

but - yes - cronyism, lazy voter mantality, and entrenching...I am divided on term limits.
whadeduck JUN 20, 02:29 PM
I believe we need to have Congress stop policing themselves. What good does it do when you have the criminals decide if they've done anything wrong or not? As long as they make their own rules, the will of the people will never be followed in my opinion.

Whade' "Darkwing" Duck
Fieroless (11/18/12)

Red88FF JUN 20, 02:31 PM
I agree with all of it. Term limits is a sticky one for me. I can see both sides of that but at this time I think it would solve more problems and limiting my choice is a price I would pay.

I would vey much like to see an immediate end to any and all retirement benefits or special rules for medical INS for the senate and congress and president.

Did you write this all out or is this a cut and paste from an article?
theBDub JUN 20, 02:36 PM
Wow, a lot to comment on. I'll do it tomorrow when I'm sober. Commenting to put in my recent posts and remind me.
dratts JUN 20, 02:45 PM
Once again I agree with you. Pretty much the whole thing.
Jonesy JUN 20, 03:13 PM
Bill Mar would agree with you on term limits..

NSFW due too some language..
Fats JUN 20, 04:04 PM

Originally posted by cliffw:

Voting and campaigning:
Term limits are needed. America already realized this when they limited Presidential terms. It needs to extend to Congress also. Fifty years of political family dynasty is akin to kingship. It creates a power vacuum of new ideas.

I agree completely, for both elected and appointed offices, including the Supreme Court.

A voter ID should be mandatory. Both sises of the isle have been harmed by elections being stolen. Dead people voting, multiple votes, fake citizens. All threaten our election process.

I think on this level that simpler would be better. Remove the ID demand, and simply have people dip their fingers in indelible ink like they do in other corrupt countries.


Equal representation also needs to be addressed. No more of the big cities dictating the wishes of a whole state. Perhaps the Electoral College set up needs to be revisited.

I think that if a City gets to a certain size that they should automatically split into their own "State" of sorts, so their decisions (politically) do not effect the State they were a part of.


Political affiliations should be banned from the ballots. People should know who they are voting for, not a political ideological promise. Many good candidates which both sides can like have to pick a side to even get on the ballot. The Independents, the Libertarians, the Green Party, even the Socialist and Communist leaning people, all have to masquerade as a D or R which confuses those that don't want that.
Political parties should be abolished. There should not be war chests of money to help sway weak candidates into office, only to gain political party strength.

Just label the people running alphabetically and ignore their affiliations? Or ban them all together?


Which brings me to campaign financing. No one should be able to outspend another. Why does our President (who can't even be re-elected) keep using taxpayer money, Air Force One, and his bully pulpit to campaign ... for more money. If anything, the money a President can raise should go into the Treasury.

I'm not sure how one would fix this problem.


Related to campaigning, the raising of political ideologies in educational settings must be abolished. Shaping young minds with ideological dogma (thanks rayb) is accomplished with propaganda. In effect, it is brainwashing. Colleges, like was required by the media, should be required to provide equal representation of all ideas.

Another one that should be easy to fix. But I have no idea how. Some of the ideals taught in School are appalling to me.


Taxation :
The IRS needs to go. It has become a joke. Not only has it been used, past and present, to target political enemies, it's morass is beyond comprehension. The Internal Revenue code is seven times the length of the Bible, twice the length of Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The federal tax code with its 44,000 pages, 5.5 million words, and 721 different forms is a patchwork maze of complexity and a testament to confusion over common sense. Even our Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy "Turbo Tax" Geither, who oversees the IRS, could not figure out how to do his taxes. Americans are forced to go to accountants to get their taxes done.
By the way, if you go to the US Government Printing Office ( ), you can order a complete set of Title 26 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (that's the part written by the IRS), all twenty volumes of it, at the bargain price of $974, shipping included. According to the US Government Printing Office, it's 13,458 pages in total. The full text of Title 26 of the United States Code (the part written by Congress--available for an additional $179) is a mere 3,387 printed pages, bringing the adjusted gross page count to 16,845. That $1,153.00 dollar tax code will only be good for one year as it grows in length every year. Lobbyists are always bribing our lawmakers for special loopholes. Politicians use it to to win votes.
The "customer service we get from the IRS is horrendous. It is an agency which strikes fear into citizens. It dictates deadlines and we have recently seen they can not meet those required of them. Any monies owed past due, interest is charged daily, something private entities are prohibited by law from doing. Houses and properties can be seized, bank accounts confiscated, and wages garnished. To defend one's self from the IRS can cost thousands.
Something different needs to be done. A flat tax or a fair tax I would have to think about.

I'm for a Sale tax based plan where we would no longer be taxed based on what we earn, but what we spend. It would eliminate other issues as well since the people who are currently dodging taxes would then be paying when they purchased things.


Fiscal accountability.
I want to see a balanced budget amendment, and the auditing of the Federal Reserve.


Governing and serving :
Working for the government is not a right. It is a privilege we the voters grant certain people (even if by proxy). Just as licensed driving is a right, requiring people to involuntarily give up their Fifth Amendment rights, government workers should be required to do the same. If they plead the Fifth they should relinquish their jobs and be prohibited from working for the government or in any position with a private company which deals with the government. It's about accountability.

I like this a lot.


End runs around Congress need to stop. A President using his departments to make rules at his whim is wrong. All rules should need Congressional approval. The existence of a Department should not be "forever". They should be subject to regular cost/benefit analysis. Our Dept. of Education has spent billions and test scores are down. I concede a President the power to nominate a department head, which has to be approved by Congress, but I think they are accountable to Congress. That Congress can fire them, via the same confirmation rules.
I want an end to "riders" on proposed legislation. A bill should be able to stand on it's own. I am tired of Congressional vote buying by promising pork to another's district/state. Our forefather's realization that a separation of powers is needed is as true today as then. That separation has become muddied.

I would like to add.
Government pay:
Everyone working for the Federal Government in any aspect elected, or hired should be paid the average of what all non-Government workers in the country make (not in their field, everyone from ditch diggers to Doctors.) Insurance for all of them from the top to the bottom should be Medicare/Medicaid (I never know which is which.) It's called a "Public Servant" for a reason, change the reason for taking the position from making a lot of money, to actually caring about their jobs.


Officials should be required to report to the people regularly and for a set amount of time. Be required to answer, at the very least, a specific amount of questions. No more bloviating to fulfill the appearance of answering to the people. Every press outlet should receive the same amount of time. No more picking "friendly audience" press outlets to carry their water. The so called "news conferences", where the press is granted the favor of asking questions, should be required to take regular "Joe the Plumber " questions. I know everybody in America can not ask at the same time but I believe a method could be worked out. We can even create a Dept. of Citizens, . It really is not a bad idea. Many police internal review boards have had to include regular citizens.
Speeches. I would ban them being done with the "backdrop pawns" which are used to bolster a politician's point. A speech should also stand on it's own. A speech should never be a lecture. It should require a follow up with it's merits being questioned, in just a public bully pulpit as of which the speech was given in. At a later date, as a speech is a prepared remark(s).

I don't really have an opinion on this since I think that the speeches don't matter.


Unions in government
This is all kinds of wrong. A mini government within our government, ? Government exists to protect the rights of all people. Why do we need an entity to operate within our government which seeks to carve out it's own rights ?

I agree. Nothing more to add.


Our Constitution granted us the right to redress(?) our government. By lobby is an effective method. Cash prostitutes that procedure. Redress should be done by person, not by hired gun. Granted, spokespersons are a natural and logically effective method to streamline a process but cash prostitute it. I say no ex government worker should lobby until after five years of employment.
I not a genius. I realize some of my thoughts would/may not be feasible, or have unintended consequences, or likely don't go far enough. I would like to hear your thoughts.

I'm not sure what to do about lobbying. I think at the very least it should be made more transparent. Perhaps since we are all "shareholders" in this Country we should get a Quarterly report regarding different aspects of the Government. I'm not sure how it would be done, but that's why I make the little bucks.
