In San Diego, the Bonnie Dick is burning.. (Page 1/5)
maryjane JUL 12, 11:44 PM

From what I understand, the fire started in the well deck. (the ship is an amphib)
There would be LCACs and other amphibious boats in the well deck but reportedly, all ordinance had already been offloaded..

It's mission and history:

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-12-2020).]

CoolBlue87GT JUL 13, 11:00 AM
maryjane JUL 13, 12:43 PM
Not ready now tho...
Thanks for posting the video!
maryjane JUL 13, 10:25 PM
Rickady88GT JUL 13, 11:33 PM
maryjane JUL 13, 11:58 PM
Maybe. Most of the normal crew was off the ship when the fire broke out. From what I read at Navy Times, it is believed the fire originally broke out in one of the spaces marked with an X, but everything is preliminary right now.

maryjane JUL 15, 11:32 AM
Damage is significant, with 2 major internal fires still burning. One in the forward part of the ship and another more aft..almost amidships.
The heat from internal fires has burned thru the upper aluminum superstructure, and the mast has folded back (just above the numeral'6' ) and partly dropped dpwn into the inside of the ship.

At least 4 holes have appeared in the upper deck of the superstructure and you can see what is left of that folded back mast on the right side of the picture.

Firefighters have begun entering the ship with tough going so far.
blackrams JUL 15, 01:01 PM
I read this morning that over 1500 "Water Bucket" drops had been made by helos just to cool the ship enough for fire crews to get on board. Getting close enough to get that water where it needs to be would be interesting and challenging. I've always compared fire fighters to Marines. Those that rush into a known battle (in this case a fire) are some brave souls. Most run the other way. My deepest respect goes to those men and women trying to save that ship.

BTW, my son if a para-medic/fire fighter. Very proud of him and my WO Candidate daughter. Both serve proudly.

Patrick JUL 15, 03:58 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

The heat from internal fires has burned thru the upper aluminum superstructure, and the mast has folded back (just above the numeral'6' ) and partly dropped down into the inside of the ship.

Pardon my ignorance in regards to what's onboard the ship, but what would most likely be burning to produce that amount of heat?
maryjane JUL 15, 09:59 PM
Miles of cable, the usual plastic that everything else in the world also has in it, and probably, in the case of the midships fire..vehicles and vehicle tires.
I don't kknow how much of it's usual combat load was removed when it went in for maintenance, but it usually carries around 20 of these in the area marked #19 in the ship's cutaway in my previous post and twice that many in the well deck. Each one has 12 rubber coated lower track rollers, and they keep lots of spares in the space marked #18.
If the Marines use it, it's carried on that ship.

At about 0:40 in the below video, the extreme upper left corner is where the amidships fire is thought to be burning.


[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-15-2020).]