George Floyd: coming to a Confederate statue or monument near you. Stone Mountain? (Page 1/2)
rinselberg AUG 02, 10:26 AM

A holographic projection of the late George Floyd lit up the night in a space that had been occupied by a Confederate statue in Richmond.

I think (I'm not going to research it) this is where a very large statute of Robert E. Lee had long stood, and was just taken down in the wake of George Floyd's death and "all that." Not to be dismissive about "all that." Just trying to economize on my words.

The reporter describes this as the first newsworthy development involving the George Floyd Foundation, with plans to project the George Floyd hologram in other spaces where statues or other monuments to the Confederacy once stood. "North Carolina and Georgia."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-02-2020).]

82-T/A [At Work] AUG 02, 11:37 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

A holographic projection of the late George Floyd lit up the night in a space that had been occupied by a Confederate statue in Richmond.

I think (I'm not going to research it) this is where a very large statute of Robert E. Lee had long stood, and was just taken down in the wake of George Floyd's death and "all that." Not to be dismissive about "all that." Just trying to economize on my words.

The reporter describes this as the first newsworthy development involving the George Floyd Foundation, with plans to project the George Floyd hologram in other spaces where statues or other monuments to the Confederacy once stood. "North Carolina and Georgia."

Kind of creepy... honestly.
olejoedad AUG 02, 11:55 AM
Fitting....the record shows that George was a creepy guy.

[This message has been edited by olejoedad (edited 08-02-2020).]

maryjane AUG 02, 12:15 PM
Operative word = 'was'.
Jake_Dragon AUG 02, 01:28 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Operative word = 'was'.

Out of all of the names of good people that have had bad **** happen to them.
Of the entire list they still continue to use this guys name and you don't hear about others.
Would hold a lot more water if the cause looked like it existed before George lost his life.

Now with a grain of salt I am not participating and have limited access to the true news of the protests.

Here are the facts that I know. George should not be dead. That is not disputed.
But he also shouldn't have been there in the state he was in.
The cops that caused his death has been fired and brought up on charges.
Protest sprang up, I agree this needed to be brought into the open.
Protests were then escalated to riots and citizens of all races and backgrounds were harmed.

As soon as it degenerated into riots and looting there should have been actions put in place to stop the burning and looting and enable the voices of reason to be heard.
This movement lost a lot of credibility with the first window smashed and someone else's property stolen, the media ran with it and we had 24/7 coverage of riots and the message got lost to a lot of people.

I have not been active in any protests, I have not gathered in a public place.
Mostly because if you haven't noticed yet there is a pandemic. Especially where I live.
But the first few days I could hear them from my back yard.

This can not be resolved by replacing one form of racism with another.
We are either going to succeed as the Human race or we are going to Die as individuals lost in the tide of something out of our control.
maryjane AUG 02, 03:25 PM

As soon as it degenerated into riots and looting there should have been actions put in place to stop the burning and looting and enable the voices of reason to be heard.
This movement lost a lot of credibility with the first window smashed and someone else's property stolen, the media ran with it and we had 24/7 coverage of riots and the message got lost to a lot of people.

I agree 100%!
But, as you said, Floyd wasn't the 1st to die in this manner and probably won't be the last. People as both individuals and groups have been'peacefully' protesting any number of different issues and abuses from govt, industry, town councils, zoning and all other kinds of things for many years and one thing America has learned...starting with the Boston Tea that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. People say "Write your congressman..write your representative". Well, they get dozens of those letters and emails every week and little or nothing ever comes of them other than a little lip service.
I abhor violence and destruction of property, and certainly disdain physical assault and violence against law enforcement, but at some point, it comes across some folk's minds that the only way to get anyone's real attention is to go that route.

In this country, it takes a LOT to get change made.
I do disagree with the rioting and destruction of property, but I also understand it.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 08-02-2020).]

blackrams AUG 02, 03:46 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Just trying to economize on my words.

Work on that, would you...………….


82-T/A [At Work] AUG 02, 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Out of all of the names of good people that have had bad **** happen to them.
Of the entire list they still continue to use this guys name and you don't hear about others.
Would hold a lot more water if the cause looked like it existed before George lost his life.

Now with a grain of salt I am not participating and have limited access to the true news of the protests.

Here are the facts that I know. George should not be dead. That is not disputed.
But he also shouldn't have been there in the state he was in.
The cops that caused his death has been fired and brought up on charges.
Protest sprang up, I agree this needed to be brought into the open.
Protests were then escalated to riots and citizens of all races and backgrounds were harmed.

As soon as it degenerated into riots and looting there should have been actions put in place to stop the burning and looting and enable the voices of reason to be heard.
This movement lost a lot of credibility with the first window smashed and someone else's property stolen, the media ran with it and we had 24/7 coverage of riots and the message got lost to a lot of people.

I have not been active in any protests, I have not gathered in a public place.
Mostly because if you haven't noticed yet there is a pandemic. Especially where I live.
But the first few days I could hear them from my back yard.

This can not be resolved by replacing one form of racism with another.
We are either going to succeed as the Human race or we are going to Die as individuals lost in the tide of something out of our control.

We know unequivocally that the rioting and the protests are being organized by left extremists groups that are funded by our adversaries. Period. This is fact and has been discussed numerous times.

BLM, for example, is a Marxist organization that seeks to destroy the black family unit and usher in a Communist government, also fact and it's on their website.

The reason why none of this has stopped, and the reason why this stuff is actually happening as we speak, is because we are in the election year of the president of the most powerful country in the world.

The reason why the left are scared to take a stance against the rioting, and why they are softly supporting the protests, is because they fear that the people who are participating in the protests are their voting base... which they don't want to alienate.

... that total destruction of downtown city blocks is being allowed in Democrat cities by Democrat leadership should tell you all that you need to know about whether or not these people actually care about the city they are supposedly representing. Most of these people, after serving in any real capacity, eventually move to another state, so they could care less really what happens to the city, only so long as they are able to maintain power during the time allowed and for their reelection. The Democrats are also spectacular in their ability to coordinate response to the media and the decisions that they make at the national, state, and city level.

Anyone remember the "Easter Worshiper" thing? Perfect example of how 30+ Democrat politicians from all across the nation made the exact same announcement in Tweets, publications, and e-mails. Never heard of an Easter Worshiper.

Never the less... Portland, Minneapolis, etc... those cities are trashed, and the mayors totally don't care. They're only doing what they can to stay in power and appease the Federal leadership who is trying to keep things as calm as possible and tamped down as much as possible, without actually discussing or dealing with the rioting.
rinselberg AUG 02, 05:46 PM
Minneapolis and St Paul, for sure.

I think the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune is a quality news venue. Here's a real quick read (or browse) with maps and a bar chart that summarizes the property damage in the Twin cities--as of July 13.

Andrew Keshner, for Market Watch:

The largest riot-related insurance losses came after the 1992 Los Angeles [Rodney King] riots, according to the Insurance Information Institute, an industry-funded consumer education association. . . . Insurers paid policyholders $775 million at that time for damages, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Adjusting for inflation, that’s $1.4 billion now . . .

"This is the insurance bill for damage and looting during protests over George Floyd’s death — and that’s just in Minnesota"
Andrew Keshner for Market Watch; June 9, 2020.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-02-2020).]

82-T/A [At Work] AUG 02, 10:30 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

Minneapolis and St Paul, for sure.

I think the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune is a quality news venue. Here's a real quick read (or browse) with maps and a bar chart that summarizes the property damage in the Twin cities--as of July 13.

Andrew Keshner, for Market Watch:

"This is the insurance bill for damage and looting during protests over George Floyd’s death — and that’s just in Minnesota"
Andrew Keshner for Market Watch; June 9, 2020.

Jesus Christ... that's all I can say. I went to your first link and started looking through all the stores that had been damaged or destroyed... I gave up after scrolling forever and barely getting through the B section...

Like these stores...

Basilica of Saint Mary
Bangkok Market
Bienvenu Market
Bling-Bling Beauty Supply

What the hell did Bangkok market ever do to anyone?

You know, that's the thing... I keep saying that, and then I have to remind myself that the people who destroyed these stores weren't young black people who wanted to be heard for what they believe is injustice in the black community. This was done by Marxist BLM and ANTIFA rioters that consist of mostly white middle class radical leftists, along with some opportunists that wanted free stuff.

Just makes me sick... I'm beside myself... I literally just cannot understand why the mayor didn't do ANYTHING at all... ??? The moron literally let his city get destroyed. The damage caused in the city is so extensive that I truly don't believe it'll ever recover in my lifetime. It leads me to believe that he's either a complete idiot, or cares only about his own job so he purposely toted the line demanded of him by Congressional Democrats to not do anything for fear of stoking resistance against them. It is just beyond me... I can't even think of what to say.

You know, it's funny in Sim City... but not in real life.