Coffee talk. (Page 1/8)
sourmash DEC 04, 02:47 PM
Are you into coffee?
Coffee wasn't an immediate hit for me, but over the decades I took it up starting with half a cup, then in a few years to a full cup, then just black coffee. None of the fancy types or whole beans. Just coffee. Folgers.

Over the past year I got the bug for an espresso/latte style drink and have been looking forward to making one every morning after buying a machine.
The machine I use is an 800 series Breville model and I grind beans at time of pulling a shot.
Using 22-24 grams of beans for a double shot, I split that into 2 drinks. One for me and one for her. Poured over milk and a tiny, tiny bit of vanilla about the size of a quarter.
One drink is enough to amp me into impulsive behavior and causes eye saccades. Those are weird. Coffee tweaking.

This morning I left the portafilter in the sink and forgot it. I just found it and picked it up to dump. There was a little black ant right there at the edge of the draining coffee feeding. The coffee pool there ran toward the drain and the ant chased it to get some more.

Coffee is a cross species indulgence.
williegoat DEC 04, 03:08 PM
Folgers, black. I drove a truck for 27 years.

I have an espresso machine and a grinder but I only use them when I have guests.
maryjane DEC 04, 03:35 PM
I'll drink 'almost' any coffee except Community or El Pico, won't touch most 'boutique' types and will drink instant ONLY if nothing else is available. No decaf either..what would be the point?. I probably drink 15 cups of coffee/day on average, with about 5 of those after 8pm and have done so for years.

Some days I just use the Keurig, other days I use the Mr. Coffee type coffee maker, and some days I make cowboy coffee in an old porcelain pot.
My wife is a hot tea drinker but she will on the rare occassion drink a cup of Green Mountain from the keurig, which she doctors up with WAAY too much sugar and creamer to even call it coffee when she gets thru.

I don't care for flavored coffee much at all but do like several of the Texas Pecan quite a bit, which I blend with a med dark Folgers or other brand dark or med/dark..

Have tried Starbucks at an airport a couple times. Nasty. Tried Tim Hortons, which I wouldn't put up a dog's butt* much less drink again myself.

*some here know the reference.

I don't buy coffee pods for the Keurig.. too expensive for the quantity I drink.. I use the little plastic insert with a paper filter in it most days.

I am not a coffee connoisseur. I'm just a coffee addict but somewhat particular.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 12-04-2020).]

Boondawg DEC 04, 05:28 PM
Neither a connoisseur or addict (to coffee), I drink 1 or 2 cups a day.
I have everything from a 1940's sterling-silver electric peculator to a Keurig, and even a 10 year old Mr. Coffee espresso maker in-between.

My favorite coffee is Instant.
Absolutely love it.

Chock-Full-O-Nuts, with Folgers as a close second.
Monkeyman DEC 04, 06:07 PM
Black, please. I used to drink it fully leaded until my doctor told me that was what was causing my heart palpatations. Now, I'm a 1/2 caff drinker. Usually a pot in the morning then maybe a bit more in the afternoon. If I don't stop drinking before about mid afternoon, I won't sleep.
MidEngineManiac DEC 04, 06:12 PM
I've got this one and just love it. Fresh cup every time without the expense of Kureg pods.

Dont care what time of day it is, there is usually a mug beside me. Straight black and usually folgers.
olejoedad DEC 05, 10:16 AM
Folgers Black Silk

The Folgers NOIR is also very good.
sourmash DEC 05, 10:19 AM
Coffee is repeatable, unlike the espresso machines. You can over or under extract changing taste unfavorably.

I miss that sometimes.
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 05, 10:31 AM
Since I'm from Miami with an Argentine mother of Italian descent... it's a big part of my life.

In my old office in Miami, I made Cuban coffee every single day. I hand ground the sugar crystals into almost a fairy dust, and then packed the Espresso machine with Pilon and / or Chock Full of Nuts. There's no Cortadito or the little bull **** tiny cups... I'd drink the entire thing.

Normal coffee doesn't matter so much, but I have an affinity for Tim Hortons, and also oddly enough... Folgers Crystals (don't know why). I've also re-discovered that coffee that is actually ground and brewed in a normal coffee machine, tastes better than it does in a Keurig machine. Who'da thought? I still use the K-Cups though because I just don't have time to do that anymore.

I'm a healthy guy, but I need to figure out my coffee intake and work things out. My weight is good (not overweight), blood pressure is good... cholesterol is good... but I definitely have an addicition, I don't know if that's the right word, but I'm unable to function without a lot of coffee.

I drink a 14oz Coffee in the morning, then I may fill it back up... drink another 12oz. Then... I'll drink an entire 16oz Monster Ultra Blue (diet), and then by 2:00, I'll have another 12oz cup of coffee again. I should be able to function on just 12oz. But I have so much work that I've been neglecting any real exercise. I should resolve this before it catches up with me...
Sage DEC 05, 10:40 AM
I've been averaging about a pot a day since I was operating an E.O.T. crane at U.S.Steel back in the 70's. Really before that, going back to the late 60's, at the local Sohio (Standard "BP") station.

If you showed up without a tray of coffee ( usually Mickey D's) you got hit before you were even all the way in the door with..."WHERE'S THE COFFEE?"

Tried em' all over the years....even "Starbucks" ($4-$7 for a "cup" of coffee....NO THANKS!) used to be just straight Maxwell House, but now I sort of do half MH and half hazelnut, with a pinch of salt or baking soda. I still like a good cup of just plain coffee too. Always black.

Creatures of habit...we are!

I still have and use the same thermos I carried to the mill everyday. I've used it for a hammer, and a rolling pin, among other things...replaced the lid once (thank you Stanley!) and it STILL keeps my coffee hot for at least 8 hours. One of these days, I'll break down and buy a new one...just on "principle" if the one I have continues to give the 40+ years of good service. Thought about doing a paint job on it.....but naaaw....nobody but me see's it!

Anyway, I could live without coffee....but why would I?