OK smart guys, here's a question for ya.......... (Page 1/2)
blackrams MAR 27, 08:49 AM
Well, here we go.

For years my wife has asked me to build a water feature for “her” back yard. She also wants a fire pit of some kind. I’m about to give in and build something but, I have an idea to combine the two “features” into one thing. Yeah, I’m also lazy.

In that I’m way past my wood splitting days by a long shot, this thing I’m calling fire water will be propane fueled with the gas being released below the surface and allowed to bubble up to the surface where I think it will burn once ignited. As long (my theory) as the gas continues to flow, the flame (on the water) should continue to burn. Breezy conditions might play a factor here. Standing up wind while igniting might be a good idea.

I’m about to build a version out of items I have already in that I’m so tight I squeak when I walk. If it works like I think it should I’ll build a brick structure around it in my back yard.. If it doesn’t work out, well let's worry about that later.

What am I not considering?

sourmash MAR 27, 08:54 AM
No experience here but I'd expect that the gas would not stay ignited unless it's a geyser from under water. Jets at the surface would be my guess. Just a guess.
MidEngineManiac MAR 27, 09:54 AM
Head to Rona or HD and take a good look at how their fire tables are built. Water and stones/sand should work pretty much the same, the propane dont care what medium it goes through to escape.
blackrams MAR 27, 10:20 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Head to Rona or HD and take a good look at how their fire tables are built. Water and stones/sand should work pretty much the same, the propane dont care what medium it goes through to escape.

I agree with the gas doesn't care but have no idea what Rona or HD refers to. Sorry, I don't get out much.
Edited: Home Depot? Same choices as Lowe's.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-27-2021).]

MidEngineManiac MAR 27, 10:31 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

I agree with the gas doesn't care but have no idea what Rona or HD refers to. Sorry, I don't get out much.
Edited: Home Depot? Same choices as Lowe's.


Yup, Rona Home Depot, Lowes, I think even wally-world sell them
Jake_Dragon MAR 27, 11:43 AM
Its color, its vortex and its on fire

blackrams MAR 27, 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Its color, its vortex and its on fire

Yep, that's almost what I have in mind.

Jake_Dragon MAR 27, 04:14 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Yep, that's almost what I have in mind.


Lots of options, I like the vortex and its just a pump that swirls the water. Even if you don't have the container where you can see inside it would still look cool from the top.
I saw this video before and thought it would explain pretty well and demonstrate how you can accomplish your goal.
Don't burn off your eyebrows.
blackrams MAR 27, 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Lots of options, I like the vortex and its just a pump that swirls the water. Even if you don't have the container where you can see inside it would still look cool from the top.
I saw this video before and thought it would explain pretty well and demonstrate how you can accomplish your goal.
Don't burn off your eyebrows.

Yeah, almost too late for that.

Actually, I had it figured out but couldn't find all the different hardware I needed to make it work. I wanted the gas to come up from the center of the barrel which required an elbow and I couldn't find one the proper size and length to go through the barrel metal and still use a gasket to contain the water without leaking. The other challenge was finding a 3/8ths beveled union on both ends to connect the two hoses I wanted to use. You'd think most stores that sell grills would have that in stock. Lowe's, Home Depot, my local hardware store didn't. Finally found an Ace Hardware store that had what I needed. I bought an additional 10 foot hose because I didn't want my propane bottle sitting right next to the open flame.

It works well in a light breeze. Any breeze more than about 10 mph though and the wind carries the flame away from the source propane. Of course, that's with the water completely up to the rim of the barrel top. I'm thinking that if I drop the water level about a third and give the flame a bit of protection from the breeze it'll work well.
Oh, forgot to mention, I cut the barrel down to the bottom rib just cause I thought it would look better. Then placed it on top of one of those barrel dollies. Works just fine.

The wife is all tickled and can't wait for me to fire it up at night. This was a good idea, at least until I burn the house down.

Edited: Fired it up after dark, absolutely glorious. She loves it and now wants a brick version. When will I learn my lesson....................
I tried to post a video of the result but, can't seem to make it work. If someone else would like to do that, send me your contact info and I'll try sending it to you.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-28-2021).]

cliffw MAR 28, 08:03 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:
For years my wife has asked me to build a water feature for “her” back yard. She also wants a fire pit of some kind. I’m about to give in and build something but, I have an idea to combine the two “features” into one thing.

What am I not considering?

All these years and you are about to give in ? Do you believe it is "her" backyard ? What year did your Man Card expire ?


8 Flaming Cocktails You Should Drink Right Now. With pictures which your wife, and mine, would find interesting, as pictures.

[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 03-28-2021).]