Recreational Activities (Page 1/3)
blackrams MAR 29, 10:13 PM
Just curious, what do you folks do.

Since retirement, I've discovered that without work, I'm bored a lot. I've been working since I was 12 so, kick'n back just isn't my thing.
I've been doing a lot of landscaping lately, not something I really enjoy.
Have traveled quite a bit in my life and still enjoy it but, between COVID and the price of fuel, I'm finding myself being limited.

I love riding my Valkyries and do so often but, one can only ride the same roads so me and ya just have to find new roads.

Thinking seriously about going back to work, call it a flaw in my personality but, I need some structure in my life and retirement doesn't fill the bill.
I still wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 every morning, have my coffee and then try to figure out what I'm gonna do today. This could be a whole lot more fun. Thought about running for some office but, think'n we all know that won't go far.
Not really looking for suggestions, just interested in what others do.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-30-2021).]

MidEngineManiac MAR 29, 10:27 PM
Find yourself some sort of work-at-home gig. Docs wanted to pension me off fully 4 years ago and I said screw that. All of my little projects and admin work (REAL scarce these days) bring in some bucks, but more importantly give me the variety to stay sane.

Get yourself a cri-cut and/or a laser engraver and set up shop. Advertise on Craigslist or facebook. People spend mad money for vinyl stickers or engraved logos and both are pretty quick processes. 3D printing sells pretty good but its SLOW, that's a sideline thing at best. Go "outside the box" and do things most shops wont (NSFW or Non-PC stuff) and they will beat a path to your door. Boredom wont be a problem.

The ONE problem is, everybody wants delivery so you either gotta have real cheap-to-run wheels, or factor that into your pricing. I loose a fair amount of jobs once I tell them I aint spending 20 bucks in gas to deliver a $10 sale, they are going to have to pony up delivery. Its not really an issues on larger ($100+) projects.

For me "making", the creative process and building has always been part of my makeup so this kind of stuff is a great fit. YMMV.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 03-29-2021).]

MidEngineManiac MAR 29, 10:37 PM
Wait a second....

You could take up funeral crashing. Mourner for hire.

Get out every day, meet new people. Lots of free food afterwards....

Could work out.
Jake_Dragon MAR 29, 11:27 PM
Security work, try to find some nice business to work for where you don't get stuck outside in the rain.
The higher end places or banks. If you enjoy watching and meeting new people.

Just enough to take the edge off 10 - 20 hours a week.
randye MAR 30, 12:58 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Since retirement, I've discovered that without work, I'm bored a lot. I've been working since I was 12 so, kick'n back just isn't my thing.

Thinking seriously about going back to work,



[This message has been edited by randye (edited 03-30-2021).]

cvxjet MAR 30, 01:18 AM
Cultivate some hobbies; My Father told me that he had no artistic abilities when I was showing him a painting I did.......I told him that all of the work he had done on cars, boats and houses WAS artistic, so he decided to learn to do stained glass....And did it so well that numerous people have windows done by him- including his 2nd wife's ex (Lived on golf course so he did a guy swinging on one side of the door and the green on the other)

I have always had hobbies; Boat, Fiero, painting, cartoons, and now stories that are A) True and B) Funny (People more readily accept poor writing skills when the story is funny!) (Still working on being funny enough.....)

[This message has been edited by cvxjet (edited 03-30-2021).]

cliffw MAR 30, 01:19 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:
Just curious, what do you folks do.

Since retirement, I've discovered that without work, I'm bored a lot.

Re-invent yourself. If I am correct, this is your second "retirement" thread (I almost weighed in on the first one).

You have life long experience, of value. Share. Possibly even making money on it. I think they call it "consulting". If you don't make money at it, the reward is worth more. You are helping, someone, or some venture which you might admire.

Just because you are retired, it doesn't mean you can not retread yourself.

Volunteer. Needed everywhere. You meet people, have a purpose, your mind is stimulated, and life will always be interesting.

Me ? I drink beer, .
cliffw MAR 30, 01:20 AM

Originally posted by randye:

That's funny, .
sourmash MAR 30, 05:46 AM
Nah, you're all wrong. The correct answer is drinking.
blackrams MAR 30, 05:48 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Nah, you're all wrong. The correct answer is drinking.

Can't go there. Quit that activity (at least with alcohol) at the ripe old age of 21.

EAA has provided me with some things to consider though.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-30-2021).]