The New Nike Sneakers. Inspired By The DEVIL. (Page 1/2)
cliffw MAR 30, 08:23 AM
Pure evil.
Lil Nas X teams up with MSCHF to release a new athletic Nike shoe (Air Max 97 custom) dedicated to Satan complete with a pentagram and a drop of human blood in each shoe.

The shoe also contains the numbers 666 and come in a limited edition of 666 pairs.

The black-and-red, devil-themed shoes sold out within a minute of going on sale online on Monday.

The shoes are customized Nike Air Max 97 sneakers that contain red ink and "one drop of human blood" in the sole, according to a website describing the 666 limited edition pairs.

In each pair, the back of one shoe says MSCHF and the other says Lil Nas X.

They sold for $1,018 per pair, in reference to the Bible passage Luke 10:18, which reads: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

The musician said on Twitter he would choose the recipient of the 666th pair from social media users who circulated one of his tweets.
sourmash MAR 30, 08:51 AM
I saw a link to the video these sneakers are supposed to be supporting. Not sure if it was someone trolling the rapper but it said the rapper is letting Satan sodomize him in the video. Maybe he wants to be a politician?
TheDigitalAlchemist MAR 30, 10:53 AM
Pshaw! Amateur hour! Pure evil? More like pure marketing...

The real "evil" here is the pricetag - and all that for a single drop of blood and some words? OOOO, owning a pair would definitely show how cool and "down with the Devil" you are... heh as the devil laughs all the way to the bank (of SOULS...muhwahahahaha)

Man, a pair of twenty dollar boots can get some blood applied from a recently kicked-in head and become an instant collectable ... The "Justice served" line. Maybe pony up some more wheelbarrows of cash for a pair of the Deluxe "Pandemic Edition" where the blood is Covid +...

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 03-30-2021).]

TheDigitalAlchemist MAR 30, 12:01 PM
Oh no, now shoe ads are following me.... GET THEE BEHIDE ME, SATAN-SHOES!!!!
rinselberg MAR 30, 12:03 PM

Nike is suing novelty brand MSCHF for its “Satan Shoes,” a collaboration with rapper Lil Nas X. The sneakers, which are based on Nike’s Air Max 97 model, caused an uproar when they were unveiled Friday.

The suit was filed in the Eastern District of New York and lists four complaints regarding the sneakers, which are black with red details, a pentagram charm on the laces and a reference to Bible verse Luke 10:18 describing Satan falling like lightning from heaven. Only 666 pairs were made available for sale.

Nike is alleging trademark infringement since its logos and branding are still clearly visible and recognizable even with the modifications done by MSCHF. It’s also suing for false designation of origin and trademark dilution. It is asking for damages, legal fees and for the court to stop MSCHF from fulfilling orders of the sneakers, which sold out in minutes Monday morning despite the $1,018 price tag. It also asks the court to order MSCHF to cease all sales of Nike products.

"[The altering of the shoes] was done without Nike’s approval or authorization, and Nike is in no way connected with this project,” the court filing reads.

Furthermore, the sole of each sneaker contains a single drop of human blood mixed with ink, another cause for concern that is pointed out in the lawsuit.

“Making changes to the midsole may pose safety risks for consumers,” Nike’s attorneys stated.

The article continues online--but I already duplicated most of it here.

"Nike sues novelty company MSCHF over Lil Nas X’s ‘Satan Shoes’ collab"
Victoria Hernandez for the Los Angeles Times; March 29, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-30-2021).]

williegoat MAR 30, 12:08 PM
I had never heard of MSCHF until now, but I am convinced they are possessed of pure genius. Nike is funding their biggest advertising campaign for them.

They also make a shoe called the Jesus Shoe with a water filled sole.

Matthew 14:25-26:

25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.

Pure genius
TheDigitalAlchemist MAR 30, 12:38 PM
hmmmm.....Would the "Jesus shoe" cure my plantar fasciitis?
williegoat MAR 30, 12:44 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

hmmmm.....Would the "Jesus shoe" cure my plantar fasciitis?

Are you asking if Jesus can heal your heel?
Would you be willing to trade your soul for a sole?
Could the Pentecostals wear shoes with tongues of fire?

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 03-30-2021).]

Rickady88GT MAR 31, 12:34 AM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

hmmmm.....Would the "Jesus shoe" cure my plantar fasciitis?

I have had PF for 15 years or so,....or have I? For work I got a pair or Fatt Maxx boots from Tactical Research. The BEST boots I have ever owned. After a solid 10 years of hurting, and sometimes crippling pain from PF, I got the Fatt Maxx on a recommendation from a friend,.... WOW. GREAT BOOTS. I am now on my 3rd pair at about 2 years each, maybe less. They run about $130 on Amazon Prime, shipped to your door.
This is advice from real World experience. I walk about 15 miles each day at work in these boots and have tried several different manufacturers over the last 19 years.
My feet feel better now than they did 6 years ago.
I get no kick back or money from sells, I have no stock or interest in the product, just a real World testimony.
TheDigitalAlchemist MAR 31, 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

I have had PF for 15 years or so,... Fatt Maxx boots from Tactical Research. The BEST boots I have ever owned..

Thank you for your reply, and for the recommendation - I'll get a pair and see how they are.

I actually don't have PF any more - I have flat feet, and had PF pretty bad for awhile. Wore so many insoles, pads, did all stretches, tried all different shoes and sneakers...Went to the foot doctor, got orthotics, got this $$$ sonic shock therapy, none of it really helped. What "cured" me of it was this machine: Rapid Release RRT-PRO2. I got it because I was at an event once and they had one there and one 5 minute session it cured a shoulder thing that was plaguing me for more than a year. They weren't selling the device, but the thing sold itself. After a few sessions on my feet, the PF was GONE. I walk about 5-10 miles a day and haven't had PF pain since I last used the machine (about three years ago). No "morning" PF pain, no "end of the day ache". YMMV, but if you can find a place that uses this machine, its worth a few sessions. even ONE.

It's NOT just a $$$$$ vibrator. It loosens all the deep stuff that's not sliding and slippin' the way they should. it also totally eliminated tennis elbow and a coworker's cronic heel and calf issue.

Doesn't heal bone issues, or back issues like slipped discs, but knots melt away and other muscle issues get resolved...haven't used it in like a year, but haven't had to...

[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 03-31-2021).]