It ain't easy being Green... (Page 1/2)
williegoat APR 02, 08:43 PM
...and a disciple of Calypso Louis.

You Noah what I mean?


sourmash APR 02, 09:13 PM
Once again Twitter was alight blaming a White guy for this one, just like the Boulder shooting.

Hudini APR 02, 09:30 PM
Oh my, this doesn’t fit the narrative at all. Now it’s “Lone Wolf”.
sourmash APR 02, 09:42 PM
And here's the man he killed.
rinselberg APR 03, 04:33 AM
Malcolm Nance (Terror Asymmetrics Project) went to "suicide by cop" when he was talking about this on Friday evening. Based on the reporting that I've seen, I think that's an apt description of it. The primary motive. The circumstance of him doing this at the U.S. Capitol Building suggest some further connotation to it, in terms of what was going on in this murderer's mind. But fundamentally, suicide by cop.

I haven't been following it since the prime time evening reports on Friday.

I am unaware of anything on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (etc.) unless a mainstream media report singles it out for me.

That's how "I do me."

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-03-2021).]

sourmash APR 03, 09:02 AM
All the typical anti-White liberals, some from your past links that you quote when you borrow topics from other sites to post here, were all stating it's a White guy because the release said ~no terrorism is suspected.

However, the press always says that about BLM and Antifa domestic terrorists.
williegoat APR 03, 09:09 AM
KKK, NAZI, Nation of Islam*, Islamists, Antifa: all violent, destructive cults (hate groups, if you must) that attract angry young males.

Assault rifles, Trump supporters, white men, conservatives: all straw men set up by another "hate group" called the Democratic Party.

We will never solve the problem until we are honest about the problem.

*Calypso Louis' NOI has very little to do with Islam.
sourmash APR 03, 09:44 AM
When you make your uninformed parrotings of prepackaged-for-media-agenda-broadcast responses on these topics, I wonder if you know the definition of "cuck"?

Hate groups is ok for your palette, but hate crime isn't. I'm positive that's listed in the examples for the above subject matter.

All Whites and all Trump supporters are violent in exactly the way the dead and gone KKK and whatever a "NAZI" is, are. All Trump supporters and all White people are violent White Supremacists.

You very obviously and falsely do exactly the same thing to others while feigning to be offended by what liberals do.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 04-03-2021).]

sourmash APR 03, 09:45 AM
And that's the way it is in all follower groups of mass media.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 04-03-2021).]

williegoat APR 03, 11:39 AM
You've got a cousin in Boston, don't you, sourboy?