Seminole Heights serial killer (Page 1/2)
Jake_Dragon APR 23, 12:44 PM
Seminole Heights serial killer
On November 28, 2017, police arrested Howell Emanuel "Trai" Donaldson III

Monica Caridad Hoffa
On the morning of October 13, a city landscape crew was about to mow an overgrown field in the 1000 block of E New Orleans Avenue when they stumbled upon a woman's body. The victim, later identified as Monica Caridad Hoffa, a 32-year-old white female, was shot dead while walking to a friend's home. The shooting is believed to have happened on the evening of October 11 or some time on October 12. Police said there was no clear connection between Hoffa and Mitchell, the first victim. Her body was found a half mile from where Mitchell was killed.

I served in the Navy with Monica's father. Every day for the past 3 1/2 years he has suffered along with the rest of Monica's family..
April 11 is Monica's birthday. Kenny celebrated at the site of her death.

I marked this political because I am sure it will end up there.

[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 04-23-2021).]

maryjane APR 23, 01:03 PM
"On November 28, 2017, police arrested... "

3 years 5 months later and still hasn't gone to trial?

The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine?

Sounds like a bearing has locked up and they aren't turning at all......
Jake_Dragon APR 23, 06:36 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

"On November 28, 2017, police arrested... "

3 years 5 months later and still hasn't gone to trial?

The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine?

Sounds like a bearing has locked up and they aren't turning at all......

Hearing after hearing, its not fair to the families.
There is another hearing at the end of the month.
There was a motion to separate to 4 different trials and now they are saying that evidence can only be submitted for the case before the court and nothing about the other 3 cases can be submitted.
rinselberg APR 23, 07:23 PM
At least the suspect is in jail. He is in jail? I looked at the Wiki and then used a link in the Wiki to look at a news report (from 2018, I think.) I can't imagine that he's not in jail.

Sounds like it's just a matter of time and process before he's convicted and sentenced.

I have no experience myself with what the victims's families and friends are feeling about it. I would think that the thought that nags them the most, in the narrow context of the exact disposition of the case, is that somehow he might get off on some technicality and eventually become free again. But if not that, then at least he's been jailed for all these years and will continue to be jailed until he's finally convicted and sentenced.

This reminds me of another case that I read about and was on TV. A "kid" (black) in New York City. Got hit with some minor charge of shoplifting, if memory serves me. For whatever reasons, he was jailed at Rikers Island for a long time before any movement on his case. After he finally got free again, he killed himself.

Obviously, two very different circumstances and cases.

I hope that Jake_Dragon (I seldom take liberties with screen names) will eventually be able to update this with something more positive.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-23-2021).]

Jake_Dragon APR 23, 08:06 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

At least the suspect is in jail. He is in jail? I looked at the Wiki and then used a link in the Wiki to look at a news report (from 2018, I think.) I can't imagine that he's not in jail.

He is in jail and is in Florida so it doubtful that he will get any kind of leniency.
But he has been complaining that his health is deteriorating while he is in prison.

I wouldn't expect any acceptable news soon. But the longer it takes the harder it is to prosecute.
That is probably the defenses game to keep him out of the chair.
In the end there is no good news, Kenny will continue to celebrate Monica's birthday and try to find peace.

You can call me Jake, its my middle name. Dragon was added when I use to be involved in online games.
maryjane APR 23, 08:10 PM
A 65+ year old uncle of mine was shot and killed while sitting in his pickup truck on a city street in NW Louisiana in 2004. It was difficult to absorb. Evidently, he was parked across the street (pretty much) from a married woman's house that he had some kind of relationship with and the offended husband walked out on the front lawn and put a 30-06 round thru the truck door and killed him instantly, then killed his own wife.
I never did hear whether or when the shooter went to trial.

We were not terribly close, him living in North Texas and us about400 miles away.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-23-2021).]

MidEngineManiac APR 23, 09:31 PM
This was here a couple days ago. Small-town butt-**** nowhere pop. 5,000


Didnt even hit the guy they were after, just a bystander from the house. Big cities sheet happens, but places like this are the last places you ever expect this kind of stuff.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-23-2021).]

randye APR 23, 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Seminole Heights serial killer
On November 28, 2017, police arrested Howell Emanuel "Trai" Donaldson III

I served in the Navy with Monica's father. Every day for the past 3 1/2 years he has suffered along with the rest of Monica's family..
April 11 is Monica's birthday. Kenny celebrated at the site of her death.

I marked this political because I am sure it will end up there.

I remember when this happened.

What I don't remember is if you were still living in Lakeland or if you had already left Florida ?

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 04-23-2021).]

Jake_Dragon APR 24, 04:05 AM
I had already left, I didn't hear that it was Monica until 2018. Kenny reached out and we talked a little bit about it.
He has had a hard life, but he kept his faith.
cliffw APR 24, 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:
I marked this political because I am sure it will end up there.

I mark anything and everything political, because I got tired of all the whining and crying if it went political.

Sorry to hear of your friend's daughter. My Dad was born in Tampa and I lived there when he went to Viet-Nam.

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:
There was a motion to separate to 4 different trials and now they are saying that evidence can only be submitted for the case before the court and nothing about the other 3 cases can be submitted.

How can four different trials be separated ? I think you mean "cases / investigations".
I do think it would be unfair to include other "alleged" crimes as circumstancial "proof".

The ballistic proof tying the crimes together, questionable. I can see that an incriminating murder weapon could have been tossed and found by another 'nere do well, or sold to one.

My thoughts to Kenny and the family.