Worried about polar drift? Are you crazy? The HEAT from global warming will kill you! (Page 1/1)
rinselberg APR 24, 03:11 AM
A nod (of course) to the single most memorable scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Here's the new report that has me doing what I like so much to do here. Offering up another new thing (or sometimes an old thing) that I've just read or seen, and indulging in the art (as I see it) of creating New Topic lines or banners. The 85 keyboard characters (from 1, up to 85 characters) that are entered into the Subject field of the New Topic protocol and subsequently present the Topic in the list of Topics or "Front Page" of the Totally O/T section of the forum.

The first part of that ("offering up another new thing") reminds me (and possibly you) of a particular forum member with a long track record here and a well known screen name. Now a former forum member. But I won't say his (screen) name. Because this isn't a BLM (Banned Lives Matter) protest.

"Climate Change Has Knocked Earth Off It's Axis"

Of all the things attributable to climate change, the rotational poles moving differently is definitely one of the weirder ones. But a new study shows that’s exactly what’s happening. It builds on previous findings to show that disappearing ice is playing a major role, and shows that groundwater depletion is responsible for contributing to wobbles as well.

The findings, published last month in Geophysical Research Letters, uses satellites that track gravity to track what researchers call “polar drift.” While we think of gravity as a constant, it’s actually a moving target based on the shape of the planet. While earthquakes and other geophysical activities can certainly play a role by pushing land around, it’s water that is responsible for the biggest shifts. The satellites used for the study, known as GRACE and GRACE-FO, were calibrated to measure Earth’s shifting mass. . . .

It's not a long article. That was already a good fraction generous serving of it. Here's the last paragraph:

In the scheme of things, climate change triggering polar movement isn’t too worrisome, given the other clear and present dangers like intense heat waves, ocean acidification, and the sixth mass extinction. Ditto for the role of groundwater depletion, which has the potential to impact billions of lives. But it’s a powerful reminder of just how much humans have reshaped the planet and why we should probably cut it out sooner than later if we don’t want our world to turn upside down.

"Climate Change Has Knocked Earth Off It's Axis"
Brian Kahn for Gizmodo; April 23, 2021.

Marked "Politics" because I know how "heated" any discussion related to the topic of Global Warming could become.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-24-2021).]

MidEngineManiac APR 24, 09:23 AM
Personally, I ain't delusional enough to think I run the world or can affect the planet. I'm just not that imp-OH-tant !!

And I gave up giving a rats ass a LONG time ago....if I ever did....I really don't remember back then, I was too busy ****ing around with 6-10mpg muscle cars and polluting the planet, causing pole shifts and global warming.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-24-2021).]

williegoat APR 24, 11:01 AM
Many years ago, I took my Goat to the track. On the second launch, I might have moved the earth just a little. Sorry.
Polar shift/drift has been going on for longer than the brief time that humans have been wandering this muddy lump.

Driftin' and Driftin'... (but I don't think any of these guys are Poles)
The original from 1945, a pivotal recording in that it helped to shape the new post war style, the West Coast Blues. I love Moore's guitar solo starting at 1:20.

and Driftin'...Paul Butterfield and Elvin Bishop, 1967. At the end, 4:29, that is the great Mike Bloomfield on the sidelines.

Two snapshots of America, 22 years apart. Think about that for a minute. The second recording is now over 50 years old. (God, that makes me feel old)

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 04-24-2021).]

randye APR 25, 01:06 AM