Lets ban our food supply (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac APR 25, 06:35 PM
Dem liBAR-alls iz sure gettin smarter by da day !!


D3M6B APR 25, 07:26 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Dem liBAR-alls iz sure gettin smarter by da day !!


60% of oregon's legislative body is democratic. Meaning the difference are republican, other than. 1 independent.

The above house bill does not specify whom introduced it nor the voting record on it. According to https://www.oregonlegislatu...ov/pages/mobile.aspx

I say this because your generalization that this is a democratic led push. Is based on assumptions and stereotyping of the state.

You could be right. However prese ting your argument the way in which you are. Clearly illuminates your ignorance.
As well as you following the same course of action to which the large argument against the media is. That of rushing to provide your opi ion o. A matter before all the facts are known and shared.
randye APR 25, 09:29 PM

Originally posted by D3M6B:

I say this because your generalization that this is a democratic led push. Is based on assumptions and stereotyping of the state.

You could be right. However prese ting your argument the way in which you are. Clearly illuminates your ignorance.

Less than 2 more minutes of research on YOUR part would have cleared things up for you.

"The initiative’s sponsor, a group called End Animal Cruelty,

is beginning to gather the 112,000 signatures they’ll need by next summer and

is working through the national progressive network ActBlue

to recruit volunteers for the effort, animal activist David Michelson recently told Portland’s KBOO-FM, a donor-supported radio station."


By the way, the "IP13" label should have also been a big clue for you that the idea is a PROPOSAL / BALLOT INITIATIVE and not a HOUSE BILL as you assumed.

Accordingly it would NOT be found where you directed people to look.

The OP also did NOT specify what political party he thought was pushing the issue. That wrong assumption was all YOURS.

All of the above "Clearly illuminates your ignorance", not his.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 04-25-2021).]

D3M6B APR 26, 10:37 AM
The OP also did NOT specify what political party he thought was pushing the issue. That wrong assumption was all YOURS.
what part of Dem liBAR-alls iz doesn't designate a political party?

and once again. the fighting animal cruelty and neglect doesn't identify as what political allegiance they have. thus forcing you and other readers to assume what it is and thus use that as the foundation.

hell they could be green party, libertarian, ect

the point im making is the fiero forum community is quick to label others when they themselves don't label themselves.
yet the same entity are quick to denounce being labeled themselves.

thus, do as i say, not as i do.
maryjane APR 26, 12:04 PM
There's plenty of real problems facing our food supply/ag community even without this initiative.


A few excerpts:

"So far, the Biden administration is leaning heavily toward awarding financial bonuses for farmers, ranchers and foresters who retool their operations to suck carbon from the atmosphere. The White House blueprint specifically calls for “incentives” to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions through new farm practices and technologies.

“We are making an aggressive reduction target for the country,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Thursday during a briefing with reporters. “Part of our effort will focus on enhancing climate-smart agricultural practices, the development of biofuels, carbon capture and sequestration, better forest management and reforestation.”

"An especially thorny topic that could draw huge resistance from farmers and ranchers is what to do about methane emissions from cows and other livestock. The industry and many farm-state lawmakers have slammed efforts by politicians to promote “Meatless Mondays” or other programs aimed at reducing meat consumption for environmental reasons."

Hell YES it's going to draw resistance!

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-26-2021).]

FriendGregory APR 30, 02:31 AM

Originally posted by D3M6B:
the point im making is the fiero forum community is quick to label others when they themselves don't label themselves.
yet the same entity are quick to denounce being labeled themselves.

thus, do as i say, not as i do.

I am White, I am Right wing, I am Conservative, I believe in the content of a persons character above all else(sexual abcdefs, color, ect.).

There, I published my label. You may label me, I will offer corrections.
FriendGregory APR 30, 02:52 AM

By the way, I grow hundreds of pounds of food on my city lot in San Jose. I mail guava seeds around the world for free. I also give away food bearing plants every year locally.

Anyone messing with our commercial farmers worries me. I have some idea of the efforts required to bring in a crop and the trouble of getting it to market. California is having another drought year.
The collecting of the production quantities has non nefarious reasons. Pretending climate change is real, the most real impact is our food. I have 3 apricot trees, I do not think there is fruit on any of them. My guava plants look to have become year round. One of my blackberries did year round.
olejoedad APR 30, 03:51 PM
You can go ahead and ban cows.....I can eat venison that I hunt.

It must really suck to live in a city where you are at the mercy of the food-merchants.