What's a 'biatd'? January 6 Capitol rioter's defense. Woody Allen must be smiling. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg APR 27, 04:10 PM

Lawyers for a man photographed sitting at a desk in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the January 6 riot at the US Capitol are arguing that he called her a "biatch," not a "b*tch," in calling for his release.

"This written note, however, says, 'Hey Nancy Bigo was here biatd.' It does not say 'you' or 'b*tch,' " the lawyers for Capitol riot defendant Richard Barnett, known as Bigo, wrote in a court filing filed Friday.

"Instead of writing the accusatory 'You b*tch' as the government falsely states, it only says 'biatd' and without the word 'you,' " the lawyers added in a footnote. "On information and belief, the 'd' was meant to be two letters, 'c' and 'h' with the 'c' connected to an 'h' to spell the word 'biatch' which is a slang and less offensive word for 'b*tch'."

The lawyers also included a link to an online definition of "biatch" as "slang ... used as a term of endearment or disparagement for another person."

Barnett is slated to appear in court Tuesday afternoon, where he will argue to a federal judge that he should be released from jail. At a previous hearing, a different judge said he needed to stay detained -- but that ruling came before the appeals court in DC made it harder for the Justice Department to keep Capitol rioters in jail.

"Lawyers arguing for Capitol rioter's release say he called Pelosi a 'biatch,' which is 'less offensive'"
Caroline Kelly and Katelyn Polantz for CNN; April 26, 2021.
MidEngineManiac APR 27, 04:12 PM
Si the government bitches are bitching about being called bitches. Aint that a ***** .
rinselberg APR 27, 05:44 PM

Brendan Hunt’s defense lawyers showed the jury an image from a 1941 comic book of Captain America punching Adolf Hitler.

After days of testimony featuring text messages that outline his anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic leanings, a man accused of threatening to murder U.S. government officials defended himself on the stand.

“No, I’m not a Nazi. I hate Nazis,” testified Brendan Hunt, 37. He’s a fan of comics, and showed the court a comic book he owned, which features Captain America punching out Adolf Hitler.

During his testimony, Hunt said Hitler was “completely wrong in everything that he did.”

In text messages shown to the jury days earlier, Hunt suggested that then-President Donald Trump should take notes from the Nazi dictator.

“During Hitlers’s first term in office, circumstances were such that it was necessary for him to override the democratic process and become the absolute leader of his country,” Hunt texted his father, as read by an FBI agent in court. “Trump should [probably] do the same if necessary.” . . .

"Brendan Hunt Takes the Stand in Trial Over Capitol Riot Threats"
Nina Pullano for Courthouse News Service; April 27, 2021.
rinselberg APR 28, 01:36 PM
"Blather up" . . . former Occupy Wall Street activist turned MAGA-man Brendan Hunt testified in court on his own behalf, saying that he was under the influence of "bong rips" and "beer" when he went public on social media with threatening messages about U.S. Senators and other public officeholders in the immediate aftermath of the impromptu "open house" at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6 when Congress was tasked with certifying the results of the 2020 national elections for President and Vice President.

A man charged with threatening to kill members of Congress has testified that his disturbing social media rants were the work of a wasted and stoned provocateur, not someone actually out for blood.

Brendan Hunt did not deny creating the posts. But he told jurors on Tuesday at his trial in federal court in Brooklyn he believed what he called “rhetoric” would never be taken seriously. He said it was often composed while “smoking weed” by bong and drinking beer.

He has pleaded not guilty to charges.

"Defendant: Alleged threats against lawmakers were ‘blather’"
Tom Hays for the Associated Press; April 27, 2021.

No link because I just duplicated the entire article.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-28-2021).]