Thank you, gentlmen (Page 1/3)
MidEngineManiac APR 30, 11:10 PM

Liberals...what do you have to say for yourself ?
RWDPLZ APR 30, 11:26 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:


rinselberg APR 30, 11:36 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:
Liberals...what do you have to say for yourself?

I'm sorry to see it, and sorry to say it, but this attempted gaslighting of liberals (or Liberals?)--and by extension, just about anyone you think you have some kind of "beef" with--is the stupidest thing you've created on this forum in recent memory. Maybe the stupidest, period.

It's not the YouTube video that's at fault. It's the way you are trying to use it.

My father was a WW2 soldier; also the uncle that I knew.

If it were possible to go backwards in time and set up a focus group or take an opinion poll among the Allied soldiers on the front lines, or behind the front lines for that matter, at least as many would have described themselves as "liberal" as the ones that would have said "conservative." American soldiers served under a Commander in Chief (FDR) who was the very antithesis of "conservative" for his era. Most likely though, I expect in this imaginary scenario, the most common response from any of the soldiers would be "I'm an American." Or "I"m a Canadian." Or even more likely, "STFU you Witless Moron From the Future."

That's my opinion about it. Based on many accounts that I have read or viewed.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-01-2021).]

randye MAY 01, 12:16 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

.....the stupidest thing you've created on this forum in recent memory. Maybe the stupidest, period.

maryjane MAY 01, 09:23 AM
My father and mother were life long Democrats and both were as proud of their service as anyone else. She working at San Jacinto Ordinance Depot and my father serving in the US Army.
This hangs on my living room wall next to my own military memories.

(Technician Fourth Grade (abbreviated as T/4, TEC4 or TEC-4) was one of three United States Army technician ranks established on January 8, 1942, during World War II. Those who held this rank were often addressed as Sergeant. Technicians possessed specialized skills that were rewarded with a higher pay grade.)

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-01-2021).]

sourmash MAY 01, 12:01 PM
WWII was the beginning of the end for White western republican government. The Allies destroyed every lever that was or could be an obstacle to prevent the over-through of our personal rights and freedoms by the Marxist influenced groups.

One lone obstacle today is a tattered/teetering Bill of Rights in America, and the party which has selected a fake President Biden is leading the current assaults on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th sections.

The other obstacle that "they" thought was already in the bag is Russia.

My "thank you" is in sarcasm. I don't think for a second that soldiers or the public knew what they were doing, but that doesn't soften what is happening to us today.
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 02, 12:35 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

American soldiers served under a Commander in Chief (FDR) who was the very antithesis of "conservative" for his era. Most likely though, I expect in this imaginary scenario, the most common response from any of the soldiers would be "I'm an American." Or "I"m a Canadian." Or even more likely, "STFU you Witless Moron From the Future."

Wait, I'm confused... I thought Republicans and Democrats switched sides in the early 60s, which means that all of those people you mention in the mid 1940s would have been Conservative. Are you saying that Democrats and Republicans switched really quick, and then switched back again really quick, only to switch yet again really quick... all in the span of like ~15 years? Just want to make sure I've got my 1619 history down correctly.
rinselberg MAY 02, 03:36 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Wait, I'm confused... I thought Republicans and Democrats switched sides in the early 60s, which means that all of those people you mention in the mid 1940s would have been Conservative. Are you saying that Democrats and Republicans switched really quick, and then switched back again really quick, only to switch yet again really quick... all in the span of like ~15 years? Just want to make sure I've got my 1619 history down correctly.

What we had here (in the Original Post from MEM) where he posted what looks like an accusation in the form of a rhetorical question--"Liberals...what do you have to say for yourself ?"--is a canard. It takes an "Innocent" YouTube video and misuses it--well, the term I used when I first responded here was "gaslighting."

Since MEM is a Canadian, I don't know whether his use of "Liberal" is a reference to the Liberal Party of Canada, or "Liberal" as a way to say "left of center, ideologically" or if it's the "small L" use of "liberal" that he capitalized because it's the beginning of his sentence. Three possibilities, which narrow the Original Post to one of three categories: "bad", "worse" or "worst."

What MEM did here (at the very top) reminds me of this. I don't know about you, but I would call this a "low" moment for any public figure, much less a serving President of the United States.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-02-2021).]

randye MAY 02, 09:27 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

......I would call this a "low" moment for any public figure, much less a serving President of the United States.

A LEFTIST saying that someone embracing the United States flag is "a low moment" isn't a surprise.

The President of the United States embracing the United States flag does reflect the values of the American people who elected him.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 05-02-2021).]

rinselberg MAY 02, 09:58 PM
If it weren't well known that DJT is a tee-totaler, there would have been widespread speculation that he was drunk when he walked on that stage at CPAC.

The difference between the other photographs that were just displayed and what Trump did at CPAC was the phoniness and "faux patriotism" appearance of the Trump@CPAC flag-embracing moment. The people in those other photographs look very natural and spontaneous. Trump--well, he's incapable of looking natural and spontaneous.

Trump's flag-kissing at CPAC seems more akin to the moment when Adolf Hitler kissed the well known Nazi "blood banner" flag. I actually can't find an image of that, but I think I've seen it on documentaries. I do have an image of Hitler grasping the "blood banner" flag. It's not a full embrace of the flag, like Trump at CPAC. Hitler's just grasping the "blood banner' by one of its edges in the image that I found.

I'm not trying to equate Trump with Hitler, or Trump's supporters (for the most part) with the historical Nazis or with neo-Nazis.

It's just the contrived ambience that these images (Trump; Hitler) evoke. Theatrics or stage play, in contrast to the other photos that were just posted.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-02-2021).]