Maricopa County, AZ election audit (Page 1/10)
Hudini MAY 11, 10:07 PM
Now that the audit has begun, what do you think? Will it matter? If it's proven Biden won the county is Trump finished? If it's proven Trump won the county is Biden finished?
williegoat MAY 11, 10:32 PM
I don't expect it will change a damned thing, although I have a tiny speck of hope that it will.

I can tell you that the left is scared shirtless, though. They have been fighting it, tooth and nail from the beginning. They have even gotten the feds involved, claiming everything from privacy violations to "voter intimidation". How do you intimidate someone who already voted six months ago? I had my doubts that it would ever happen and it still could come to a grinding halt.

Even our leftist sheriff is getting in on the game, claiming that somehow the people who are counting the votes will expose classified law enforcement information. It is bizarre.
Hudini MAY 12, 02:27 AM
You would think that the left would welcome the count. After all he is the most popular president in history. I just want the truth whether it’s good, bad or ugly.
blackrams MAY 12, 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Hudini:

You would think that the left would welcome the count. After all he is the most popular president in history. I just want the truth whether it’s good, bad or ugly.

Yes, either expose the "lie" or verify it.

Now, with the Dems in Congress trying to pass legislation regarding "State" voting, it should get much more interesting. Funny how fear seems to be driving several in Congress.
Every citizen of the US has a right to vote (with the possible exception of some felons) but, for some reason the Dems don't want to prove it with an ID. I just ordered a wheel for one of my trailers and to pick it up, I have to have a government issued ID.


Wichita MAY 12, 08:48 AM
Left wing groups, and the media spent millions of their own money on 4 additional privately funded recounts of the ballots in Florida after Bush won the election in 2000.

What did they find after four recounts and spending millions? That Bush won the election each and every time. The media was so hoping to find something that would change the narrative that it was Gore that actually won, but to no avail.

maryjane MAY 12, 11:23 AM
What's the deal on 'bamboo paper'?
williegoat MAY 12, 11:34 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

What's the deal on 'bamboo paper'?

The composition of the paper would identify its source. A valid ballot will have a specific composition.

Paper from Asia can have bamboo in it and the propagandists are using that idea to create an impression that the Republicans are looking for Chinese election interference.
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 12, 01:25 PM
From what I understand, they are not getting all of the machines involved in that county... though I'm not sure if this is correct? Can anyone confirm?

I would be very interested to see if the software differs from machine to machine, or if they all have the same unique hash. I'd also like to see at least one of each hash be reverse engineered with IDA Pro or something like that to see what exactly they're doing. There should only ever be addition and subtraction math in this software. Anything else, and it would be suspect.

Furthermore, I wish states would make it a LAW that all software should be made available as open source... so that everyone can download it and tear it apart. Since these machines should NEVER be connected to the internet, "crowd sourcing" the vulnerabilities in this software, and identifying anything that would be errant or mischievous, would be immediately apparent.
maryjane MAY 12, 02:44 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

The composition of the paper would identify its source. A valid ballot will have a specific composition.

Paper from Asia can have bamboo in it and the propagandists are using that idea to create an impression that the Republicans are looking for Chinese election interference.

Are the auditors actually looking for bamboo paper?
If they are, then it probably isn't just propaganda.

williegoat MAY 12, 03:45 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Are the auditors actually looking for bamboo paper?
If they are, then it probably isn't just propaganda.

They are looking at the composition of the paper, but not specifically for bamboo, as far as I know. If the composition does not match the official source, the ballot could be a forgery.

You may or may not remember that the vote count went on for weeks after the election. During that time, there were several reports of boxes of ballots being discovered in various places, then included in the count.

I cannot say that the election was stolen, but I am not yet prepared to say that it was not.