Covid science deniers located! (Page 1/2)
sourmash MAY 17, 08:47 AM
And they work for Fauci, FDA and CDC.

A tweet found online:

Phil Kerpen
Senator Burr asked Fauci, Peter Marks from the FDA, and @CDCDirector what percentage of their own employees are vaccinated.

Fauci probably a bit more than half, around 60%.

Marks said about the same.

Walensky dodged the question.

Watch the video here. his-deadly-vaxx%2F
maryjane MAY 17, 09:30 AM
It shouldn't come as any big surprise. A 60% vaccination rate is pretty high.

Most medical people believe 60-70% of the population getting vaccinated and/or acquiring natural immunity is the threshold needed for 'herd immunity'.
Faucci has stated it a little higher at 70-85%.
But, it's still up to the individual in most cases.
There will always be tin hatters that chose not to be vaccinated, and that is true even in the military. About 40% of US Marines on active duty have opted out of Covid vaccination. (DoD cannot force the troops to be vaccinated for Covid19 because the vaccines are authorized only under emergency protocols by FDA and CDC) But, over 100,000 Marines had not yet been offered the vaccine by their commands, as of mid April. (Marine active duty total strength is about 186,000. ) The other 4 services had not released their vaccination numbers yet and may not at all.

About 30% of Americans polled by the Pew Research Center in February said they were unlikely to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
That will get us to 70%, which should be good enough.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-17-2021).]

olejoedad MAY 17, 09:44 AM
Tin hatters?

Taking medical advice is an individual decision, even when meeting with a doctor in person after an examination.

And truthfully, the advice given to the public by the medical staff of the Federal Government has been somewhat slipshod, contradictory and generalized in nature.

Not exactly the kind of advice one wants when making a decision regarding their health.

sourmash MAY 17, 10:02 AM
The tin-hatters at the CDC, FDA and working directly for Dr. Fauci are science deniers.
maryjane MAY 17, 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

The tin-hatters at the CDC, FDA and working directly for Dr. Fauci are science deniers.

About 40% are, according to the article you posted the link to.

rinselberg MAY 17, 10:19 AM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

Tin hatters?

Taking medical advice is an individual decision, even when meeting with a doctor in person after an examination.

And truthfully, the advice given to the public by the medical staff of the Federal Government has been somewhat slipshod, contradictory and generalized in nature.

Not exactly the kind of advice one wants when making a decision regarding their health.

I think the "Feds" have been straightforward and consistent in their messaging on the Covid vaccines.

That messaging has been consistent: "Get vaccinated with the first kind of Covid vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna or J&J) that becomes available to you."

Am I wrong on that?
sourmash MAY 17, 10:22 AM
He said about "half", then said about 60%. Which is it? It's somewhere less than 100% 8s just as nebulous of a statement.

These tin-hatters at Fauci's group, the CDC and FDA sure are instilling confidence (and triggering the indoctrinated).
olejoedad MAY 17, 02:38 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I think the "Feds" have been straightforward and consistent in their messaging on the Covid vaccines.

That messaging has been consistent: "Get vaccinated with the first kind of Covid vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna or J&J) that becomes available to you."

Am I wrong on that?

They have been consistent as to getting the vaccine, however pre-vaccine advice as to masks, freedom of movement, therapeutics was spotty.

Many in our society have doubts as to their own need for the vaccine.
MidEngineManiac MAY 17, 02:45 PM

I think I'll wait a year or 2 and see how many guinea pigs are still around.

Shouldn't be an issue. If the stuff works the vaccinated are protected, and if it doesn't and they aren't why bother in the first place.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-17-2021).]

MidEngineManiac MAY 17, 05:02 PM