DOOM ETERNAL! (Page 1/1)
Jonesy MAY 22, 01:59 PM
Got this game last weekend, because, well, its DOOM!

Game is freakin amazing. Easily one of the most fast paced and action packed shooters iv ever played.

This game is basically heavy metal personified!

Love how they changed up the combat system.

So its the old school super fast paced shooting that doom is known for, with a few changes.

For one, your resources (health, ammo, armor) are in very short supply as far as being scattered throughout the levels. There is some around to pickup, but not a lot.

But! You have all the tools needed to get your supplies.

1) you can stun monsters and then do a "glory kill" on them, (which usually consists of you tearing the demon apart with your bare hands) and they will drop health icons for you.

2) You have a shoulder mounted flame thrower. Set some monsters on fire with it, and they will start dropping Armor pickups for you.

3) Low on ammo? No worries, just whip out your chainsaw, and cut a demon down with it, and they will spray ammo all over the ground for you like a pinata!

So basically you enter a combat area, and just keep moving and killing things as you run, jump and fly around the level. Just don't stop moving or your dead! Then use your tools to fill up on whatever resource you need.

Just gotta say, using the "Super Shotgun" in Doom Eternal is worth the price of admittance alone.. A big double barrel shotgun with a chain and meat hook attacked to the bottom. Shoot the meat hook chain at a demon, it latches on, and pulls you towards the demon (in slow motion) then right when your in its face! BOOM!. Once you get used to using it, you'll be jumping around keeping yourself airborne just by hooking onto demons and pulling yourself around the combat arena, staying in flight killing everything as you go! lol.. SOOOO much fun! It gets even more fun when you upgrade the chain hook so that it sets demons on fire when you hook them with it! :P

This version of DOOM is almost sorta "open world" also.. You start in your "Doom Tower", which is basically your "home base". You choose a mission from your base computer, then warp down to the surface to do it, and each map is a giant open area you can explore and fight demons all you want.

This game kicks more @ss than any game before it.. Its 100% metal!

Here's some nice Super Shotgun action!

[This message has been edited by Jonesy (edited 05-22-2021).]

maryjane MAY 23, 08:40 AM
Does it give your quarter back at the end if you save the princess?
Jonesy MAY 24, 12:54 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Does it give your quarter back at the end if you save the princess?

No time for princess's, i got demons to slaughter.

TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 24, 05:28 AM
Nice, thanks for sharing the videos. Haven't played Doom for awhile. Loved it and Quake and all that era of games. Older now. parts don't work the way they used to. Brain far less capable. Covid vaccine probably didn't help. and close exposure to life and all its bullsheetrock. The info panel dims over time.

"MY Doom"" didn't have a "Jump" Button." -TDA

but wow- all that newfangled weaponry details sure looks "pretty" in a horrific (and wonderful) way.

I tip my hat genuinely with all the strength I can muster.
Jonesy MAY 24, 02:07 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Nice, thanks for sharing the videos. Haven't played Doom for awhile. Loved it and Quake and all that era of games. Older now. parts don't work the way they used to. Brain far less capable. Covid vaccine probably didn't help. and close exposure to life and all its bullsheetrock. The info panel dims over time.

"MY Doom"" didn't have a "Jump" Button." -TDA

but wow- all that newfangled weaponry details sure looks "pretty" in a horrific (and wonderful) way.

I tip my hat genuinely with all the strength I can muster.

Check out my "Mini-Doom" post.. That game might be more your speed..

TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 24, 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Jonesy:

Check out my "Mini-Doom" post.. That game might be more your speed..

I think If I sat down with the newer one, a day or so would quickly pass by.

I think it's actually more that I like making stuff more now than blasting the heck outta it... I'll checkout that other post.
Jonesy MAY 24, 03:14 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

I think If I sat down with the newer one, a day or so would quickly pass by.

I think it's actually more that I like making stuff more now than blasting the heck outta it... I'll checkout that other post.

Creative type.. You should try the previous doom (Doom 2016) it has a "snap map" feature were you can make your own maps and battle arenas.

I used to love making maps and mods for the old school games with doomED and the build engine.