Somebody smack me for being an idiot (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac MAY 22, 08:15 PM
One of them doesn't cause me enough frustration....NNNooooooooo

I had to go an get a second one, and dual-extruder too boot. These things are just like Fiero's. They follow you home and you are stuck with them. And they multiply. Damn things are even self-replicating sometimes (Yeh, its in the plans)

(Im liking the 260 build height, my Anycubic only goes 205. I am gonna have fuuunnnnn with this one !)
TheDigitalAlchemist MAY 23, 06:21 AM
Yeah, their prices coming down so dramatically, and a bunch of other reasons, its really easy to end up with a bunch of them. We have a few that we never really ended up using (yet?) because of their price. One was like 19 bucks and the other one for like 35 just for "parts" (like a parts car- heh) Made a rule not to get any unless its got a unique feature. Dual is nice because you can print the supports in washable material. Post some pics of your builds from the new one!

Haven't followed that rule yet. whoopsie

ls3mach MAY 24, 11:54 AM
I've been wanting a 3D printer and have access to one free if needed. I don't know what use it would be to me.

A friend of mine had a patent and was selling them. I'm not sure what their status is anymore.
MidEngineManiac MAY 24, 01:47 PM
Heh. I already decided the hot end and mixer suck are problematic and am converting it to an E3D V6 with a Prometheus mixer.

Unless you are selling custom stuff, prototyping, or have a hobby where plastic parts are needed and expensive, they are pretty useless. It will cost 24 hours and 10 bucks to make something you can get in a dollar store for $3, and never mind the frustration of failed prints and machine problems.

Those would take me a full day to make, plus finishing time (they come off the printer a little rough), and probably $4-5 of filament, another buck in hydro. And ya can buy a ready-to-go for $25. For a lot of stuff these machines make no sense whatsoever. Nobody in their right mind would pay what I have in it. OTOH, if you want one with a custom logo, or your name, or different ridges (honeycomb instead of lines over the opening) come talk to me. It'll be about 100 bucks though.


1 day, 8 hours, 42 minutes, call it 33 hours. . 256g of filament (1/4 roll at 30 per). I can probably get that down a little playing with some settings but not a whole lot. $100-$125 aint out of line for a custom one. For a "stock" one its insane.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-24-2021).]

ls3mach MAY 24, 02:51 PM
I forgot about the ram-air feature. My first one had one of those. Someone stole the damn thing or it fell off. I wouldn't give $2 for one, unless they're valuable for resale...