All over a facemask................ (Page 1/2)
blackrams MAY 29, 08:37 AM
Video shows attack on Southwest flight attendant on San Diego-bound plane


SAN DIEGO — Just after the 44-second video starts, the punches start.
In the back row of a Southwest Airlines flight from Sacramento to San Diego on Sunday morning, a woman in a middle seat shakes her finger at a female flight attendant and threatens to sue.

Suddenly the passenger next to her springs from her aisle seat and hits the flight attendant. She keeps on swinging, the video shows, until another passenger jumps in, putting himself in the middle of them and yelling at the passenger to sit down.

“Don’t you dare touch a flight attendant like that,” he yells at the woman, now back in her seat. Behind him, the flight attendant pushes her hair back off her face, revealing blood running down her cheek.

Someone off camera repeatedly says “She came at her first. She came at her first.”

That encounter sent the flight attendant to the hospital and the 28-year-old passenger to jail.

It also generated headlines after someone posted footage of police escorting the passenger off the plane. It accompanies national news stories reporting that airline passenger misconduct has jumped in recent months.

The Federal Aviation Administration said in a news release earlier this week that, since the start of the year, it has received about 2,500 reports of “unruly behavior” by passengers. The vast majority of them — 1,900 reports — relate to passengers who refused to comply with the federal face mask mandate.

Makes me curious as to if commercial airliners should have ejection seats.

IMSA GT MAY 29, 10:32 AM
Can't even follow the rules for a 1.5 hour flight without making a scene. Flight attendant should have taken out her ball point pen and stabbed her with it.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 05-29-2021).]

MidEngineManiac MAY 29, 11:46 AM
This is where perspective comes in.

1st of all, on the mask. MEDICAL EXEMPTION. There are million (tens of millions) of us out there. The entire human species can PISS OFF if it "offends" them. The people who give a **** are over there....somewhere...far, far away....

2nd, on the F.A. The beach SHOULD have been put in a grave, not a hospital. Just for good measure pizz on that grave and burn her house to the ground as an example. It's NOT the job function (FA, LEO, cashier, CS--DONT matter). It's the personality. These little tin-hat, jack-boot, wanna-be dictators have gotten WAY out of control. Beyond WAY. They are nothing but little nazi piles of feces who think they rule the world when in fact they dont even rule their own masturbation. Mask nazi, speech nazi, rules nazi, clothing nazi, driving nazi. The ONE thing they have in common is nazi, nazi, nazi. WW2 aftermath taught us how to deal with little tin-hat nazi's. That would be to throw them all in barb-wire fenced fields and let the starvation and elements take care of the scum. Don't worry about the carcasses and bones, the wildlife will deal with that.

It's all in the perspective on the situation.
blackrams MAY 29, 11:55 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

This is where perspective comes in.

1st of all, on the mask. MEDICAL EXEMPTION. There are million (tens of millions) of us out there. The entire human species can PISS OFF if it "offends" them. The people who give a **** are over there....somewhere...far, far away....

2nd, on the F.A. The beach SHOULD have been put in a grave, not a hospital. Just for good measure pizz on that grave and burn her house to the ground as an example. It's NOT the job function (FA, LEO, cashier, CS--DONT matter). It's the personality. These little tin-hat, jack-boot, wanna-be dictators have gotten WAY out of control. Beyond WAY. They are nothing but little nazi piles of feces who think they rule the world when in fact they dont even rule their own masturbation. Mask nazi, speech nazi, rules nazi, clothing nazi, driving nazi. The ONE thing they have in common is nazi, nazi, nazi. WW2 aftermath taught us how to deal with little tin-hat nazi's. That would be to throw them all in barb-wire fenced fields and let the starvation and elements take care of the scum. Don't worry about the carcasses and bones, the wildlife will deal with that.

It's all in the perspective on the situation.

First, how do you know any of the people involved had any medical exemptions. That may be true but, I've not seen that claimed in any source. Secondly, when you "rent" an airline seat, you agree to follow the rules for the FAA and the airline. Wearing masks is well documented in the airports, on the aircraft and, by the preflight crew's instructions. If ya don't like it, get off the aircraft. Interference with the duties of a flight crew member is against federal law, as a former aviator, you already know this. You're welcome to feel however you wish about the masking rule, but, until the rules change, you'll follow the fight crew's instructions or, pay the price.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 05-29-2021).]

Hudini MAY 29, 12:06 PM
I can tell you another pax said the FA put her hands on the woman. We are taught to deescalate a situation, not put your hands on them unless physical restraint is called for.
MidEngineManiac MAY 29, 12:12 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

If ya don't like it, get off the aircraft.

Oh, I 2004...AND I got off the airport, and haven't been back since.

YUP. The nazi-jackboot-unconstitutional "rules" was EXACTLY why. **** them, I can drive.... and they can damn well fly, fix and service it themselves. NOT putting up with the attitude.

Hell, I even managed to "get off" of society and far away from it. THAT lasted for almost 10 years before "rules" dragged me back in and I'm having a ***** of a time escaping this prison-planet since.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-29-2021).]

williegoat MAY 29, 12:14 PM
The way I see it, there are two distinct issues here. In this case, they are intertwined.

One is the mask issue, a multifaceted subject that has been discussed in detail many times. I do not intend to address that here.

The other issue is angry people overreacting violently to relatively small problems. I see this as the same problem that causes some to commit heinous atrocities, often involving weapons. In my opinion, these perpetrators are essentially spoiled children. Instead of banning guns, we need to figure out how to stop producing spoiled children.

A mass killer is just a Hyper-Karen.
MidEngineManiac MAY 29, 01:03 PM
LOL, I just started another fight along these same lines a couple days ago. I'll see how it goes.

Canada just did its census, and they got into gender politics. Asked what you "self identify" as. (remember, refusing to answer is considered a "crime" here )

I told them to eff right off, I am a man born with a penis, and male DNA, and male cromisones, and I REFUSE to "self-identify". Then told them to take their political-correctness and stuff it up their woke wack-job wazoo's.

I'll see if they back down. I wont. **** 'em and **** their "rules"

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-29-2021).]

williegoat MAY 29, 01:40 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

I'll see if they back down. I wont. **** 'em and **** their "rules"

I'll be watching the news.
sourmash MAY 29, 02:00 PM
We're so free.