NYC Chinese councilwoman aids attacking Asians. (Page 1/1)
sourmash JUN 02, 09:49 AM
I'm calling this Politics, but it should be labeled as Fun. This is a case of, you get the government you deserve.

Another senior Asian woman was minding her own business and was violently attacked by a habitual Black offender. He'd been arrested 8 times recently.

Yuh-Line Niou, a lesbian, Taiwanese NYC Councilwoman posted:
This was just sent to me from my constituent. This just happened in my district in Chinatown. He has been arrested and our precinct is investigating.

She posted a video of a 55 year old woman walking along when a man sucker punched her.

THE TWIST: a former police commissioner exposed her thusly:
You, @yuhline, are one of the morons that voted for bail reform that prevents a judge from holding him. You and your colleagues have emboldened violent criminals in the city, which is why violent crime and murder is on the rise. You should be ashamed.

Video can seen at the link. At the end you can hear an Asian man ask the criminal "why you hit me?" So, did he hit someone else prior to the woman?
Wichita JUN 02, 10:01 AM
Black on Asian hate crimes are very prevalent for some reason. Especially in NYC.
sourmash JUN 02, 11:25 AM
Women and the elderly, it appears.

Because they're easy targets, or because they "believe" they spread covid 19?
rinselberg JUN 02, 01:25 PM
Here's my "take." From my appearance earlier today in the other currently active thread about AOC.

TheDigitalAlchemist JUN 02, 01:56 PM
Around the same time as that incident, another black homeless male assaulted an Asian policewoman in CA. They are "nuts in the head" - they shout at Asians saying they don't belong here, but they don't even have a home...

It's a daily cycle - they go the the bodega, get a few 40's, and yell at people all day. or hit them with a brick or a hammer or their fist(s). two of them "shirtless guy with shirt tucked in pocket" and "guy who likes to sit in a chair and wheel it around and scream" were both recent attackers. One is back on the street, saw him the day after the news story. Lots of mental folks, + alcohol or other stuff. shooting up out in the open. Fun times commuting lately.

Plus, they added outlets all over Penn Station, and free wifi, so they just line the corridors and sit there and watch youtube (or surf PFF, who knows?)
City streets also now have outlets and free wifi hotspots where public phones used to be. they have convenient shelves so they can let their empty 40's pile up...

We need some giant glue traps.

randye JUN 02, 07:51 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

We need some giant glue traps.


You need new government.

Just treating the symptoms doesn't cure the underlying disease.
maryjane JUN 02, 08:40 PM

Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist:

Around the same time as that incident, another black homeless male assaulted an Asian policewoman in CA. They are "nuts in the head" - they shout at Asians saying they don't belong here, but they don't even have a home...

It's a daily cycle - they go the the bodega, get a few 40's, and yell at people all day. or hit them with a brick or a hammer or their fist(s). two of them "shirtless guy with shirt tucked in pocket" and "guy who likes to sit in a chair and wheel it around and scream" were both recent attackers. One is back on the street, saw him the day after the news story. Lots of mental folks, + alcohol or other stuff. shooting up out in the open. Fun times commuting lately.

Plus, they added outlets all over Penn Station, and free wifi, so they just line the corridors and sit there and watch youtube (or surf PFF, who knows?)
City streets also now have outlets and free wifi hotspots where public phones used to be. they have convenient shelves so they can let their empty 40's pile up...

We need some giant glue traps.

They'll just give 'em some giant blue tarps to live in instead

TheDigitalAlchemist JUN 03, 08:13 AM
I agree, Randye, but that is extremely unlikely to occur. It’s like finding a big mass of ticks and inside, there’s a mouse or something, but all you can see are all these ticks dug in deep ,feeding. It’s nauseating.