Twitter Irony (Page 1/1)
Hudini JUN 06, 04:52 AM
"Twitter Bans President Donald Trump — PERMANENTLY"


"Nigeria announces Twitter ban"

The Irony?

"Twitter declared a free and open Internet to be "an essential human right in modern society"

Yes, the platform that deletes accounts says access to those accounts is a human right. Here's your sign Twitter.

MidEngineManiac JUN 06, 10:19 AM
Liberal Logic at work....wait, work ?
theogre JUN 06, 11:16 AM
Just the same BS for "Privacy..."
Apple and rest have made "exceptions" for China, India and others so they can do business w/ Zero Privacy.
And when you text call etc into those places you are "bugged" by those Govrmnts including US and others "western" Govrmnts.
Note Zoom & TikTok are still owned by China Co. too and send US data to the CCP because Biden won.

Taking a real view of history for Blackberry in India and others. Many issues can be trace to that point when India shut down Blackberry because of Encryption they can't read. Blackberry still routes all India data thru servers there that India Gov can suck down data including data anyone traveling to/thru India. This is a big reason why Blackberry stopped selling phones to the rest of the world.

Example: India threatens to shut down BlackBerry service @ Cnet

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 06-06-2021).]