This is so awesome, I apologize for bragging, but have to share. (Page 1/2)
82-T/A [At Work] JUN 06, 12:02 PM
I just moved into a house here in Tampa. It's a fairly newer house, built in 2007. Most of the homes I've bought in the past have been from the 1980s and required total renovation ... which I often did over the span of 2-3 years each time I moved into it. In this house, all I'm really having to do is paint and a few other things. I have some changes planned for pantry and kitchen, and I have to re-do the downstairs bathroom (totally plain-jane looking)... but one thing I noticed was pretty awesome. This house here in Tampa (in this community) was available with a lot of different options. The guy didn’t splurge on any real fancy stuff, but he did splurge on one feature which was pre-wiring. The home is pre-wired with an absurd number of outlets, and also pancake receptacles at every corner of eves of the house. But in addition to that, the family also got pre-wiring in every room (including the kitchen) for:

1 – CAT 5e / Internet & Network
2 – CAT 5e / Phone & PBX
3 – Cable TV (Shielded)
4 – Digital Antennae

Every room has all four of these connections built in:

Every room has a Cat 5e network drop, some rooms have multiple drops. The home also has built in digital TV antenna wiring leading to the attic which is where a digital antennae would be mounted. It has a splitter which feeds to every room in the house. Every room in the house ALSO has a separate connection for cable TV, and then of course... every room has an RJ45/RJ11 combo-connector for telephone and VOIP if I want it. Which is totally insane. I mean, I can’t say this enough... so awesome.

It all feeds into a single patch panel / network panel which is located in the master bedroom closet (Panel-1 and Panel-2). I did have to clean it up a bit because when I first realized what it was (and opened it up)... it looked horrible... so, many zip-ties later and testing and labeling all the ports, this is what it looks like:

I realize of course that... with 5G, no one cares because everything will just be connected. But I like to be hard-wired when possible, I don’t like everything being connected via wireless all the time. Even using the router that’s in the patch panel, I’m still getting ~920 mb/s download speeds... just insane. I had no idea how awesome it could be to have a home pre-wired like this... I mean, this is mind-blowing to me. I've always had to do really ghetto stuff in my past houses, or wire stuff up and run cables through the attic or all kinds of other nonsense...

In this picture, the connector is mounted to the center of the wall, which is totally weird... but if I put a hutch up there, it will cover it. I think it was meant for a TV to be mounted there...
maryjane JUN 06, 12:41 PM
Looks good and plenty of terminals for future use.
I wish I had thought to have mine done that way in 2009.
(I wouldn't have thought you would be still using a wired mouse and headphones tho)
Jake_Dragon JUN 06, 12:53 PM
This would also make it easy to setup home security system, its 80% done.
82-T/A [At Work] JUN 06, 01:28 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Looks good and plenty of terminals for future use.
I wish I had thought to have mine done that way in 2009.
(I wouldn't have thought you would be still using a wired mouse and headphones tho)

Definitely a wired mouse and keyboard... I have bluetooth for things like a separate mouse for my laptop... but it just makes sense if it's a desktop. The wired headphones though is because I don't really have any furniture. I just picked up this desk in Orlando that I bought from eBay for $100 bucks. Other than an air mattress and a couple of folding chairs, it's literally my only piece of furniture in the home... haha. So my speakers and everything else are at home.

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

This would also make it easy to setup home security system, its 80% done.

Funny you should say that... the brown box directly to the right of it is for a security system. Every window and door is hard-wired with those magnetic interrupters for a security system. Apparently none of them are being used though as it's been powered off and the home owner installed an ADT system which only has those on the front and back doors with a CR 2032 battery. It uses motion sensors throughout the rest of the home. I'm debating what to do with this box... whether I should tear it out, or... I dunno...
Jake_Dragon JUN 06, 03:28 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Funny you should say that... the brown box directly to the right of it is for a security system. Every window and door is hard-wired with those magnetic interrupters for a security system. Apparently none of them are being used though as it's been powered off and the home owner installed an ADT system which only has those on the front and back doors with a CR 2032 battery. It uses motion sensors throughout the rest of the home. I'm debating what to do with this box... whether I should tear it out, or... I dunno...

My paranoid ass would have IP cameras in as many places as I could
randye JUN 06, 10:25 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

1 – CAT 5e / Internet & Network
2 – CAT 5e / Phone & PBX
3 – Cable TV (Shielded)
4 – Digital Antennae

Every room has all four of these connections built in:


Wish my old house was as well planned and outfitted.

I'm getting ready to install all new PoE security cameras, (the current ones are failing) and pulling Ethernet cables all through the attic is going to be a big chore....

.....a chore that I'm going to hire someone else to do...

Good to see you're getting settled in. We will get together soon.

82-T/A [At Work] JUN 10, 06:08 PM

Originally posted by randye:


Wish my old house was as well planned and outfitted.

I'm getting ready to install all new PoE security cameras, (the current ones are failing) and pulling Ethernet cables all through the attic is going to be a big chore....

.....a chore that I'm going to hire someone else to do...

Good to see you're getting settled in. We will get together soon.

Yeah... it's been pretty cool. Family and furniture still isn't here yet, but it's giving me time to get the house ready. I've changed out most of the outlets, all the door handles and hinges, change the locks, paint the rooms... but I haven't changed out the floors or carpeting yet... sigh. Should be the first thing, I just know I can't get it done in time. I'm going to try to have the rooms done, or I'll do them myself. I just need to find matching wood...

But the built in patch panel... so awesome... still get excited about it, lol...
sourmash JUN 10, 06:13 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Yeah... it's been pretty cool. Family and furniture still isn't here yet,

SWEET! Good times. Pick something up to go from the Tiki Hut?

A full height unfinished basement allowed me to run some cat6 to a few rooms.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 06-10-2021).]

BHall71 JUN 11, 05:32 PM
If you ever have any weird things go on with the computer you might try getting it off the carpet. ESD is real. Years ago I had my tower on the ground/carpet and it started acting weird, random stuff. Put it up on the desk and the problems stopped.

82-T/A [At Work] JUN 11, 06:18 PM

Originally posted by BHall71:

If you ever have any weird things go on with the computer you might try getting it off the carpet. ESD is real. Years ago I had my tower on the ground/carpet and it started acting weird, random stuff. Put it up on the desk and the problems stopped.


Definitely will, this is pretty much my only piece of furniture except for some folding chairs. I get my furniture on the 21st. It sat in a cabinet with my old desk, but in this house, I'll probably have it sit on a small pedestal to lift it up a bit.
