'With Six You Get Eyeroll' . . . Big History looks at ocular rotations. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg JUN 08, 06:06 PM
At the 3:47 mark (the video link is still ahead), the young woman on the right of the three-panel video conference checks in with an eye-roll to end all eye-rolls. If there were an Olympics "Eye-Rolling" event, this would be a "10" every day of the year. I'm surprised she still had pupils after that, instead of two uniformly white-colored marbles for eyes--the ultimate "blank" expression or look. As in "she just had a blank expression on her face, seeming not to understand."

That eye-roll was like a pair of Air Force Thunderbirds or Navy Blue Angels performing a synchronized Barrel Roll at an air show.

I don't want this to be "Political." This is meant to be a depoliticized version of something that I made into a new forum topic about 24 hours ago. But the YouTube video is of a political or politically sensitive topic. So how can we proceed?

"Takers" (if there are any) could mute the sound on whatever they are using--desktop system, tablet, cell phone--however you "do" Pennock's. Mute the sound before you activate the YouTube link that's coming. Or if your browser allows it, mute the sound from your browser or from your browser window or tab.

But there's another option: I have it queued up to the 3:30 mark on YouTube. That's enough of a head start (before the 3:47 mark) for anyone to mute the sound from the YouTube video by selecting the Loudspeaker Icon in the control panel area at the bottom of the YouTube video field, over on the left. Near the Lower Left Corner of it.

Unless you have premium YouTube access, I'd expect you could also be hit first with one of those brief advertising spots or "blipverts." You could take advantage of that to mute the sound by selecting the Loudspeaker Icon, before the YouTube video content starts from the 3:30 mark.

So, on your mark, set . . . GO.

What can be said about eye rolling, based on the systematic study of humans and our facial expressions that's known to psychologists through their research and experiments with human test subjects?

Big History singles out a recent report from The Atlantic:

"Is Eye-Rolling Innate or Learned? Why 13-Year-Old Girls Are the Queens of Eye-Rolling."

As far as facial expressions go, the eye-roll is one of the more deliberate forms of expressing contempt.

Adrienne LaFrance for The Atlantic; May 11, 2016.

At the very endt:

Eye-rolling is also, quite possibly, uniquely human.

Monkeys don’t roll their eyes, even though they do follow one another’s gazes the way a human does, according to a primate researcher at Yale, Laurie Santos. And though LaFrance says she can’t rule out the idea of other animals as eye-rollers, she hasn’t yet heard of one. “It may be something that we humans can say is ours,” she said.

Just before that:

And although the academic study of eye-rolling is still relatively sparse—it mostly comes up in the context of broader inquiry into facial expression—the larger cultural record of the practice is vast. There are references to eye-rolling in Shakespeare and throughout literature. (Though, as Forrest Wickman wrote for Slate in 2013, eye-rolling was often associated with lust up until the mid-20th century.)

That takes Big History to another online magazine--Slate.

"When did we start rolling our eyes to express contempt?"
Forrest Wickman for Slate; January 15, 2013.

Here's how that one starts:

Exasperation is pervading the political body language in Washington these days. Republican leaders reacted to Barack Obama’s press conference Monday with “a joint eye-roll,” according to the Washington Post. The unproductive debt negotiations between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, as Politico notes, were marked by “lengthy Obama lectures and much eye-rolling.” When did rolling one’s eyes become a way to signal disapproval?

Just in the last few decades. In previous centuries, it often meant the opposite—a look of passion and lust. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, people have been “rolling their eyes” since at least the 15th century. In Shakespeare’s narrative poem The Rape of Lucrece, he describes the rapist Sextus Tarquinius as looking hungrily upon Lucrece’s bed and “rolling his greedy eyeballs in his head.” . . .

And here's how it ends:

A type of eye-rolling has also been observed in confined animals, particularly veal calves, as a compulsive behavior and a sign of stress. However, biologists point out that the extraordinary amount of whiteness in the human eye, compared with that of other primates, gives humans a remarkable ability to communicate using only eye movements.

So . . . more to eye-rolling than "meets the eye" . . . ?

It's a no-brainer.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-08-2021).]