Warning 'Sign'..? Chris Sign dead apparent suicide. Bill Clinton's plane on tarmac. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg JUN 13, 07:04 PM
"The Reporter Who Broke the News About Clinton's Secret Tarmac Meeting is Dead"

Back in June 2016, local ABC15 reporter Christopher Sign broke the news that former President Bill Clinton secretly met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. The meeting lasted for nearly half-an-hour inside of Lynch's official government plane.

At the time, then Democrat presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was under FBI investigation for sending and receiving top secret, classified information on a private email server. Just days after the meeting, the FBI announced Clinton would not face charges. . . .

Christopher Sign was 45, going on 46.

Katie Pavlich for Townhall; June 13, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-13-2021).]

sourmash JUN 14, 12:07 AM
Arkancide is much more deadly than Covid 19.
randye JUN 14, 12:32 AM

He cut & pasted an article from Townhall....imagine that.

He either has no clue that Townhall.com is a very conservative site or that was as painful for him as a vampire being forced to hold a crucifix.

I'm going with the former.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-14-2021).]

Jake_Dragon JUN 14, 10:20 AM
Anyone that didn't have 6 zeros or more on the end of their bank account would be fired and going to court.
What a ****ed up world, is this the legacy we are going to give the children of the world?
Welcome little person, here is your yoke.
randye JUN 14, 06:55 PM
Well, on the upside the two most senior members of the Clinton Crime Family are out of major political power and it won't be all that long before both of them are taking the long "dirt nap" so we shall see if the trail of "suicides" and fatal "accidents" of their enemies stops after that.

Additionally, Vince Foster's dimwitted bastard daughter, Chelsea, isn't clever enough to pick up where her mother left off so she's more like a "Fredo Corleone" than a Michael.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-15-2021).]