Man head shoots cop. Caught in fortified tree house at Black Nationalist encampment. (Page 1/2)
sourmash JUN 27, 10:56 AM
So, I'm picturing him sitting on the Group W bench, an inmate asks him,

Inmate: Whatcha in for?
Reply: Shot a cop in the head.

Inmate: Wow. Solid street cred. *fist-bump*
Reply: Yup.

long silence to acknowledge respect

Inmate: So how'd they catch you?

Florida man wanted for shooting cop in the head apprehended at black nationalist paramilitary encampment following multi-agency manhunt

A Florida man accused of shooting a Daytona Beach police officer in the head was apprehended early Saturday morning following a multi-agency manhunt of nearly 500 officers. The suspect was reportedly captured on a wooded property in Georgia affiliated with a black nationalist paramilitary group.

Othal Toreyane Resheen Wallace, 29, was reportedly approached by police officer Jason Raynor on Wednesday night in Daytona Beach. The Daytona Police Department released bodycam footage of the initial confrontation between Wallace and officer Raynor. The officer approaches Wallace, who is sitting in his car, and asks, "How's it going? Do you live here?" Raynor asks Wallace to sit down, he resists and says, "C'mon now. Don't do this. Why are you asking me if I live here?"

The bodycam video shows the two men get into a physical altercation. Then a shot is heard and Raynor falls to the ground.

Raynor, 26, was shot in the head but survived the attack. The officer was taken to Halifax Hospital, where he received emergency surgery.

Wallace fled the scene of the shooting.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued a Blue Alert for Wallace earlier this week. The Volusia County Sheriff's Office offered a $100,000 reward for information about Wallace's whereabouts that lead to his arrest. The reward was increased to $200,000 on Friday.

A multi-agency manhunt was initiated to track down Wallace.

Wallace had escaped to Georgia, where he was reportedly found by law enforcement in a treehouse that was fortified with weapons and ammunition, including two rifles, two handguns, multiple flashbangs, rifle plates, body armor, and several boxes of ammo.

During his arrest, Wallace allegedly told authorities, "You guys know who I am. You know what I am capable of. It could've been a lot worse."

Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young said that officers used Raynor's handcuffs to apprehend Wallace.

Wallace was reportedly located on a 3-acre property outside of Atlanta that is affiliated with a group called the Not F***ng Around Coalition. The NFAC is a black nationalist paramilitary organization.

The NFAC, which is led by hip-hop DJ Grand Master Jay, has a goal of forming a new ethnostate that is "owned, operated by Blacks, funded through reparations to descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade," according to Vice. A report on the NFAC from The Atlantic states, "Eventually, it intends to establish a racially pure country called the United Black Kemetic Nation ('Kemet,' Jay explained, 'is the original name of Egypt, which means 'land of the Blacks)."

A large arsenal of weapons was discovered at other structures on the property. The U.S. Marshals, FBI, Homeland Security, Georgia State Patrol, and DeKalb County police were all involved in the capture of Wallace. The search warrant was executed at 2:30 a.m., according to officials.

Othal Wallace is facing attempted first-degree murder charges for the police shooting.

Chief Young said law enforcement officers searched for 56 hours with little sleep to track down Wallace.

"The investigation as a whole was extremely challenging," Young said. "The biggest challenge was just keeping everyone emotionally intact. Because officer safety is critical."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) issued a statement on the apprehension of Wallace: "The suspect in the vicious shooting of Police Officer Jason Raynor was apprehended by Georgia police at a black nationalist paramilitary encampment. There is no place for hate in Florida. Our law enforcement will be protected. Justice will be swift."

Raynor is still in the hospital, where he is showing "positive signs of improvement," but "he still has a ways to go," according to Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young.

"We're just going to continue to pray that he continues to heal. And I have the permission of his mother and sister to let everybody know that, you know, they greatly appreciate the support that they've received and they request that we just continue to keep officer Raynor in our prayers," Young said.

A GoFundMe campaign was started to raise money for the recovery of Raynor, who has been with the Daytona Beach Police Department for three years.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 06-27-2021).]

IMSA GT JUN 27, 12:39 PM
I would have taken a whole different approach. Since it is a "wooded area", gasoline and a match would have been just fine. Burn the scumbag out of the tree.

So surely after this incident, the racist encampment will be shut down....right?

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 06-27-2021).]

Raydar JUN 27, 12:54 PM
Dekalb County. Imagine my surprise...
2.5 JUN 28, 11:25 AM
No riots in the name of brutality against cops.
ls3mach JUN 28, 02:12 PM
I'm going to read and look into this story. Have you been playing a lot of CoD? The way you writes the thread title is why I ask. 2nd guess would be ESL?
ls3mach JUN 28, 02:41 PM
This took me a while to read. I'm. The article seems to contain no journalism and I'm guessing a regurgitation from another site.

If I recall and i might not Ziegler. The forum was recoded for phones. I can't see your location as a result, time here plenty things... I thought. Keyword. You are in California. Hard right views. Often make racist remarks. Maybe what could be construed as such.

Regarding police shootings. You clearly as does the article though not as blatantly think this black guy is a racist. According to some ice spoken with minorities can't be racist, I don't agree. I can't speak to anyone's actual motives or beliefs including yours. Initial crime? Officer white? Officer believed racist? Does a group supporting a certain culture equal immediate racism? Are tribal lands racist?
500 police? Why not that response on every shooting? Did they have search warrants? Was he previously affiliated with said "racist" group? Intentionally harboring?

The guy is an idiot no doubt. Take the body cam and make sure he's dead. Throw in trunk or out of sight.

I support police and have law enforcement and military family. An officer's life is no more valuable to me than any non-criminal. A criminal depending on crime I value their life 0.

To me this article and thread is every political thing I see. Diatribe. One sided. Assumptions "confirmed". Judgements made.

Hope the officer pulls through.
randye JUN 28, 07:33 PM

Originally posted by ls3mach:

Have you been playing a lot of CoD? The way you writes the thread title is why I ask. 2nd guess would be ESL?

Could you explain what the hell you're talking about for those of us that are not "playing" whatever the hell it is that that you're talking about?
sourmash JUN 28, 09:18 PM
Took me awhile to figure out what CoD is but no idea what ESL is. I don't waste time playing video games. Been invited to, but the alternate reality it invites seems like taking drugs to me. What about my approach suggests that I like them-games?
I might give into peer pressure about drugs.
I'm not in Commiefornia.

Originally posted by ls3mach:

If I recall and i might not Ziegler. The forum was recoded for phones. I can't see your location as a result, time here plenty things... I thought. Keyword. You are in California. Hard right views. Often make racist remarks. Maybe what could be construed as such.

Everything below the link is copied and pasted. The link is the journalism. The pasted text is the journalism.

My views are center-right. The media and uber-leftists have moved the nation to an extreme degree, left. Political Correctness has almost no value to me. Decorum does.

Is there something specifically that I've posted that strikes you as racist? Imo, "racist" and "anti-semitic" are new words for witch.
Whites will be a minority in an eye-blink. Soon as more Baby-boomers die, we'll be a minority. We're already down to 8% worldwide. We're the world minority.

The media is making us to be a hated minority in a society created by a heavy majority of Whites. Which tells us Whites aren't so racist, since that's allowed to happen.
It also tells us Whites aren't in control, politically.

Joe and his cabinet say White Supremacy is the greatest threat we face.
The anti-Asian attacks proved by video that White Supremacy isn't responsible.

Regarding police shootings. You clearly as does the article though not as blatantly think this black guy is a racist.

What? Criminal isn't a race.
Each race does have characteristics. To ignore that is collectivist BS. We're not all the same, thankfully.

According to some ice spoken with minorities can't be racist, I don't agree. I can't speak to anyone's actual motives or beliefs including yours. Initial crime? Officer white? Officer believed racist? Does a group supporting a certain culture equal immediate racism? Are tribal lands racist?
500 police? Why not that response on every shooting? Did they have search warrants? Was he previously affiliated with said "racist" group? Intentionally harboring?

Above, you described my motives as racist and hard right, but can't say what they are at the same time?

I didn't see that anyone who owned the property was involved or knew he was there. He clearly knew where it was and what he would find there.

To me this article and thread is every political thing I see. Diatribe. One sided. Assumptions "confirmed". Judgements made.

Hope the officer pulls through.

Somewhat, yes, but it's the reality and not opposite media junk we see. The video shows he was approached and reacted with deadly violence. Did he even have to shoot to escape?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 06-28-2021).]

randye JUN 28, 11:07 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Took me awhile to figure out what CoD is but no idea what ESL is. I don't waste time playing video games.

OH, games. It figures.....

I had to call my 16 year old Grandson to ask him what the hell the game "CoD" is and he informed me that it's a fantasy "military" game and that, (as he said), "it's gay".

He is an honor student that is also in ROTC so I'll accept his "professional analysis".

He said he has no clue what the hell "ESL" is either.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-28-2021).]

sourmash JUN 28, 11:32 PM
It's gay, lol.
Turns out ESL is English being a second language.