Pot laws. (Page 1/3)
ls3mach JUN 28, 01:04 PM
This place is greatly a conservative, religious, and moral fright fest.

I'm pretty conservative except social concerns. I have no interest in religion or their moral stances.

I grew up in the "this is your brain on drugs" campaign. Medical is legal in my current state.

I have an issue with medical pots. No, I don't care if anyone uses. Here's my issues.
I think if it's medical I needs to be like every other drug. OTC or prescription only and as prescribed. Meaning you don't go in and choose this week you want morphine strength next week you only want it for sleep . Whatever. Or make it recreational like alcohol.
I've never seen a study tvs4 I can believe. It's either someone who thinks pot is the end all cute all or some moral clowns that likely drink

Alcohol seems much worse than marijuana.

I had never even tried it until mid 20s. Never been a smoker of any sort. I've tried pot in many varieties by this point. To me it hardly seems medicinal. I mean I could self medicate just as so many already do with alcohol.
I've tried it for migraines, pain, chronic pain (like my GSW), nausea sleep.

Sleep was as close as I got to it being medicinal. It either seems to make my reactions noticeably slower, nothing to speak of, or rather inebriated.

All very similar results to alcohol.

I've noticed the prices here seem outrageous. I guess if compared to plenty of prescriptions it isn't? Seems buying on the street is cheaper. Cheap pint of whiskey is $4. I've never seen anyone advertising 1G weed that cheap. I know a point of whiskey messes most people up, I don't know how much 1G of weed is, but I'm being plenty of my stronger friends could knock it out like nothing happened.

What's everyone's stance?

Personally I thick we legalize all "drugs" and let the problem sort itself out . If you commit a crime while under the influence suffer punishment otherwise let people do whatever. I've known and seen people with every addiction. Better mental health services, tax the drugs, let people die of that get that bad off abs don't want actual help. I don't wish death on people, I just don't think all life has intrinsic value. Incarceration rates and cost would diminish. All the extra tac revenue. If people think weed stops them from needing pharmaceuticals maybe they'd have to get more competitive. I don't even care if it's a placebo effect.

Anyway. Don't know much about drugs. Know plenty about people dealing with addictions. Food, drugs, alcohol, relationships, what have you. I've never really tried any drugs not prescribed and certainly none of the streets. I'm even okay with those safe havens where people don't get heckled for using. Freak I'd rather them have a clean needle than potentially last giving a nurse, doctor, tech, etc; AIDS, hepatitis or anything else communicable. Offer them help if they want it.

Anyway. Off topic from marijuana. General thoughts? I know over a decade a lot of people ganged up on a former member saying he was just a junky who wanted to get high and didn't need medical weeds. Wonder how many if any changed their minds.
My opinion then was, it's illegal here, I'm out. Legalize and tax all drugs. Essentially the same stance I have now except it isn't illegal here now.
My stance on it being illegal, but it actually working. I would've also broken the law. I just watched stage 4 breast cancer. I would've bought her black tar smack from an on duty and uniformed cop to ease her pain.
Jake_Dragon JUN 28, 02:36 PM
Like anything if you abuse it there are issues. Google burn out.
But I lump it in the same category as alcohol and would rather see it dealt with the same way.
Problem is cutting into the alcohol money is going to be a problem for some people with deep pockets.

Second is controlling it.
Street drugs are a crap shoot, you have no idea what you are getting.
Today you have a nice mellow afternoon and get a good nights sleep.
Tomorrow you get something laced with something you were not expecting and you end up in the hospital or worse.

Good weed takes a lot of effort to grow, drug dealers like to take short cuts.
Honestly its lost its charm. I haven't found any that do what they say and just mellow me out.
I also find that I have a very low tolerance the couple of times I have used with friends I was a lot higher than they were.
Its not as much fun anymore, but if you have trouble getting out of your own head I suppose that is the end result.
ls3mach JUN 28, 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Like anything if you abuse it there are issues. Google burn out.
But I lump it in the same category as alcohol and would rather see it dealt with the same way.
Problem is cutting into the alcohol money is going to be a problem for some people with deep pockets.

Second is controlling it.
Street drugs are a crap shoot, you have no idea what you are getting.
Today you have a nice mellow afternoon and get a good nights sleep.
Tomorrow you get something laced with something you were not expecting and you end up in the hospital or worse.

Good weed takes a lot of effort to grow, drug dealers like to take short cuts.
Honestly its lost its charm. I haven't found any that do what they say and just mellow me out.
I also find that I have a very low tolerance the couple of times I have used with friends I was a lot higher than they were.
Its not as much fun anymore, but if you have trouble getting out of your own head I suppose that is the end result.

I actually ran an organic pot farm last year. Ideal employee as I don't smoke pots. Except with 1 friend I like you am noticeably way more high. As said, it hasn't in my few trials helped in any medical. I have had it make me super high and want to sleep, but I already sleep so little I didn't go to sleep and stayed up and giggled. My friends not being wrecked like me were already staying up to play video games. When I say strong up, I mean like 7PM. Rofl.
Jake_Dragon JUN 28, 05:07 PM
Dispensaries in CA are almost as common as McDonalds. I have never been inside one, before Covid I applied for a job at one of the large distributers but it never panned out.
There is still a lot of street "retail" they just don't hide it anymore. I have seen trucks driving around with plants sticking out of garbage bags.
Things you see in the local bar parking lot.
2.5 JUN 28, 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ls3mach:

I'm pretty conservative except social concerns. I have no interest in religion or their moral stances.


This is more confusing to me than clarifying.
2.5 JUN 28, 05:30 PM

Originally posted by ls3mach:

I'm pretty conservative except social concerns. I have no interest in religion or their moral stances.


This is more confusing to me than clarifying.
2.5 JUN 28, 05:32 PM

Originally posted by ls3mach:

What's everyone's stance?


My stance is made known in multiple previous threads. A summary of sorts:
Basically there isnt enough personal accountability to say yeah lets just legalize it. Society isnt set up for it.
Jonesy JUN 28, 05:50 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

My stance is made known in multiple previous threads. A summary of sorts:
Basically there isnt enough personal accountability to say yeah lets just legalize it. Society isnt set up for it.

There isn't a whole lot of "personal accountability" when it comes to alcohol either. Yet, you can buy it on nearly every corner. Because there are giant corporations that make a ton of money, so its.. "ok"..

I say just legalize pot and regulate it similar to alcohol.

Of course the Feds will fight it tooth and nail, their "drug war" is big business for them, lots of funding dollars might be lost if they can't bust and raid pot farms.
2.5 JUN 29, 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Jonesy:

There isn't a whole lot of "personal accountability" when it comes to alcohol either. Yet, you can buy it on nearly every corner. Because there are giant corporations that make a ton of money, so its.. "ok"..

I say just legalize pot and regulate it similar to alcohol.

Of course the Feds will fight it tooth and nail, their "drug war" is big business for them, lots of funding dollars might be lost if they can't bust and raid pot farms.

Id rather not base future decisions around repeating poor past ones?

There is no "just legalize it and regulate it like alchohol", been over this in old threads too. Its way more complicated, in the workplace, on the road, etc. "Whats your intoxication level", etc.
Simple stuff people want to ignore.
Like I said we arent set up for it.
Then onto the next drug..."since we have alchohol...and then recreational pot we might as well..."

But yes because there is money be made pot is being legalized many places, that sort of messes with your other attempted points.
ls3mach JUN 29, 12:26 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Id rather not base future decisions around repeating poor past ones?

There is no "just legalize it and regulate it like alchohol", been over this in old threads too. Its way more complicated, in the workplace, on the road, etc. "Whats your intoxication level", etc.
Simple stuff people want to ignore.
Like I said we arent set up for it.
Then onto the next drug..."since we have alchohol...and then recreational pot we might as well..."

But yes because there is money be made pot is being legalized many places, that sort of messes with your other attempted points.

YOU claim we're not set up for it. Any proof? I'm saying all illicit substances legal. If you commit a crime while under any form of intoxicated it is added to your crime. Including current prescription medications. All substances legal. Money spent not incarcerating people can be spent on mental health services. People might die, but it mitte likely will be mostly users and eventually there won't be enough of them left to pose a threat to people sno don't commit crimes or OD. Call it callous, but living people up isn't cheap and does anyone really think we're trying to rehabilitate them?

2 types of criminals in this world. The kind we're scared of and the kind we're mad at. I'm tired of paying for the ones people are mad at.