Have a Great Independence Day :) (Page 1/2)
2.5 JUL 02, 05:33 PM
Celebrate how great it is to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

For those of us in the US, I know we have international members as well, ya'll have a great day too.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 07-02-2021).]

MidEngineManiac JUL 02, 06:08 PM
Yee HAW man...

Thanks for taking me in and letting me live there, thanks for the friendships and little scraps and disagreement that mean nothing in a week or 2.

Have a good one, dont know what I would do without Americans in the family.
Jake_Dragon JUL 02, 07:05 PM
You too!
I have to work but will do my best to enjoy the day.
Lambo nut JUL 02, 09:38 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Celebrate how great it is to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

For now
ls3mach JUL 02, 10:57 PM
Heck yeah! USofA turning 2021.
I'm thin this will be the first once I've worked in 15+ years.

I'd love to blame economy. Truth is. No one is working, mostly out of choice. My preferred money field isn't doing great. Oil cost hurt me on both sides. So many places shutting down around me. A greasy spoon had to shutter doors. No one would work. I don't mean $2.13 wait staff. They quit that and just can't get people. Staffing agencies paying what my local LTL (CDL) drivers were making. You ever worked an amusement park or a food bank? No hard, manual, or mental work required.

I audit business these days.
5 people on a line at an amusement park because they never know how many will come in each day. This particular $11/hr 5 people making a 2-3, person station. 5 working for a 2 man job. Teenagers too. (They don't need extra because of their age.) As young as 15. I would've hurt the weakest member of your family for that at 15.
Food bank. 5-9 people on the sort. Only the sort... 1 bad strawberry in the 2lb container? Toss it. Can't train people as they rely on community service labor. Can't give more food because what if they run out? No way to just give it away free for the truly needy. Minimum 2 tons of usable produce daily. I can give you 2 dozen audits virtually the same.

Biden didn't cause this, so don't. The influx of needed help is new to me in my lifetime, but it is truly effed.
ls3mach JUL 02, 10:58 PM
Heck yeah! USofA turning 2021.
I'm thin this will be the first once I've worked in 15+ years.

I'd love to blame economy. Truth is. No one is working, mostly out of choice. My preferred money field isn't doing great. Oil cost hurt me on both sides. So many places shutting down around me. A greasy spoon had to shutter doors. No one would work. I don't mean $2.13 wait staff. They quit that and just can't get people. Staffing agencies paying what my local LTL (CDL) drivers were making. You ever worked an amusement park or a food bank? No hard, manual, or mental work required.

I audit business these days.
5 people on a line at an amusement park because they never know how many will come in each day. This particular $11/hr 5 people making a 2-3, person station. 5 working for a 2 man job. Teenagers too. (They don't need extra because of their age.) As young as 15. I would've hurt the weakest member of your family for that at 15.
Food bank. 5-9 people on the sort. Only the sort... 1 bad strawberry in the 2lb container? Toss it. Can't train people as they rely on community service labor. Can't give more food because what if they run out? No way to just give it away free for the truly needy. Minimum 2 tons of usable produce daily. I can give you 2 dozen audits virtually the same.

Biden didn't cause this, so don't. The influx of needed help is new to me in my lifetime, but it is truly effed.

I wish I had the knowledge to audit PFF coding 3 attempts to post. Got lucky. Usually 5 or 22 times that.
ls3mach JUL 02, 11:01 PM
Oh great. Multiple edits of the same post. If only UBB forum coding alreadu existed.
Be even more sils if it came in multiple formats. You know like it used to, when none of you owned a Palm Pilot that had wifi on 2000...AD if course. The year of our lord.
ls3mach JUL 02, 11:19 PM
I'm playing TPB game, have been forever. I'm always mad when these Canucks don't know anything about America. I don't know a damn thing about that country, but until they stop needing yess to protect them, I think they're just being rude. We're way more important than that country. 2 national languages? We don't even have to bother with 1. This ''merica! Take your dang pl le pop parliament and enjoy your tea and crumpets. Half frogs half people that couldn't figure our how to overthrow a government.

Jokes. Are they?

I regret not serving. I was already half educated and had a decent paying job. Now I don't use my formal education for work, too olds to serve, don't appreciate how we treat our veterans, already dying use schooling 8 paid for, not happy with how I think we're slipping and letting our folks down.

I am easily in better shape now though. Learned how to fight. Learned not to be soft. Learned compassion. Still working on humility, but I understand it now.
To those that gave some. To those that gave all. To their families with no choice either way.

I'm probably somehow a racist xenophobe for loving a place that let me come from the bottom, all the way to the top, and allowed me to not die when I got too big for my britches. America. Many of the people I've met on PFF.

Thank you all, ungrateful S9Bs.

That part was for MeM.

Mike I haven't read your PM. I thought it might be heavy heart and I didn't want you to think i wasn't being sincere. I'll be on it shortly.
blackrams JUL 03, 04:18 AM
I whole heartedly agree with celebrating our national birthday but, too many don't recognize what we're celebrating what the toll was to get to this point and why. Many only enjoy the benefits of other's sacrifices. Personally, I believe that every 18 year old should serve this country and that our socialized schools will be the reason for our downfall.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 07-03-2021).]

randye JUL 03, 04:48 AM

Seriously though, Happy 245th birthday America!