This is the thread for no one. (Page 1/1)
ls3mach JUL 02, 10:40 PM
Divorce (I was reading before hitting send (diverse) crowd here.
Things i know.:
Not the most or least educated.
Not the toughest or weakest.
Not the richest or the poorest.
Not the oldest or even close to the youngest these days.

Things I don't know and I feel I should. Casual information. Not how a nuclear reactor works, though weirdly that isn't a wild concept to me.

I'm trying to better myself daily. Ideally this thread is people posting questions they should already know the answers to, but actially don't. I'm not here to get answers. I understand how the series of tubes that gets clogged up when we dump too much knowledge on them works. Do I though? DARPA, USENET, the first search engines? I want others to post their questions and if I don't know the answer I'll have something to do that day. Maybe we both learn and talk about it later.

Here's what I have.
Donkey and elephant. I don't know which is which.
Bull and bear. I don't know. I have a business degree.
Affect vs Effect. English minor. No economical value to being deep on that, getting your point across poreffessionaly is useful in business. Rofl.
I'm a great cook. No understanding of the real difference between conventional and convection ovens. I don't really bake, so this isn't huge, but 8 have cooked 1200 meals a day for disaster relief and up to 150 for rehab patients.
Millaird reaction or effect. Something to do with temperatures and browning, I need clarification.
I am not fluent in any other language. Languages and math come naturally. This one easily has to be laziness.
Homonyms and homophones. I'm looking it up every time.
I can't spell restaurant after a place rented the building next to me a spray painted it incorrectly on their parking blocks. Which where still technically mine
I can't code. This one's a while same as languages. Technically it is a language and I cam "Hello World" it at best.

Add yours. Tonight I'm going to learn if I'm a jackass or never forget things.

If you got the thread title. You can send me sexy photos of your wife. Not you Roger.

-Miike Snow
TheDigitalAlchemist JUL 06, 07:02 PM
You ok, man?
Jake_Dragon JUL 06, 09:31 PM
Perhaps take a break and play some COD