Israel used swarm of drones to attack Hamas terrorists: report (Page 1/2)
blackrams JUL 05, 08:55 PM
Israel used swarm of drones to attack Hamas terrorists: report

Israel reportedly used a swarm of drones to locate and attack Hamas targets during the 11 day conflict that broke out in May.

The Israeli Defense Forces employed artificial intelligence to identify and strike targets in the Gaza Strip, according to a report from the New Scientist, which alleged it may be the first time a drone swarm has been used in combat.

Drone swarms have been characterized as the next phase of war fighting, whereby "hundreds of drones that integrate their actions using emergent behavior."

"By exploiting the swarm’s ability to rapidly concentrate through maneuver, it becomes possible to mass effect at hundreds of points simultaneously," as noted in a U.S. Air Force report. "The advantage this provides is the ability to conduct … a parallel attack, but at an unprecedented scale."

As previously reported by Fox News, drone systems have been acquired by U.S. adversaries including Russia, China and Iran. The U.S. has identified that trend as a "rapidly evolving challenge."

Not only can the technology provide enhanced surveillance capability, but it can also present precision strike capability, direct attacks using small munitions, laser designation for indirect fires and deploy chemical agents, as noted in a Department of Defense report.

Ever since a shaky ceasefire was brokered in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas on May 21, there have been several outbursts of violence.

Over the weekend, Israel launched an airstrike against Hamas in response to incendiary balloon launches.

The initial conflict began on May 10 and resulted in hundreds of casualties.

Way back when these "drones"/quad-copters and such came out, I said it wouldn't be long before they were weaponized. Several here scoffed at that. Guess what.
War will soon be something we've only seen in futuristic movies and don't think for a minute these are limited to just the good guys having them. Won't surprise me if they don't visit a neighborhood near you (or me) anytime in the future.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 07-05-2021).]

sourmash JUL 05, 10:16 PM
So if drones can do it, let's just pull the US military out of Iraq and Syria. Let them learn to get along with their neighbors and without our war machine.
blackrams JUL 06, 12:13 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:

So if drones can do it, let's just pull the US military out of Iraq and Syria. Let them learn to get along with their neighbors and without our war machine.

Whether that occurs or not, that doesn't not reduce the domestic or foreign terrorist threat using these weapons. Don't be surprised when folks are running for cover because they hear a buzzing in the distance. My question is, what's our government doing to neutralize this threat. Some won't think it's a threat but, I believe it will be soon. Stated here first.

randye JUL 06, 01:09 AM
"....according to a report from the New Scientist..."

Uh...Yeah Sure...

I have done some work with the IDF in the past. I have more than a passing knowledge of how seriously they maintain operational security and secrecy.

I'll believe the "drone swarm" story when, and if, the IDF ever tells it, not some online "science" rag out of the UK.
blackrams JUL 06, 06:32 AM

Originally posted by randye:

"....according to a report from the New Scientist..."

Uh...Yeah Sure...

I have done some work with the IDF in the past. I have more than a passing knowledge of how seriously they maintain operational security and secrecy.

I'll believe the "drone swarm" story when, and if, the IDF ever tells it, not some online "science" rag out of the UK.

Your choice.

But, that doesn't change the potential weaponization of these toys.

The Drones of ISIS
Islamic State fighters are launching an ever-wider assortment of deadly drones, even as their UAV factories come under heavy attack.
JANUARY 12, 2017
Grenade launchers, kamikaze bombers, flying decoys, eyes-in-the-sky, and soapbox-derby dinosaurs: as the Islamic State group loses neighborhood after Mosul neighborhood, it is still dispatching a wide variety of UAVs on deadly missions.

“Over the last two months, coalition forces have observed about one adversary drone every day around Mosul,” a U.S. Central Command official told Defense One .

And they’re stepping up efforts to counter it: coalition aircraft have hit ISIS-made drones, launch sites, or production facilities in Iraq and Syria every day since Jan. 7, including four strikes west of Mosul on Jan. 10 alone, according to CENTCOM releases.

“The Coalition has struck a number of what we believed to be unmanned aerial vehicle facilities in Mosul,” the official said. “We spend considerable time researching and developing target lists to ensure maximum effects against” ISIS.

It’s not a new concern; in August 2015 , coalition forces hit an ISIS drone in Ramadi. But social-media posts and independent reporting from the Mosul war zone are helping to bring the wide variety of ISIS drones to light.

On Jan. 4, coalition forces hit a UAV factory — and Iraqi special forces found themselves shooting at grenade-launching and mortar-dropping drones in southeast Mosul, downing one that looks like soapbox-derby material.

#Iraq Federal Police Units shot down 3 #ISIS UAVs that were dropped "grenade & mortars" on forces in Al-Wahda SE #Mosul .

— Iraqi Day (@iraqi_day) January 4, 2017
Three days later, Kurdish Rudaw news captured footage (look around the 2:15 mark) of Iraqi troops fending off ISIS-made drone bombers in central Mosul, near the city’s fourth bridge over the Tigris River. The drones, possibly quadcopters, reportedly dropped at least 10 explosives during an hour of fighting. (For what it’s worth, ISIS isn’t the first to use this tactic in Syria; Hezbollah seized headlines with a similar strike on rebels near Aleppo last August.)

ISIS dispatches several kinds of drones easily acquired online, but “primarily uses quadcopters,” CENTCOM said, “for surveillance and to drop explosives on friendly forces.”

Here’s a pretty close look at one recently picked off by Iraqi special forces inside Mosul. It’s not too dissimilar from this Chinese-made DJI Phantom drone, dubbed “the Model T” of the civilian drone industry, the Wall Street Journal wrote in 2014.

Here's another good angle from Rudaw News:

Nice shot of the improvised release mechanism ISIL is using to drop grenades from commercial off the shelf UAVs

— Alex Mello (@AlexMello02) January 11, 2017
More surveillance quadcopters, reportedly captured by Iraqi Rapid Response Units in Mosul on Jan. 4:

And here are three images CENTCOM shared with Defense One showing other quadcopter drones captured by Iraqi forces, date and location unknown:

In October, the Syrian army reportedly downed ISIS drones toting RPG warheads in Deir ez-Zour, Syria. Here are a few more pics, via Twitter:

ISIS is using PG-7 HEAT warheads for its air VBIED, its kill area must be relatively small but it can destroy a tank from the top

— Mister X (@MinsterTX) December 10, 2016
Daesh suicide drone downed by the Syrian Army in Deir Ez Zor today (09/12/2016)

— M Green (@MmaGreen) December 9, 2016
In early October, an ISIS drone appeared to have crash-landed near a Peshmerga position outside Mosul. But when the Pesh took it apart, the “battery pack” — an IED in disguise — suddenly detonated. Two Peshmerga troops died and two French special operators were injured in the attack, “believed to be one of the first times the Islamic State has successfully used a drone with explosives to kill troops on the battlefield,” the New York Times reported .

Here’s one of the group’s larger UAVs, reportedly shot down west of Mosul by Popular Mobilization Units in late November.

#Iraq #PMU shot down a #ISIS UAV over um Nakhila village west #Mosul . #ام_الربيعين_تجمعنا

— Iraqi Day (@iraqi_day) November 25, 2016
A similar drone recovered by the PMU near the airport in Tal Afar in mid-November.

In video #Iraq #PMU Hashad Shaabi shot down a #ISIS UAV the dropped bombs on Tal Afar airbase west #Mosul . #جاري_تحميل_الانتصارات

— Iraqi Day (@iraqi_day) November 17, 2016
Both resemble this surveillance aircraft the PMU also claimed to have shot down south of Mosul back in April.

Shabak Brigade within Shia led Hashd shot down Daesh 'surveillance' UAV south of Mosul #Iraq

— Iraq Live Update (@IraqLiveUpdate) April 30, 2016
It also resembles a UAV used by Kurdish Peshmerga troops on the first day of the Mosul offensive.

Kurdish Pêşmerga Forces prepare a UAV for use against ISIS terrorists today in the #Mosul offensive.

— Dr Partizan (@Dr_Partizan) October 17, 2016
A U.S. military official who recently returned from Iraq offered a bit more detail on the ISIS drones.

“Most of what they have is very primitive, bought from hobby shops, modified,” this official said. “They’re also shot down quite a bit. The Peshmerga and [Iraqi security forces] love shooting at those things.”

“The regional joke is the Iraqi forces are defending themselves as if they’re at a wedding,” said Peter Singer, an analyst with the New America Foundation. (See, for example, the Rudaw clip .) “You see them blasting AK-47s into the air like they do at weddings. That’s not optimal.”

U.S. officials are pursuing a few options for defeating improvised, weaponized drones. Defense One ’s Patrick Tucker has reported on precision cameras, drones that detect drones , and “a directed-energy weapon that can disrupt a drone’s control link and GPS navigation at a distance of 400 meters.”

The DroneDefender gun (image via manufacturer Battelle)

The U.S. military has also taken to flying EC-130H aircraft “jamming the radio signals used by insurgents to trigger bombs on the ground,” Vice News reported in November.

It’s not enough, Singer said.

“The drone defender gun is not part of the regular kit,” he said. Soldiers are “going to face this potential threat across the world, in anything from battles to doing an embassy evacuation. And that’s not good. We should have seen this coming and developed a plan and equipment, not just for us, but for allied forces.”

Indeed, the problem of how to counter drones in the hands of extremists is at least two decades old. One wakeup call was “when the Japanese apocalyptic group Aum Shinrikyo considered using a drone to distribute sarin gas,” according to an October report from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point:

Besides Hezbollah, the Islamic State, and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, no other terror groups or terror-linked individual are believed to have successfully used a weaponized UAS to date in an operation The Islamic State, at the time of writing, appears to be the only group that has used a weaponized drone to kill. HAMAS has also reportedly flown a weaponized drone, but it has yet to succeed in using a UAS in a lethal way as part of an attack.

The problem is unlikely to go away for many years to come, the authors write.

“Future off-the-shelf drones will be able to carry heavier payloads, fly and loiter longer, venture farther from their controller and be able to do so via more-secure communications links,” they warn.

Brace yourself; the skies are about to get crowded .


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 07-06-2021).]

sourmash JUL 06, 08:25 AM
It's the next iteration of drones killing people. Remember Obama killing thr grandmother working in her garden with her grandkids? Now drones can closer.

This isnt the first place I've read of an accounting of such. It was on, Mike Rivero's site, and he covered it on his show as a news item at least a week ago. There were similar discussions about the killing of one of the Iranians, possibly it was one of the scientists on holiday.

We're on the same page on the threat that this is and will be. What we fund Israel to do in the world's largest open air concentration camp will be instituted in other Western countries. American police agencies fly in Israeli para-military forces to train our police. They developed Krav Maga, which has been described as a martial arts system with none of the MA discipline.

All dissenting voices will eventually be treated like Palestinians. Bank accounts and card processors already shut down services. Next step is physical violence.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 07-06-2021).]

2.5 JUL 06, 04:20 PM
Hmm. Some thoughts:
I'm not sure I look forward to the day where war is completely one sided in its losses. It means it will always have to be only the good guys with the tech. It also probably means no AI, and it can't be hackable.

blackrams JUL 06, 04:28 PM
Do you really think only the "good guys" will have this technology?
Ya think that maybe other less friendly nations might supply such technology to those who would do us harm? That would include external and internal threats to our nation.

Just something to consider.


[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 07-06-2021).]

2.5 JUL 07, 10:53 AM

Originally posted by blackrams:

Do you really think only the "good guys" will have this technology?

No, thats why I dont care for the idea...
We also will probably use AI with it, and stuff is hackable too.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 07-07-2021).]

Cheever3000 JUL 07, 06:26 PM