Is everybody OK in Cal? (Page 1/2)
williegoat JUL 08, 08:55 PM
I heard there a was a whole lotta shakin goin on.


rinselberg JUL 08, 09:39 PM
I wasn't even aware--until I see this.

Jake_Dragon JUL 08, 09:42 PM
Nothing going on here in Long Beach.
williegoat JUL 08, 09:46 PM
6.0 south of Tahoe with a bunch of aftershocks. I was thinking Rinselberg or IMSA might have felt it. I guess it shut down US395 for a little while.
cvxjet JUL 08, 11:41 PM
It was apparently a 6.0 in Nevada....and there is a whole swarm of aftershocks of diminishing intensity.

From 2002 to 2015 when I was working at the Coast Guard Air Station SFO, I would do a earthquake safety course- Really simplified; Just Bolt cabinets to walls, switch plexi for glass in picture frames, and keep shoes under the bed- plus an emergency kit.

I noticed a number of guys ignoring me and finally got a chance to ask one why; "I'm transferring away from California so I don't need to worry about earthquakes anymore!"

So the next time I did the course, I led off with "What was called the "Big one" before the 1906 SF quake?" (Answer; Charleston, SC.....7.0 that did some damage, but then fires burned the city to the ground (Exactly like SF)

Next, I would ask, "Where were the three biggest earthquakes in the continental United States?" (Answer; New Madrid, Missouri....A whole swarm of quakes around New Years, 1811-12, including an 8, 8.1 and 8.2)

Everyone would sit up and pay attention after that- except for one guy that was typing in his Smart phone and then suddenly held it up and said, "He's right!"

Moral of this story- EVERYONE should be prepared for earthquakes....and Tornados, and even blizzards and such- No, I am not saying to build a storm cellar, etc.... but just do some simple safety stuff, and have an emergency kit.

Be safe, everyone!
williegoat JUL 08, 11:59 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

It was apparently a 6.0 in Nevada....

I'm talking about the one in California this afternoon.

cvxjet JUL 09, 02:02 AM
I read where it was 5.9 in Smith Valley, NV...But then I checked on it and it NOW says 6.0 in Antelope Valley, CA.........They said some people in SF had felt it...But I had not and was just sitting here....And I am closer to it (But it is still a long way away)

The Loma Prieta EQ back in '89 was scary; I was just toweling off after a shower (Towel on back..back & forth) and then the BUILDING started swaying back and forth! Then my neighbor across the hall yelled for me to open the door and stand in the doorway.....

There was a double-decker freeway that collapsed, killing 42 people. A month later a friend wanted to look at it so we were driving in Oakland and there are a number of one-way streets so I kept having to turn and take different routes...Finally was approx' 200 feet from it and could clearly see part of it. That was a close as I could go. Had to turn away...

At NAS Alameda, the Hanger floors had sunk approx; 6-8 inches, while the edges and Structure that were mounted on pilings had stayed (Basically) the original height. All of the overhead lights had been shattered by swinging against the girders. A lot of silt had erupted out of the seams in the floors.

Back when I was 6 years old I watched a movie that scared the crap out of me- Had to pile stuff in front of the closet door every night before bed....Got over that when I was 12. After the Loma Prieta EQ, I was laying in bed and noticed the closet doors were open- kept rolling back and forth, then finally got up and closed them....
sourmash JUL 09, 08:19 AM

Is everyone ok in California?

I wouldn't hold out hope that an earthquake will fix them.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 07-09-2021).]

IMSA GT JUL 09, 06:57 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

I was thinking Rinselberg or IMSA might have felt it.

I did feel it. It was a very slow rolling and actually lasted for about 45 seconds. Nothing major and no damage. There have been 143 earthquakes ranging from 2.0 to 4.8 in that area since yesterday. The last one was around 20 minutes ago. Here is the USGS map:
James Bond 007 JUL 17, 11:58 AM
Build your own fist aid kit, most are garbage. Just a few things your going to need...
A few COB flash lights (with an emergency strobe option, to signal any helicopter's).
A solar powered USB charger (for cell phones and other devices).
a dozen rolls of first aid Elastic Wrap (99 cent store has this), why so many? You'll need to change the dressing every so often. The bigger your family, the more you'll need.
Cloth Band Aids for small and large cuts and scrapes
Disinfectant (in an emergency, Vinegar will work well)
Ambisol works good as a pain killer for cuts and scrapes.
surgical glue -- also called “tissue adhesive” or "liquid stitches"
A Battery Powered emergency am, fm radio.
A solar charger for aa and aaa battery's
An escape plan...
feel free to add more for anything I missed