'Let Fi Duongs be Fi Duongs' . . FBI infiltrates 'Bible study' group with unholy aims (Page 1/1)
rinselberg JUL 10, 07:03 AM
First, some mood music for this from YouTube. Trust me, this is perfect.

According to court records, Fi Duong had a cache of weapons at his Virginia home, including an AK-47 assault rifle and five boxes full of materials to make and test Molotov cocktails. Credit: FBI via CNN Newsource.

This is a very brief report, credited to CNN and published by WDBJ-7, the CBS affiliate in Roanoke, Virginia.

Another report from Washington, DC-based CBS affiliate WUSA-9 offers a 2-minute video, followed by some goodly (but not voluminous) amount of text. Recommended if the first report leaves anyone hungering for more.

"'WACO 2.0' . . . Alexandria (Virginia) man talked of shootout with feds after Capitol riot, FBI says"
Jordan Fischer, Eric Flack, Stephanie Wilson for WUSA9; July 6, 2021.
https://www.wusa9.com/artic...3f-9dfb-ca25 8c55133f

In a report from the New York Times, Fi Duong is said to have admitted to an undercover FBI agent that he had invaded the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6 wearing an all black getup to (in his mind) look like ANTIFA.

Fi Duong, who also goes by “Monkey King” and “Jim,” was seen at the Capitol on Jan. 6 wearing a white mask shaped like a wide grin, officials said. He reportedly made contact with an undercover metropolitan police officer there. Credit: FBI via CNN Newsource.

"Self-Described Virginia Militiaman Is Arrested in Capitol Breach"

Prosecutors did not charge the suspect, Fi Duong, with crimes of violence but accused him of planning to use Molotov cocktails and of conducting surveillance at the Capitol after Jan. 6.

Alan Feuer for the New York Times; July 6, 2021.

Here's how that New York Times report gets underway:

In mid-June, a self-described Virginia militiaman drove with a new acquaintance from his home in Alexandria to a former prison in the nearby town of Lorton, about 15 miles away. His mission was a secret one, prosecutors say: He was scouting a location where he could test a batch of Molotov cocktails he was planning to make.

The man, Fi Duong, apparently liked the prison and, according to court papers, he told his friend — and another man who joined them — that it was “the perfect place” to do the job. “Technically,” the papers quote him as saying before the group departed, “you’re engaging in war or conflict. But again, what is the price we ultimately pay for peace?”

What Mr. Duong did not know, however, was that the other men were not like-minded activists who shared his beliefs in a pending civil war and the need for Virginia to secede from the union. They were instead federal agents who had been spying on him and some of his associates since shortly after the riot at the Capitol six months ago.

Another report starts with this:

After storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, a Northern Virginia man began forming his own militia-like group in the D.C. suburbs and building up a supply of explosives under the guise of a Bible study group, according to federal prosecutors.

Fi Duong, 27, appeared in court Friday and was released to home confinement pending trial, over the objections of prosecutors who sought stricter terms. According to the court record, at the time of his arrest he had several guns, including an AK-47, and the material to make 50 molotov cocktails. Details of the case — one of the first if not the first in which the government publicly disclosed it had someone undercover to continue monitoring a Jan. 6 defendant — were made public Tuesday.

"Virginia ‘Bible study’ group was cover for violent militia plans, prosecutors say"

Rachel Weiner and Spencer S. Hsu for the Washington Post; July 6, 2021.

There's so much unanticipated drama and plot line here that it just has to have its own new forum thread--"January 6" and "Capitol Building" doesn't even begin to cover it.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-10-2021).]

sourmash JUL 10, 10:02 AM
I didn't read the article, but the Falun Gong aren't actual MAGA people. The Chinese Falun Gong (creators of The Epoch Times), which any Chinese person participating in these marches should be supposed as being, have an interest in anyone who talks down the current Chinese regime. Anyone.

China banned the group. They want China overthrown. That's their agenda.

So far The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are proven to be headed by FBI or their operatives. The Falun Gong have a completely separate agenda as well.

Got anything legitimate?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 07-10-2021).]

rinselberg JUL 10, 10:31 AM
It takes "all kinds" to have a real smash-up MAGA rally.

Trump, the great multiculturalist--cultural diversity, personified.

Whobody knew?
sourmash JUL 10, 12:05 PM
FBI agent led Oath Keepers and their informant led Proud Boys being the two most pushed by your sources. Don't forget those Antifa people, too.

Rapists and other predators occupied the Occupy movements.