HahaHaha! CDC: 3/4 of those with Covid19 have had "vax". (Page 1/19)
sourmash JUL 31, 09:02 AM
Let the new injection shilling continue. Tell me another unprovable excuse like, "Their symptoms would've been worse had they not been injected." The truth is, get the jab and then get Covid19 anyway.
In another Israeli report, it was said that the injections are 39% effective. I doubt that, even.


The CDC has released a study backing up its decision to recommend indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans. The study examined one outbreak and found three-quarters of people testing positive were vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its masking guidelines on Tuesday, urging all Americans in areas with high Covid-19 transmission to mask up when indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Mask mandates in companies, government departments, and certain local jurisdictions followed, as CDC Director Rochelle Walensky insisted the decision was made on the back of fresh scientific evidence.

‘Doesn’t change our GAME PLAN’: WHO says no evidence ‘faster & fitter’ Delta variant has higher mortality or vax resistance
The CDC released that evidence on Friday. In a study of 469 cases of Covid-19 that broke out in the resort town of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, earlier this month, 74% occurred in “fully vaccinated persons.” Four out of five patients hospitalized were fully vaccinated, and on average the inoculated had completed their two rounds of doses only 86 days before infection.

The cases studied occurred in people vaccinated primarily with Pfizer and Moderna shots, with a smaller number having received Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose jab. No one vaccine was singled out as providing better or worse protection, and none appeared to prevent symptoms from developing. Some 79% of vaccinated patients were symptomatic, the study noted.

Lab testing revealed that 90% of all the Cape Cod infections involved the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

The report lends weight to the argument that the current crop of vaccines aren’t as effective against the Delta variant, although the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) both insist that vaccination is effective against “severe disease and death” from the virus, to quote WHO technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove in a briefing earlier on Friday.
IMSA GT JUL 31, 11:38 AM
This is why I love hearing the big city bar owners in Los Angeles and San Francisco calling people like me "selfish, careless, and misinformed" and not allowing me in their facilities yet those people are the ones that are truly misinformed. Put the blame on unvaccinated while you vaccinated guinea pigs are spreading the virus amongst yourselves. Now people are asking "why did I get vaccinated if I can still contract the virus?" since mask mandates are back on the horizon.
Hudini JUL 31, 09:10 PM
This is false information guys. Great sound bite though.
sourmash AUG 01, 02:59 AM
Yeah, I'm not finding a retraction, but at the same time can we believe the CDC? Is it just a story to call for more restrictions (constrictions)?

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 08-01-2021).]

sourmash AUG 01, 10:11 AM
How do you know when you get The Covid?
couldahadaV8 AUG 01, 12:54 PM
The fact is that 99% of people that end up in the hospital with Covid have not been vaccinated. Review what doctors are saying if you don't believe that. Yes, vaccinated people still get Covid, but they don't die from it.

Glad I'm in Canada and not the US. Must be something in the water there that makes people into complete morons. Maybe it's the lack of water. Then again 40% of you think Trump won the election, so what is there to say? Yup, must be the water.
IMSA GT AUG 01, 01:32 PM

Originally posted by couldahadaV8:
Must be something in the water there that makes people into complete morons.

No, the people are just plain and simple morons. Introduce cell phones, text messages, and social media, and you have quadruple stupidity, gullibility, and ignorance. People believe everything they see on social media.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 08-01-2021).]

sourmash AUG 01, 01:50 PM

Originally posted by couldahadaV8:

The fact is that 99% of people that end up in the hospital with Covid have not been vaccinated. Review what doctors are saying if you don't believe that. Yes, vaccinated people still get Covid, but they don't die from it.

Glad I'm in Canada and not the US. Must be something in the water there that makes people into complete morons. Maybe it's the lack of water. Then again 40% of you think Trump won the election, so what is there to say? Yup, must be the water.

You will have a credible opinion when you disprove that CDC study. I'll take Covid. You take the experimental gene therapy trial injections. You're going to find yourself battling odd illness later in life. Illnesses you wouldn't have had with God's nature. Immune systems and kidney function diminish with age.

Canada is nothing without The United States to provide it's ability to exist. You're welcome.
rinselberg AUG 01, 02:57 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
You will have a credible opinion when you disprove that CDC study. I'll take Covid. You take the experimental gene therapy trial injections. You're going to find yourself battling odd illness later in life. Illnesses you wouldn't have had with God's nature. Immune systems and kidney function diminish with age.

Canada is nothing without The United States to provide it's ability to exist. You're welcome.

"Advances in mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases"
Cuiling Zhang et al, for Frontiers in Immunology; March 27, 2019.

The researchers were affiliated with the College of Veterinary Medicine at Qingdao Agricultural University in Qingdao, China, and with GlaxoSmithKline's vaccine development center in Rockville, Maryland.

The article was published almost a year (three quarters of a year) before the Covid pandemic was declared by the Word Health Organization.

My point? That mRNA-based vaccines like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for Covid are based on specific medical research that goes back well before the start of the Covid pandemic.

Behind the other door (so to speak) lurks "Long" Covid.

The risk of COVID-19 has been largely communicated only in terms of deaths and hospital capacity, with recovery and survival conflated with each other. Around one in three people with symptomatic COVID-19 still experience symptoms 12 weeks after onset (1). Long Covid can be experienced by all age groups and not only those with acute severe disease. The debilitating symptoms are wide-ranging, multisystemic, and predominantly fluctuating or relapsing. There is still much to understand about Long Covid, but what is not well understood should not be ignored.

"The road to addressing Long Covid"
Nisree A. Alwan et al, for Science; July 30, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-01-2021).]

sourmash AUG 01, 03:41 PM
Your post doesn't address anyhing about these experimental gene therapies.

There is no denying that this is an accurate description of what they are: experiments.

Lingering persistent cough is one result 9f covid19. I'll take 12 weeks of coughs in comparison with Parkinson's or debilitated immune system late in life as a result of experimental injection.