Judge who dismissed elections fraud lawsuit blasts lawyers, orders them to pay fees. (Page 1/1)
rinselberg AUG 05, 03:29 PM
I've got this covered every which way under the sun.

First, the order from U.S. Magistrate Judge for the District of Colorado, N. Reid Neureiter :

The lawsuit, which alleged an elections fraud conspiracy against Facebook, Dominion Voting Systems and a slew of other individuals and groups, had already been thrown out by this judge.

This new order from the judge, which was filed on Tuesday (August 3), sanctions the lawyers who tried to bring this lawsuit and orders them to "pay up" :

Reid Nureiter, a federal magistrate judge in Colorado today ordered the two lawyers who brought that lawsuit to pay the attorneys fees for all of the defendants which include state government officials as well as two very rich companies who use very expensive lawyers -- Facebook and Dominion Voting Systems.

The lawsuit also included as individual defendants Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

That is from Lawrence O'Donnell, anchor of MSNBC's "The Last Word", from Wednesday night's broadcast.

"the stuff of which violent insurrections are made"

LAWRENCE O`DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: Mark Zuckerberg uses the most expensive lawyers in the world. So if you try to sue Mark Zuckerberg and you lose, not only will you not win any money but it might cost you a massive amount of money if the court orders you to reimburse Mark Zuckerberg for his attorneys fees.

And that's exactly what happened today to two lawyers in Colorado who filed a massive lawsuit, the biggest in American history asking for $160 billion because the lawsuit said the presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump by Mark Zuckerberg.

Reid Nureiter, a federal magistrate judge in Colorado today ordered the two lawyers who brought that lawsuit to pay the attorneys fees for all of the defendants which include state government officials as well as two very rich companies who use very expensive lawyers -- Facebook and Dominion Voting Systems.

The lawsuit also included as individual defendants Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

The two lawyers who filed the lawsuit, Gary Fielder and Earnest Walker, claimed the defendants engaged in concerted action to interfere with the 2020 presidential election through a coordinated effort.

So this lawsuit said, "Without a single shred of evidence that Mark Zuckerberg was conspiring with his wife and actively conspiring with the governor of Michigan, the secretary of state of Michigan, the secretary of state of Georgia along with several other individuals and with the Dominion Voting Systems Company."

According to this lawsuit all of those people and companies were constantly communicating with each other and conspiring to steal the election from Donald Trump. The lawyers claimed that they represented 160 million American registered voters.

They claim they represented us. And they asked for $160 billion in damages. These lawyers were trying to trade financial positions with Mark Zuckerberg. They were actually trying to become richer than Mark Zuckerberg with this lawsuit.

Judge Nureiter used careful legal language to describe the lawsuit calling it frivolous, disorganized and fantastical. The judge also said the lawsuit is, quote, "the stuff of which violent insurrections are made".

The judge does have the power to disbar the two lawyers. That is up to the state of Colorado Bar Association. Gary Fielder and Earnest Walker, who dreamed of becoming billionaires through this lawsuit could now be bankrupted by this phony, frivolous lawsuit.

They have no idea tonight how much money they owe Mark Zuckerberg and the other defendants because the lawyers for the defendants have not yet submitted their bills in this case.

Other judges in other jurisdictions around the country are considering the same sort of penalties against Trump lawyers who filed totally false lawsuits on behalf of the Trump campaign.

And speaking of frivolous lawsuits, Donald Trump filed a hopeless lawsuit today trying to prevent the IRS from handing over his tax returns to the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Donald Trump will lose that lawsuit because the right of the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the two tax writing committees, their right to see individual tax returns is clearly written in tax law. And it includes absolutely no exceptions.

That is from yesterday's (August 4) edition of MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell."

The transcript continues as O'Donnell discusses the ruling with columnist Jonathan Alter and law professor Paul Butler.
Click to show

"Federal judge sanctions lawyers who challenged 2020 election results, calls claims 'fantastical'"
Jordan Williams for The Hill; August 4, 2021.

"Federal Judge Imposes Sanctions on Lawyers Who Filed Frivolous Election Suit"
Jonathan H. Adler for The Volokh Conspiracy; August 5, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-05-2021).]

Jake_Dragon AUG 05, 04:05 PM
randye AUG 05, 10:04 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I've got this covered every which way under the sun.


AND YET.....While you are hooting and squealing about a case that will obviously go to the U.S. District Court of Appeals...



Do you have some kind of weird delusion that this obvious "self immolation by propaganda" that you are engaged in is doing you some sort of good here?

Have you EVER ONCE considered the fact that the stupid things you think are due to the stupid people and sources you get your propaganda and opinions from?

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 08-05-2021).]