It only takes 1 person to destroy what you love (Page 1/5)
tbone42 AUG 10, 10:30 AM
I bought a piece of property in Montana 3 years ago on the Clarks Fork Yellowstone. I had camped it for weeks to make sure I loved it before I made the offer. I was so excited to own a piece of the state I love more than any other.

The day I purchased it, my neighbor (who is a ranch owner) came on my property (trespassing) and angrily harassed me while drunk. Driving with his kid in the backseat and a beer in hand. He's saying he didn't want me to own the property as he lets his cows come over and graze it and they drink at the river. As much as I tried to assure him that I didn't care about his cows wandering and that I had no development plans, he was still angry and belligerent. All summer, I would wake up or come back to find tire tracks all over my grass where he would drive through. Never once did I see a cow come over.

My second summer there came with no conflict and camped it about 4 weeks total while travelling about to different parks and campgrounds across the NW. I figured he had just been drunk and when he sobered up probably felt sheepish. Had a pleasant time last summer, saw mountain lions and deer and a few brown rattlers. Went to Yellowstone and saw less animals there than on my property.

This summer, however, I was on my own property less than an hour before he called the cops on me. Reported me as a "squatter." The police showed up and I actually had to prove the land was mine using identification, OnX app and even the deed was available as I had it with me. Since neighbor knew I had previously purchased the property, and my vehicle had not changed, what he did amounted to false reporting which is a felony if prosecuted. I told the police that but they didn't seem as cool with prosecuting a rancher with a thousand acres as they were with carrying out this fairly obvious pattern of harassment.

The cop told me I was not breaking the law and it was indeed the neighbor who called, so there was no question the person who reported "squatting" had prior knowledge of me owning the property. The only satisfaction I get from the cop was him telling me "I'll talk to him." Those tax dollars at work for the rancher. I did at least get a couple answers on residency and how long I could camp my land while he was there and found out I was doing everything right.

After the police left, the neighbor rolled by a few minutes later and actually waved at me from his ATV and sped off. Kinda a "**** you I'll do what I want" move.

So I had to think long and hard about my next move. I only had two available to me. Stay, and continue to get harassed and trespassed against because the authorities aren't interested in doing anything about it, or offer my property up for sale so the next people can deal with him..which admittedly feels a little underhanded.

Of course, the third option was to hide his body somewhere and hope It stays missing... And as miffed as I was at that moment about the illegality of murder, I didn't feel like risking a life sentence for that or even jail time for much as I would have loved to do so Thus it seemed I only had one course of action to avoid a violent conflict, and that was to sell.

So I called my realtor almost in tears because I loved this property so much. I offered it up for a few thousand more than I bought it for and actually got a ton of offers for it over asking price. Lots of interest. I went with a family that wants to use the property for beekeeping and we are in the last couple weeks of the closing process. However, money is not the issue. I work, and I have savings. I wanted the land, but I never signed up for his moronic territorial pissings.

In my heart it makes me sick. This guy needs a punch in the mouth maybe worse than anyone I've ever met. It only took one person to ruin what I loved, and he has the backing of the police to behave however he wants because he has a big cattle ranch. Regardless of my assurances and (I'm proud to say) ability to not escalate an argument, he was dead set on doing anything he could to run me off. I spoke to the previous property owner this summer, and he admitted to me that he had several altercations with the same neighbor in the past and he never saw him sober in the course of 10 years.

So... hooray ....I guess... the property is almost sold. I know a few may say I should be happy with the money and move on... But the place was so unique and beautiful and filled with wildlife... I'm not sure I'll ever find anything like it ever again. For those that believe in unseen forces as Karma, I suppose there's a comeuppance for this idiot. I dont believe in Karma, however, nor do I believe he will ever have enough conscience to believe he did anything wrong.

I can only hope he chokes on his own vomit while drunk for any kind of satisfying ending for me to occur. I've never wished harm on anyone in my whole life until meeting this "man".. and now I believe there's not enough harm in the world that can come his way.

[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 08-10-2021).]

sourmash AUG 10, 11:00 AM
Sounds like a bad deal. Maybe a better situation will present...

Sometimes, very often, it's the person you marry or a family member who does it. Be thankful you aren't dealing with family betrayal as well.

When growing up, your parents show you how happy and Sunny the world is. They don't tell you about the scum, parasites and abusers so much. For me it setup up disappointment in fellow humans.

Parents should teach that only 40% of the people you deal with will be worthy of some deeper level of trust. Elevate your dealings.
tbone42 AUG 10, 11:04 AM
I generally give everyone a chance and he basically pissed it away immediately. I've never seen anyone so hell bent on being a jerk for the sake of being one in my life.
cliffw AUG 10, 11:06 AM

Originally posted by tbone42:
I bought a piece of property in Montana 3 years ago on the Clarks Fork Yellowstone. I had camped it for weeks to make sure I loved it before I made the offer. I was so excited to own a piece of the state I love more than any other.

The day I purchased it, my neighbor (who is a ranch owner) came on my property (trespassing) and angrily harassed me while drunk. Driving with his kid in the backseat and a beer in hand. He's saying he didn't want me to own the property as he lets his cows come over and graze it and they drink at the river. As much as I tried to assure him that I didn't care about his cows wandering and that I had no development plans, he was still angry and belligerent. All summer, I would wake up or come back to find tire tracks all over my grass where he would drive through. Never once did I see a cow come over.

My second summer there came with no conflict and camped it about 4 weeks total while travelling about to different parks and campgrounds across the NW. I figured he had just been drunk and when he sobered up probably felt sheepish. Had a pleasant time last summer, saw mountain lions and deer and a few brown rattlers. Went to Yellowstone and saw less animals there than on my property.

This summer, however, I was on my own property less than an hour before he called the cops on me. Reported me as a "squatter." The police showed up and I actually had to prove the land was mine using identification, OnX app and even the deed was available as I had it with me. Since neighbor knew I had previously purchased the property, and my vehicle had not changed, what he did amounted to false reporting which is a felony if prosecuted. I told the police that but they didn't seem as cool with prosecuting a rancher with a thousand acres as they were with carrying out this fairly obvious pattern of harassment. The cop told me it was indeed the neighbor who called, so there was no question the person who reported "squatting" had prior knowledge of me owning the property. The only satisfaction I get from the cop was him telling me "I'll talk to him." Those tax dollars at work for the rancher.

After the police left, the neighbor rolled by a few minutes later and actually waved at me from his ATV and sped off. Kinda a "**** you I'll do what I want" move.

So I had to think long and hard about my next move. I only had two available to me. Stay, and continue to get harassed and trespassed against because the authorities aren't interested in doing anything about it, or offer my property up for sale so the next people can deal with him..which admittedly feels a little underhanded.

Of course, the third option was to hide his body somewhere and hope It stays missing... And as miffed as I was at that moment about the illegality of murder, I didn't feel like risking a life sentence for that or even jail time for much as I would have loved to do so Thus it seemed I only had one course of action to avoid a violent conflict, and that was to sell.

So I called my realtor almost in tears because I loved this property so much. I offered it up for a few thousand more than I bought it for and actually got a ton of offers for it over asking price. Lots of interest. I went with a family that wants to use the property for beekeeping and we are in the last couple weeks of the closing process. However, money is not the issue. I work, and I have savings. I wanted the land, but I never signed up for his moronic territorial pissings.

In my heart it makes me sick. This guy needs a punch in the mouth maybe worse than anyone I've ever met. It only took one person to ruin what I loved, and he has the backing of the police to behave however he wants because he has a big cattle ranch. Regardless of my assurances and (I'm proud to say) ability to not escalate an argument, he was dead set on doing anything he could to run me off. I spoke to the previous property owner this summer, and he admitted to me that he had several altercations with the same neighbor in the past and he never saw him sober in the course of 10 years.

So... hooray ....I guess... the property is almost sold. I know a few may say I should be happy with the money and move on... But the place was so unique and beautiful and filled with wildlife... I'm not sure I'll ever find anything like it ever again. For those that believe in unseen forces as Karma, I suppose there's a comeuppance for this idiot. I dont believe in Karma, however, nor do I believe he will ever have enough conscience to believe he did anything wrong.

I can only hope he chokes on his own vomit while drunk for any kind of satisfying ending for me to occur. I've never wished harm on anyone in my whole life until meeting this "man".. and now I believe there's not enough harm in the world that can come his way.

You are weak ! I had a similar problem on land I owned. I stood my (land) ground. I was also harassed by the "police", who also stuck up for the offender of my rights. Ticketed a few times, went to jail a couple or few times. Always reported in the community news rag, including my name, age, and street name.

I stood my ground. They piled on charges. They offered me plea bargain after plea bargain if I would plead guilty. Which I was not. Their final plea bargain was all charges would be dropped if I promised their would be no more complaints against me (loud music). Which I could not do, as I knew I was legal. I am not giving anyone control over my life.

All charges were dropped anyway. I told the community news rag to report the results, as they had no problem with reporting my arrests. Which they did in my letter to the editor, the top run letter.

Grow some cajones. I love my rights, the further rights property ownership give me, and what I love will not be taken from me without a fight.

You are weak, man up. You have worked so long and hard, to buy your dream. Put up a sign. "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again".

Here down in cattle country Texas, other peoples cattle's damage is the responsibility of the cattle owner.

What happens when you trespass on his land ?
cliffw AUG 10, 11:11 AM

Originally posted by tbone42:

I generally give everyone a chance and he basically pissed it away immediately. I've never seen anyone so hell bent on being a jerk for the sake of being one in my life.

What are we missing here ? How did you give him a chance ? Clint Eastwood said "get off my lawn" !
cliffw AUG 10, 11:21 AM
Tell you next door buddy that you hope his cows don't step in your bear traps.
2.5 AUG 10, 11:49 AM
Sad to hear. Only other course of action would be maybe fences, signs and recordings / evidence of his alcoholic trespassing ways. I understand that cops generally act as though the caller who reports something is correct, as that is all they know at the time.
I hope you find another place where there is more peace.
cliffw AUG 10, 12:59 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:
I understand that cops generally act as though the caller who reports something is correct, as that is all they know at the time.

Ok, if you say so. I just reported you for threatening to kill me. Find a lawyer, .

Originally posted by 2.5:
I hope you find another place where there is more peace.

Yes, me too. My peace is subject to what I am given.

tbone42 AUG 10, 01:10 PM
I think you missed the point, Cliff. I am selling to prevent the effusion of blood. I am past the point of "standing my legal ground" and was pretty much ready to shoot him on sight. In fact, when he drove by and waved I tried waving him over because if he entered my land again I was going to put a hole in him right then and there.

Also, I have marked property lines and put up no trespassing signs several times. Even paid for a satellite survey. When I leave for the winter, they disappear. Draw your own conclusions.

[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 08-10-2021).]

williegoat AUG 10, 01:16 PM
Peace is within. One should never let anyone or anything alter that.