Trumps legacy wears panties. Supports forced experimental injections. (Page 1/1)
sourmash AUG 13, 08:29 AM
Trump's legacy has declared the people do not have a right to decide what is injected into their bodies, but government can decide you're getting an experimental jab. Trump has very poor political instincts.

Why did this Supreme Court seat have to be filled by another woman, as though it can only be filled by a woman?

Justice Amy Barrett denies appeal from Indiana University students fighting COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
denies appeal from Indiana University students fighting COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Barrett denied the request without consulting the full court

By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied an appeal from students at Indiana University to block the school’s vaccine mandate.

Barrett, who has jurisdiction over the appeals court involved in the case, denied the students request for an injunction against Indiana University’s vaccine mandate on her own without consulting other colleagues on the court and without hearing from the school.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 08-13-2021).]

82-T/A [At Work] AUG 13, 04:11 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Trump's legacy has declared the people do not have a right to decide what is injected into their bodies, but government can decide you're getting an experimental jab. Trump has very poor political instincts.

Why did this Supreme Court seat have to be filled by another woman, as though it can only be filled by a woman?

Justice Amy Barrett denies appeal from Indiana University students fighting COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
denies appeal from Indiana University students fighting COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Barrett denied the request without consulting the full court

By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied an appeal from students at Indiana University to block the school’s vaccine mandate.

Barrett, who has jurisdiction over the appeals court involved in the case, denied the students request for an injunction against Indiana University’s vaccine mandate on her own without consulting other colleagues on the court and without hearing from the school.

It's a state school, so I would assume the final say would have to be the State of Indiana on whether or not they can mandate it or not.

Being that it's a graduate school, you don't HAVE to go there, so... there's some logic in that.

Sounds like Indiana just needs a Governor that has a rock solid pair of balls like Florida and Texas does... though I think Florida's balls are bigger right now.

sourmash AUG 13, 06:08 PM
Nuremburg Code says a person can't be forced to participate in an experimental medical exercise.

Trump's picks are extremely weak so far. Would Ruth Bader Ghoulsberg have decided the same way?

If you were midway through your grad degree and they sprung this on you, you probably wouldn't view it in such a cavalier manner. Now you have to find another program to orchestrate a transfer of credits and possibly relocate.
rinselberg AUG 13, 06:15 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:
Nuremburg Code says a person can't be forced to participate in an experimental medical exercise. . .

I think the FDA Emergency Use Authorizations take these vaccines beyond the "experimental" stage.

"Why Is the FDA Taking So Long to Fully Approve the COVID Vaccines?"
Lizzie O'Leary for Slate; August 13, 2021.

sourmash AUG 13, 06:18 PM
Doesn't matter Trump's weakass picks will just rule in unilateral fashion.
randye AUG 14, 09:27 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I think the FDA Emergency Use Authorizations take these vaccines beyond the "experimental" stage.

As usual, what you "think" is WRONG.

You are WRONG because you don't have the faintest of clues how the FDA works with regard to NDAs or IND reviews or EUAs.

randye AUG 14, 09:54 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

Trump's legacy has declared the people do not have a right to decide what is injected into their bodies,

I don't agree with that assessment.

The students had filed suit seeking injunctive relief, and apparently NOT specifically on the question of their presumed Constitutional right to decline an undesired medical treatment by government.

As a disclaimer, I HAVE NOT READ either the original Indiana state lawsuit or the various appeals brought by the plaintiffs but the article that you linked only speaks to the ruling on the demand for injunction.

I am a big believer in the sanctity of one's body from government intrusion and an adult's right to refuse medical treatment, however a demand for an injunction, is usually a temporary relief which is accompanied by litigation on a broader issue.

Such an injunction is meant to forestall an action or decision until such broader litigation can proceed.

I'm not aware of that in this case, so the court's, (including SCOTUS), decline doesn't, on its face, appear to be politically motivated at all but more in line with proper procedures of jurisprudence.