So, the conservatives actually won Afghanistan back in what, 2 weeks? (Page 1/3)
sourmash AUG 15, 09:52 AM
The conservatives swept across Afghanistan with no resistance, and just took Kabul, forcing the US puppet President to resign. The globalist liberals of the US evacuate and the conservatives are invited to take over the country again. Will they at least leave our pride flag up on the embassy?
sourmash AUG 15, 10:58 AM
Bushes wars were all fake and are failures.

Next, these evacuated troops will be used domestically.

Sandy Cortez says she was almost raped by Ashli Babbitt on Jan 6th, former intelligence officials are saying the greatest threat is asking who shot Ashli and the current intelligence officials say that opposing covid measures is domestic terrorism.

Bushes war policies are coming home.
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 15, 11:00 AM
It is completely un****ing believable to me...

Vietnam, ... I wasn't alive, but everything I can tell, we were fighting a battle that was going to get significantly more messy with more lives lost, and there was no support from the population.

Here we are in Afghanistan, which we swept within a year or two and completely conquered, built trillions of dollars of infrastructure for them... and, I understand the tribal and cultural nuances... and I largely agree with us getting out, but when the Taliban were coming towards these cities on dirt roads, why didn't we just lay waste to them by air strikes? You know why? Becuase we continued to maintain the idea that we were going to be peaceful... so even though we clearly saw the Taliban were breaking the pact and agreement we made, we still stuck to it like ****ing idiots. I mean, you literally have a hoard of stolen trucks, vehicles filled with Taliban soldiers driving from city to city, and we didn't do **** .

What makes me even more ****ing mad... not a God-damned news station is even reporting it. When Nixon was president... I can only assume the evacuation of Saigon was all over the God-damned news. But right now... even Fox News doesn't have that **** on, they're talking about Critical Race Theory, and MSNBC is talking about Trump donors and some other farcical bull **** .

I'm so tired of this **** ...
Jake_Dragon AUG 15, 11:30 AM
Back to our southern boarders.
How many walked right in without even getting so much as a background check. War is profitable, if anyone as forgotten it and we do not have the infrastructure we once had.
Look how easy it was to cut our supply lines.

4 weeks from now is the 20th anniversary.

[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 08-15-2021).]

sourmash AUG 15, 11:55 AM
No way in hell will they be placed at the border to protect it. The goal is to replace the uppity Americans with 3rd worlders so the .01 percent can get the last remaining hurdle in the world out of the way ( the Constiturion).

If they're placed there it will be to institute order for the flooding invasion.

Afghanistan isn't in chaos. The Afghan people welcomed the Taliban in for the same order I'm talking about. The USA is Pride flags and placing women above men upsetting nature's order. People want structure. Normal structure.
Rickady88GT AUG 15, 12:27 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

The conservatives swept across Afghanistan with no resistance, and just took Kabul, forcing the US puppet President to resign. The globalist liberals of the US evacuate and the conservatives are invited to take over the country again. Will they at least leave our pride flag up on the embassy?

There is no doubt in my mind that first of all, the taliban is NOT conservative. And second that they did not do it in 2 weeks. They have been planning this sense the election. They knew biden is weak and pathetic like obama was/is and that biden will mirror obama's weak and pathetic agenda. So the taliban set into motion their plans about 2 weeks ago. So technically the planning is months in the making and the ground campaign is weeks +/-
sourmash AUG 15, 02:56 PM
The typical know-nothing American doesn't even know what conservative means.
Pretty much any fundamentalist religion is uber conservative. Islam is patently conservative.
The USA is totally progressive liberalism on a globalist level. We bring feminism, homosexual rights, globalism and female empowerment under puppet regimes. As soon as we take our boot off people's necks they revert to previous values.

Hannity and Cuckabee tell viewers thst conservative means Republican so without understanding, gullible people just swallow the bait.

The Taliban swept across Afghanistan in 2 weeks. Period. They've been waiting for 20 years. So what. With the power vaccuum the Afghan people just welcomed them back.

There wont be anymore heroin out of there now that the USA is gone. The Taliban will clean that rot out.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 08-15-2021).]

Rickady88GT AUG 15, 04:16 PM

Originally posted by sourmash:

The typical know-nothing American doesn't even know what conservative means.

So I'm a no nothing, thanks man, real smooth.
They are extremists who have been evolving in a more violent direction. I argue that the taliban is not holding to traditional values. This is why they are not conservative. They evolve through the teachings of people they call prophets. With each prophet they stray further from the original teachings.


Pretty much any fundamentalist religion is uber conservative. Islam is patently conservative.

Hard to find a religion that advocates for change or evolving, so as for the definition of conservative, yes they are. I can't think of a single religion that isn't "conservative". Holding to traditional values of their roots is a given. Changing those is typically not a part of the core values.


The USA is totally progressive liberalism on a globalist level. We bring feminism, homosexual rights, globalism and female empowerment under puppet regimes. As soon as we take our boot off people's necks they revert to previous values.

Just an opinion of people you put in a box.


Hannity and Cuckabee tell viewers thst conservative means Republican so without understanding, gullible people just swallow the bait.

Don't assume that I fit this mold.


The Taliban swept across Afghanistan in 2 weeks. Period. They've been waiting for 20 years. So what. With the power vaccuum the Afghan people just welcomed them back.

No they didn't, they planned this much further back. They made plans with alliances long ago. Without those, the advancement would be much slower.


There wont be anymore heroin out of there now that the USA is gone. The Taliban will clean that rot out.

I am good with that, but they know the poison harms the West. So, it will continue.
rinselberg AUG 15, 04:32 PM
Looks like the Taliban have their own (anti)infrastructure package--but now that the Afghan president has resigned, maybe they will be content to leave this big hydroelectric and irrigation dam in place?

"Taliban seize Herat and assault nearby dam that provides water and power to hundreds of thousands of Afghans"
Elizabeth B. Hessami and Asef Ghafoory for The Conversation; August 12, 2021.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-15-2021).]

sourmash AUG 15, 06:03 PM

So I'm a no nothing, thanks man, real smooth.

Sorry, man. I wasn't paying attention. Thought it was Todd at a glance. Shoot.
Dammit. But you surely know the difference in conservatism and Republicans, especially since the GOP isnt conservative.

They are extremists who have been evolving in a more violent direction. I argue that the taliban is not holding to traditional values. This is why they are not conservative. They evolve through the teachings of people they call prophets. With each prophet they stray further from the original teachings.

Extreme is what religious fundamentalists are. Yes, they're totally conservative. They aren't straying though. They're maintaining.
Honor Allah and faith first, honor the father of the family next, don't be a whore female and keep your family honor, don't mess with drugs. Stay in line with group think or else.

Just an opinion of people you put in a box.
It's an undeniable fact. It's why we even strongarm our NATO allies to give into our liberal progressive policies of safety in performing homosexual sex, open borders to immigrants, female empowerment, borrowing heavily from central banks.

We fly Pride flags at embassies, even allowing it on the same pole. BLM banners adorn the facades.

Don't assume that I fit this mold.

I hate the personal beliefs of both those cucks.

No they didn't, they planned this much further back. They made plans with alliances long ago. Without those, the advancement would be much slower.

They planned for 20 years. But they didn't even have to fight to take power in 2 weeks. If the policies we force fed the people there had any strength the Bans would still be outside most cities because people would resist. But the people just let them walk in almost uncontested, because our policies are a failure for them and theirs more closely fit the Taliban.
The Taliban just had to show up and it was over. Our policy is USDollars. Once they're gone, it's back to business as usual.


I am good with that, but they know the poison harms the West. So, it will continue.

Not if our govt isn't getting their cut.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 08-15-2021).]