Can someone explain something to me??? (Page 1/2)
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 15, 10:49 AM
Just went to every major news source on TV... across the usual 24/7 news stations, even Fox News...

Not a damned one of them is talking about the evacuation of Kabul right now. Literally every single thing that Biden said wasn't going to happen, not only happened, but happened dramatically sooner than he said it would. He literally said... "We are not leaving... you can be sure of that." And we are RIGHT NOW.. evacuating people from HKIA and the embassy compound... in some cases, literally from the rooftop of the embassy via helicopter... which is an important distinction because there is literally a helicopter landing pad (old soccer field) directly next to the embassy.

I can't ****ing believe this. This is worse than Vietnam because we completely won, and failed epically at transition. Iraq isn't in this shape...
Jake_Dragon AUG 15, 11:35 AM
4 weeks from now is the 20th anniversary of the worst event I have ever lived through. I have had a knot in my stomach for hours now.
sourmash AUG 15, 12:01 PM
The answer is always the same. Follow the money. Power follows or flows from money. Cash for clunkers wasnt about the environment. It was about spurring currency flow.

Remember the coverage that the fedgov was running a drill at the same time. It's not bs. You can still find vids of the statements in a press conference.
Mike Rivero always mentions at this time of year who the only people arrested on 9-11-01 were. Karl Cameron did the Fox report you can still find of all the foreign spies rounded up coinciding with those events.
Then there are all the "puts" on wall street against the airlines and insurance companies. Snopes got exposed then for trying to spin it as though it was normal.
Rickady88GT AUG 15, 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

4 weeks from now is the 20th anniversary of the worst event I have ever lived through. I have had a knot in my stomach for hours now.

The democrats say that the anniversary of the worst ever isn't until 01,06,2022
TheDigitalAlchemist AUG 15, 12:36 PM
Not enough people are even educated enough to understand or care about any of this.

How many can even find these places on a map?

They are more concerned about bullcrap like
Is my phone good enough or do I need a new one? Will it run all my filters? Can I see the people doing the latest dances and clearly see all their poorly-done tattoos and septum rings? Is it "woke-enabled"? And that website - does the dropdown include all the genders? is it "fully accessible"...

williegoat AUG 15, 01:19 PM
When I was in grade school, we learned that Communists were evil, Khrushchev was a madman and the world could end because Russia had “the bomb”.

Now kids are taught that CEO’s are evil, Trump is a madman and the world could end because Americans eat cows.

Well, it turns out the Communists were smarter than we thought and Khrushchev was crazy like a fox. They didn’t even need to use the bomb. We were sold out by our fellow countrymen for thirty pieces of silver.

Everything changed in 1964. America and the world would have been a very different place if Goldwater had won. I don't care if you believe it or not, '64 was the turning point. Even this nine year old kid could see it.

LBJ started the job, Obama finished it. Trump tried to get us back on track, but we were too far gone already. Biden is just a doorman.

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 08-15-2021).]

Larryinkc AUG 15, 02:14 PM

Nikita Khrushchev on Face the Nation in 1957
sourmash AUG 15, 03:19 PM
George W Bush was a bigger idiot than Obama regarding foreign intervention. Obama had some good positions on foreign policy. Neither deserved the office.

I mean how bad off is the USA when the good option for President is a head case like Donald?! Everyone else is in the pocket of the donor class.

Let's see who were those fellow countrymen spies that sold our nuclear technology to our previous Ally, the Soviet Union again?

1964 was probably a turning point, that I can't argue. But 1965-7(?) was our complete undoing when they allowed immigration law to change. Ted Kennedy, and Jacob Javitz I think it was, sponsored the bill that was crafted by the same group as the nuclear spies while promising it wouldn't change the demographics of America. Yesterday someone of that group was posting a celebratory message about Whites decreasing in numbers according to the last census info. She added that White males need to lose positions of any power.

Jennifer Rubin being covered for saying it's great news:

“a more diverse, more inclusive society” in response to U.S. Census data that showed the white population declined in numbers in America, which Rubin described as “fabulous news.” Rubin then opined, “now we need to prevent minority White rule.” Rubin’s racially charged bile is sadly characteristic of the way leftist politicians talk about the issue of race in America.

Oh, and who was it that sued in fed court to create same sex marriage in spite of popular opposition?
Notorio AUG 15, 08:15 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
... This is worse than Vietnam because we completely won, and failed epically at transition. Iraq isn't in this shape...

I'm going to respectfully disagree and say that the US lost this war the day we let Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora. From there on the Mission morphed to Nation Building which, it seems from the comfort of my armchair, only works when the country's people are mostly aligned with the outcome (e.g. post-WW2 Japan and Germany.) The Taliban returning to power was to me unavoidable but I feel the total botching of the withdrawal was not. Countless people are and will pay for this with their lives. In any event, I think the most important question now is whether or not the Taliban will resume hosting and exporting terror operations to the West. This, I feel today, is also inevitable, now that Iran, North Korea, and Russia are rebooting under the watch of our New Administration.
randye AUG 15, 08:34 PM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Literally every single thing that Biden said wasn't going to happen, not only happened, but happened dramatically sooner than he said it would. He literally said... "We are not leaving... you can be sure of that." And we are RIGHT NOW.. evacuating people from HKIA and the embassy compound... in some cases, literally from the rooftop of the embassy via helicopter... which is an important distinction because there is literally a helicopter landing pad (old soccer field) directly next to the embassy.

It's been over 8 months since he was admitted to the White House Pennsylvania Avenue Full Time Dementia Care Facility


U.S. Secretary of State Antony "Baghdad Bob Blinken" rejected comparisons to the U.S. pullout from Vietnam.

“This is manifestly not Saigon,” he said on ABC’s “This Week."

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 08-15-2021).]