You thought Bengozi was hard to see, look at this (Page 1/16)
Rickady88GT AUG 16, 01:33 PM
We have seen the same footage of the obama clinton withdrawal from Bengazi but have you seen the withdrawal of biden harris from Afghanistan?
An American military cargo jet taking off right over/through dozens and dozens of people. Then some who have climbed on and clung to the jet latter as it flew away.
Rickady88GT AUG 16, 01:35 PM
I hope the link works, this is the first time I posted a link to Instagram.
sourmash AUG 16, 01:37 PM
Not sure if it works, but the footage is gnarly. I've seen it.

I'll add that I'm confident that the machine they're pulling out of Afghanistan will be turned on some of us here at home.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 08-16-2021).]

FieroSTETZ AUG 16, 01:55 PM
Here's a youtube link in case instagram nukes your link. They like to do that if too many people look at a video while not signed in to the app.
Rickady88GT AUG 16, 02:03 PM

Originally posted by FieroSTETZ:

Here's a youtube link in case instagram nukes your link. They like to do that if too many people look at a video while not signed in to the app.

Thank you. I figured that the video would be a violation of rules and banned, censored or removed from YouTube.
FieroSTETZ AUG 16, 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

Thank you. I figured that the video would be a violation of rules and banned, censored or removed from YouTube.

Yeah, but tweens shaking their butts is ok apparently :|
Rickady88GT AUG 16, 02:28 PM
I have not watched a "news program" in at least 5 years. I only have one TV in the house and it never gets turned to the news stations. So I nave no idea how the news coverage is in regards to biden commenting on this issue? It is unimaginable that the President of the United States of America hasn't commented on the withdrawal yet. It is a major news event. And countless people want answers.
I can't imagine how desperate people have to be to get that close to a jet taking off and climbing on it???
As awful as Bengozi was, this will lead to hundreds of deaths if not thousands on that airport alone. Not counting the beheadings across the Country. They might already have been murdered or suicides by now.
williegoat AUG 16, 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Rickady88GT:

I have not watched a "news program" in at least 5 years. I only have one TV in the house and it never gets turned to the news stations. So I nave no idea how the news coverage is in regards to biden commenting on this issue?

Biden is scheduled to speak in a little under an hour, at 3:30 EDT.

Rickady88GT AUG 16, 02:50 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:


[This message has been edited by Rickady88GT (edited 08-16-2021).]

Jake_Dragon AUG 16, 03:03 PM
I heard it was 3 people that fell from the plane, surprised it was not more.
Biden link

[This message has been edited by Jake_Dragon (edited 08-16-2021).]