Go check on your quiet friends/family (Page 1/2)
Jake_Dragon AUG 17, 12:55 PM
George was a good man, I have known him for over 30 years. After my divorce I lost touch with my ex wife side of the family.
Last night my ex called to tell me George ended his own life. My brother took his own life yesterday and there is nothing I can do.

He was a husband, father, grand father and a friend. A very religious man. I have never in 30 years seen him angry, even when faced with impossible tasks.
Just whistle a little tune and do his best. He was a Navy man, serving in Vietnam on a PT boat. He would not talk about his time in the Navy.
Betty his wife is in stage 3 lung failure and we suspect they got news he just couldn't shoulder any more.
George and Betty were together for 52 years. She was his everything.

Going to take a break and try to make sense of a senseless situation that I have no control over.
Just have to get it out there.
williegoat AUG 17, 01:17 PM
I am sorry for your loss. Take care.
2.5 AUG 17, 02:09 PM
Sorry for your loss man. Prayers for his family.
sourmash AUG 17, 03:03 PM
It's just saddening to read about another American brother reaching his/her end.
FieroSTETZ AUG 17, 03:27 PM
Yeah, definitely check on people.
My wife and I spent a lot of time during the most intense periods of covid lockdown calling and checking on friends, family, neighbors, even employees that I knew were alone - some really weren't handling the isolation very well. It's good to check on people regardless, but over the last 2 years especially. Isolation has a way of gnawing at people.

Sorry for the loss jd
Jake_Dragon AUG 17, 04:40 PM
George worked at Nasa during the most of the exciting times. He once told us that he is on the check list for the space shuttle, if he didn't sign off it wouldn't go into space.
Forced into early retirement because of cut backs. How many of us can say we know a real rocket scientist that worked at Nasa. He said it wasn't all glamor, he love talking about his mop.

He just seemed like he had a support system, he is the last person I would expect this from.
Remember that feeling when Robin Williams ended his life, like that only 1000 times harder.

We are all just mortals, one think away from the brink of darkness. Betty will not talk to anyone and is refusing to eat, I can not imagine the loss she is suffering.
Raydar AUG 17, 04:49 PM
I'm very sorry, man. Obviously I can't really say anything to help.
I send my condolences to all who know and love him.
Jake_Dragon AUG 17, 05:49 PM
Its just hard seeing those around him and how they are reacting. The taboo, but when there is just too much to hold in. We all have limits. 52 years, his favorite story was picking wild "flowers" from the fields on the way to see Betty. 52 years and they had a yard full of wild flowers. Every Christmas we spent a day with them, watched their kids grow up and have kids of their own.
I can not imagine the pain he was in, the not knowing, not being able to make a difference. My ex thinks they got bad news and it was just too much for him.

You know its going to happen some day but when it this brutal it leaves you numb. He was a good man and my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
sourmash AUG 17, 07:58 PM
This can sound harsh but it6s true; suicide is a selfish act. Very close people to me have committed suicide. Two that I can think of right off.
82-T/A [At Work] AUG 17, 08:05 PM
I am so sorry Jake... I wish there was something I could say and do to make it any different.

I lost my older brother too many years ago... I know that doesn't help at all, but I know exactly what you are feeling.

I will say that it sounds like your brother was a great American, and his life... although gone early, had real impact. Every time I see the Space Shuttle at the Kennedy Space Center, I'll think about you and your brother.