Health Insurance & COVID (Page 1/2)
blackrams SEP 05, 08:00 AM
Vaccine mandates: Employees paying to be unvaccinated is 'very much like smoking surcharges,' expert explains

Amid widespread vaccine rollout and the recent full FDA authorization of the Pfizer (PFE) COVID-19 vaccine, many employers are now debating whether to mandate vaccinations among their employees and whether to financially deter unvaccinated individuals.

Delta Air Lines (DAL), for example, recently announced that it will begin implementing a $200 monthly surcharge for all unvaccinated employees beginning Nov. 1.

"The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person," CEO Ed Bastian wrote in a memo. "This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated."

Elizabeth Mitchell, CEO of Purchaser Business Group on Health, told Yahoo Finance (video above) that surcharges for unvaccinated employees are "very much like smoking surcharges, and it is not unreasonable. People can choose to smoke. They can choose to be unvaccinated. But that comes with additional costs for health care, and companies are paying those costs. Families are paying those costs because they hit everybody’s premiums. So it’s not unreasonable to expect those who are incurring greater costs to actually contribute more.”


In the meantime, those who remain unvaccinated continue to pose a threat to the health of vulnerable populations and the containment of the virus at large.

“People want to know that they are working in a company where they will be safe,” she said. “And it is an expectation of a growing number of employers that you will be vaccinated to come to work.”


Unvaccinated individuals account for an overwhelming majority of COVID-related hospitalizations: A recent study by the CDC found that between May 1 and July 25, 2021, unvaccinated residents of Los Angeles County in California — the country's most populated county — were 29.2 times more likely to be hospitalized by COVID-19.

And the average cost of a COVID-related hospitalization is roughly $20,000.............

There quite a bit more to the linked article but, I thought the small portion being posted here pretty much carries the message. After reading this the thought occurred to me that how is one to avoid higher health insurance premiums, an authentic CDC vaccination card would do it. (I would think.)

sourmash SEP 05, 08:33 AM
Good luck staffing positions. Nurses are quitting when told they have to vaccinate.
maryjane SEP 05, 08:44 AM

And the average cost of a COVID-related hospitalization is roughly $20,000.

That's cheap for any kind of hospital stay.

The average cost of hospital care for COVID-19 patients without insurance or who receive out-of-network care varies greatly by age – from $51,389 for patients between 21- and 40-years-old to $78,569 for patients between 41 and 60 years old, according to updated cost analysis data from FAIR Health.

Hospitalization charges for patients under 20-years-old without insurance averaged about $68,261. For people over 60-years-old, that figure was about $77,323.

The highest averaged allowed amount paid to the provider under an insurance plan was $40,208 for people over 60 and was lowest for patients 21 to 40 at $26,152.

These figures represent a cost analysis from February through August, which is updated from July.

MidEngineManiac SEP 05, 08:47 AM

Arent companies ALREADY having huge problems getting staff ? and now they want to alienate yet another pool of potential workers ?

Well, arent they speeeccciiiaaallllll.......

blackrams SEP 05, 09:39 AM

Originally posted by maryjane:

That's cheap for any kind of hospital stay.

[QUOTE]The average cost of hospital care for COVID-19 patients without insurance or who receive out-of-network care varies greatly by age – from $51,389 for patients between 21- and 40-years-old to $78,569 for patients between 41 and 60 years old, according to updated cost analysis data from FAIR Health.

Hospitalization charges for patients under 20-years-old without insurance averaged about $68,261. For people over 60-years-old, that figure was about $77,323.

The highest averaged allowed amount paid to the provider under an insurance plan was $40,208 for people over 60 and was lowest for patients 21 to 40 at $26,152.

These figures represent a cost analysis from February through August, which is updated from July.


I agree.

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:


Arent companies ALREADY having huge problems getting staff ? and now they want to alienate yet another pool of potential workers ?

Well, arent they speeeccciiiaaallllll.......

That staffing problem might go away when we stop giving out all that free stuff and expanded benefits for those not willing to earn their own way. Yeah, crazy it is.

sourmash SEP 05, 10:05 AM
Two top FDA doctors just announced they're leaving.
Almost half of CDC staff aren't injected. They aren't mandated to be, last I heard.

Working people will draw back on lifestyle to avoid being part of the experiment.

This isn't America anymore.
rinselberg SEP 05, 10:19 AM

Originally posted by sourmash:
Almost half of CDC staff aren't injected.

As of now, or as of 6 or 8 months ago?

I've seen it Fact Checked, where that assertion about "half of CDC" has been linked with a statement from Fauci--but not a recent statement.
steve308 SEP 05, 04:49 PM
It's amazing how many of those who are vaccinated against Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus (DPT), Poliomyelitis (IPV/OPV), Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B, Chicken Pox (Varicella), and Hepatitis A. and others if you were in the military are against getting a shot. It is their right. It's also the right of employers including the government to require vaccination as a condition of employment. It's that simple. It is the right of those companies or governments to invoke an insurance cost surcharge for those who chose to run a Q-tip up their nose once a week and wait for a negative result from a lab before being allowed into a place of work if that is an option. It is a choice to become unemployed if that individual choses to do so. It's also the right of the government to put terms and conditions on the qualifications to receive unemployment benefits. So if it becomes a requirement to have proof of vaccination to get that slice of government cheese...what will they do then?

Look at the NFL.....When the owners exercised their rights to protect their income by announcing fines, and loss of pay should a non vaccinated player lose playing time and or cause a game to be cancelled the league wide vaccination rate went from the mid 40% to the mid 90%. I haven't heard of a player dying from the shot.

If a business or restaurant requires proof of vaccination, so be it. It's their business and livelihood, not mine, not yours. If I'm not vaccinated, I'll go elsewhere. Fairly simple. If I'm not welcome on an island or into a country a neighboring state or city because I've chosen to not get the shot, I'll go where I'm welcome.

Funny that we haven't seen a sign on a door that say's. No entry IF you are vaccinated.

RWDPLZ SEP 05, 06:36 PM
Two years from now:

Insurance Companies: "Oh, you got the Covid vaccine? Sorry, we don't cover anyone with pre-existing conditions. Well, it was YOUR choice to get it?"
sourmash SEP 05, 06:44 PM
Exactly a possibility.

Steve: because this isnt a vaccine. It's an experiment. You can still get the disease. You can still carry it. Still transmit it. And can still die from it. And even the shots can kill you. If they don't, they still can cause permanent or temporary adverse effects. We don't even know the long term ones. I'm positive millions at least will be sorry they took it.

How many people that you mention above get any of those ailments after a true vaccination for them? None?

You can choose to partake in the experiment. I think it's reckless to your future health and the well being of your family or even nuts.

They told you we just need to flatten the curve. They said temporary mask wearing. They said we do this to get back to normal. They said a vaccine will fix this.

When will you admit they were wrong, that you were fooled and that we are not ever going back to normal as long as they are in power?

Originally posted by rinselberg:As of now, or as of 6 or 8 months ago?

I've seen it Fact Checked, where that assertion about "half of CDC" has been linked with a statement from Fauci--but not a recent statement.

It was May. Not 6-8 months ago and wasn't just Fauci. It was a panel and all answered, except one director deflected.

You keep claiming it was fact checked with no evidence that it was false...because it's on video that anyone can draw up to watch. Yeah fact checked and true. These are the people at the tip of the spear and they have every opportunity to get injected with the experiment. They said no.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 09-05-2021).]