Big Tech payola to right wingers to downplay censorship. (Page 1/1)
sourmash SEP 06, 11:15 AM
Hey, it's just capitalism.
They paid off 'right wing' [aka: phony] talking sources so that Republicans will parrot, Well, it's a private company. They can do what they want.

If you still weren’t quite convinced that our country’s moral compass has shattered and that our value and belief systems have been completely corrupted by greed and lust, this should finally convince you.

Longtime readers of this site know we’ve consistently reported on how the big tech giants have censored conservative outlets and content, and the allegations aren’t simply part of some wild conspiracy theory.

In fact, much of our reporting has cited experts who have found evidence of the censorship (which occurs by adjusting search and content algorithms to downplay/downgrade conservative content) and insiders who came forward as whistleblowers with stories of outright censorship of right-leaning sites.

A multitude of conservative sites reported on this censorship because they had found evidence of it, but then all of a sudden, the criticism from these sites turned to pained explanations of how, ‘as conservatives,’ we shouldn’t bash Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube over it because ‘they are private companies and they can do as they please.’

‘This is America, after all.’

Now mind you, these tech companies operate under Sect. 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996; the section protects them from liability for content posted to their sites. But when these same platforms censor content or otherwise control what content users are permitted to see, they then become publishers and as such are no longer just social media platforms, thus subject to the same liabilities as publishers are.

There is also this: Big tech takes in hundreds of millions in advertising and marketing money from conservative page operators who are trying to grow their pages and expand the reach of their content, so when their content is throttled and hidden, that amounts to a massive RICO statutes violation and fraud.

But what about the sudden change of heart among the once-critical conservative sites? Newsmax TV’s ace reporter Emerald Robinson, writing on her SubStack page, has the answer: They were bought off by the big tech giants:

There were rumors in the summer of 2018 that an audiotape was circulating that would send shockwaves through the think tanks of Washington and the conservative intellectual movement in particular. A top Google executive had been recorded telling his fellow employees that Google generously donated to conservative think tanks and magazines to dampen criticism of their anti-conservative bias. In essence, Google was buying off Conservatism Inc. and the GOP establishment to stay silent while Google monitored, harassed, and excluded Trump supporters. If true, the tape sounded like a smoking gun: incontrovertible evidence of the corruption and double-dealing of Conservatism Inc. that would permanently discredit it with Republican voters.

To summarize, the tape was offered as an exclusive scoop to The Wall Street Journal last fall, but because that outlet is also compromised and operated as another ‘right-leaning’ NeverTrump rag, the best the paper did was a weak offering months later that didn’t name any names — and only then after Robinson herself took to her Twitter account to “break” the story with the hopes that doing so would empower the WSJ and give the paper some cover.

It didn’t.

Instead, she was attacked by a consummate fake conservative, National Review’s Jonah Goldberg, who used to like every single one of Trump’s conservative positions until Trump the D.C. Outsider won the election.

Robinson went on to name names:

I was told that the tape had been offered as an exclusive to the Wall Street Journal. Months went by, and nothing happened. (There were rumors during that time that Big Tech lobbyists were trying very hard to get the Wall Street Journal to kill the story.) Then I began to get a series of messages from various anonymous sources that the organizations that were guilty of taking Google money to stay silent included: the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Cato Institute, CPAC, the Weekly Standard and the National Review.

You realize, of course, that this means these ‘conservative’ entities and outlets are literally no better than the left-wing trash media for they, too, took their manna from their big tech masters while betraying their readers.

There is some solace in all of this: That piece of RINO garbage, The Weekly Standard, co-founded by very fake ‘conservative’ William Kristol, folded anyway. And for the record, it appears as though Robinson was late to the party; LifeSite News had the story in June 2020.

Needless to say, Robinson was mocked and attacked by the same losers — we are looking at you, Goldberg — for reporting what was ultimately accurate, proving again that these fake conservative outlets literally are no better than the left-wing trash they supposedly ‘oppose.’

They blamed her for exposing their hypocrisy, in other words.
MidEngineManiac SEP 06, 12:48 PM
Aint it funny...

The VERY same ones parroting "It's a private company, they can do what they want" are also the VERY first ones trying to tell individuals "you cant say/do/have that"